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[1.17.1] Overriding Vanilla method


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Forge 1.17.1
Hello. I want to do something like scare mobs potion effect. It basically would make mobs ignore the player, just like on gamemode creative. I discovered that when I give player disableDamage ability (player.abilities.disableDamage), mobs start to ignore the player. But I don't want to make player invulnerable (I'll use tags).
Then I found this method in MobEntity class:

public boolean canAttack(LivingEntity target) {
      return target.getType() == EntityType.PLAYER && ((PlayerEntity)target).abilities.disableDamage ? false : super.canAttack(target);

I just need to somehow override/change/...? it to something like

return target.getType() == EntityType.PLAYER && ((PlayerEntity)target).getTags().contains("scare_mobs") ? false && ((PlayerEntity)target).abilities.disableDamage ? false : super.canAttack(target);)

but I don't really know how. What is the best way to do this, without breaking the game?

Edited by KopoL
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  • KopoL changed the title to [1.17.1] Overriding Vanilla method

Okay, thank you. But do you think of any other way to prevent them from attacking the player without making him invulnerable - without using abilities? Because using core modding is my final solution, If I had any other option I'd prefer to use it.

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