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I've made a simple custom fluid which overrides it's tick method in order to run some checks for any nearby burning blocks. Using the debugger and some breakpoints, I'm able to see that while the tick method for FlowingFluid is being run, my method which overrides that one isn't.

public abstract class NitroglycerinFluid extends ForgeFlowingFluid {
    // Directly reference a log4j logger.
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();

    protected NitroglycerinFluid(Properties properties) {

    public static Properties createProperties() {
        return new Properties(() -> ModFluids.NITROGLYCERIN, () -> ModFluids.FLOWING_NITROGLYCERIN, FluidAttributes.builder(new ResourceLocation("sussybakaplus:block/nitroglycerin_still"), new ResourceLocation("sussybakaplus:block/nitroglycerin_flow")).overlay(new ResourceLocation("sussybakaplus:block/nitroglycerin_overlay")).density(3000).viscosity(1000).luminosity(15).temperature(1300)).tickRate(1).canMultiply().bucket(() -> ModItems.NITROGLYCERIN_BUCKET).block(() -> ModBlocks.NITROGLYCERIN);

    public boolean isSource(FluidState state) {
        return false;

    public int getAmount(FluidState state) {
        return state.getValue(LEVEL);

    public void animateTick(Level p_76445_, BlockPos p_76446_, FluidState p_76447_, Random p_76448_) {
        if (!p_76447_.isSource() && !p_76447_.getValue(FALLING)) {
            if (p_76448_.nextInt(64) == 0) {
                p_76445_.playLocalSound((double)p_76446_.getX() + 0.5D, (double)p_76446_.getY() + 0.5D, (double)p_76446_.getZ() + 0.5D, SoundEvents.WATER_AMBIENT, SoundSource.BLOCKS, p_76448_.nextFloat() * 0.25F + 0.75F, p_76448_.nextFloat() + 0.5F, false);
        } else if (p_76448_.nextInt(10) == 0) {
            p_76445_.addParticle(ParticleTypes.UNDERWATER, (double)p_76446_.getX() + p_76448_.nextDouble(), (double)p_76446_.getY() + p_76448_.nextDouble(), (double)p_76446_.getZ() + p_76448_.nextDouble(), 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D);


    public ParticleOptions getDripParticle() {
        return ParticleTypes.DRIPPING_WATER;

    protected void beforeDestroyingBlock(LevelAccessor accessor, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) {
        BlockEntity blockentity = state.hasBlockEntity() ? accessor.getBlockEntity(pos) : null;

        LOGGER.info("spread to " + state.getBlock().getRegistryName().toString());

        if (state.getBlock().getRegistryName().getPath().equals("fire")) {
            float f = 4.0F;
            Minecraft.getInstance().level.explode(null, pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), f, Explosion.BlockInteraction.BREAK);

        //Block.dropResources(state, accessor, pos, blockentity);

    public void tick(Level level, BlockPos pos, FluidState state) {
        //super.tick(level, pos, state);

        if (this.hasBurningNeighbors(level, pos)) {
            float f = 4.0F;
            level.explode(null, pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), f, Explosion.BlockInteraction.BREAK);
        } else {
            LOGGER.info(pos.toShortString() + " doesn't have any buring neighbors");

    private boolean hasBurningNeighbors(LevelReader levelReader, BlockPos pos) {
        for(Direction direction : Direction.values()) {
            if (this.isBurning(levelReader, pos.relative(direction))) {
                return true;

        return false;

    private boolean isBurning(LevelReader levelReader, BlockPos pos) {
        return (pos.getY() < levelReader.getMinBuildHeight() || pos.getY() >= levelReader.getMaxBuildHeight() || levelReader.hasChunkAt(pos)) && levelReader.getBlockState(pos).isBurning(levelReader, pos);

    protected float getExplosionResistance() {
        return 0.0F;

    public int getTickDelay(LevelReader p_76226_) {
        return p_76226_.dimensionType().ultraWarm() ? 1 : 1;

    protected boolean isRandomlyTicking() {
        return true;

    public Optional<SoundEvent> getPickupSound() {
        return Optional.of(SoundEvents.BUCKET_FILL);

My Fluid Class

Posted (edited)

I fixed it by making a liquidblock for the fluid, which I didn't do (correctly).

Additionaly, I made the class extend FlowingFluid instead of ForgeFlowingFluid.

Edited by Goosey
  • 2 months later...

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