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Dimension Specific Biome Adding


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I think there should be a method to add multiple biomes to your dimension without making a whole new worldchunkmanager and all that. How I would imagine this being like is this:


MinecraftForge.addBiomeToDimension(biomeName, dimensionId);


So in my case that would be:


MinecraftForge.addBiomeToDimension(AC_BiomeGenBase.FrostForest, 23);


I hope this seems like a good idea as it is very easy to then add a new biome to your custom dimension.

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maybe forge eventually will, but if it does, it will have to do so properly (aka, making sure all existing mods that rely on dimensionAPI can be ported without loss of features)


forge already removed 2 dependencies for modders, but seeing as the mod API is quite close, i dont think we can expect forge to include any other 'big' API replacements simply because it would not be worth all the trouble it takes to make it happen

Being noobish since 96, being dumb since birth!

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maybe forge eventually will, but if it does, it will have to do so properly (aka, making sure all existing mods that rely on dimensionAPI can be ported without loss of features)


forge already removed 2 dependencies for modders, but seeing as the mod API is quite close, i dont think we can expect forge to include any other 'big' API replacements simply because it would not be worth all the trouble it takes to make it happen


Wouldnt it just be a like a method  that checks the worldtype when creating worlds and if its the ID specified by the modder, initiate the ModLoader.addBiome in that dimension?


Im sorry if im just rambling on about impossible stuff, it is nearly 4AM and im a bit tired

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I'd also like to see this added in, and i also only like using Forge as an API, too much work for players to add a list of APIs. That's why i was happy to see it dropping dependencies.

the dependencies were dropped because that is exactly what they were, dependencies

forge does not depend on dimensionAPI to work


of course, i am not against it, i am just warning you not to expect it anytime soon, or possible not at all due to the modAPI

Being noobish since 96, being dumb since birth!

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