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Hangcow's Texture Kiosk


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Cow, thanks for the Washer GUI, but I have some bad news:


There's been a change of concept in the Washer, it'll now on occasion produce secondary ores.


So, a small list of tweaks I'd like you to make to the current Washer GUI:


Add 8 more output slots, in a 3x3 fashion.

Get rid of the sud fire... thing. I wasn't thinking straight when I asked for it.

Replace the progress bar with bubbles.

Add some artistic flare to the background if you want to, be creative.


Thank you, and you don't have to get it done right away.


intresting on it : )

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ObsequiousNewt ; So, I had a lot more then this done but i just didn't like any of it. So, I trashed it and started over. I would really like to use a 32 bit temple. So, I can get more space and detail but that means you would need to make all your items 32bit or use this set as a separate page when coding. If you look at grapes you'll see i just don't have the room to do what I want. If your ok with this just say so. If not there well be a few of these that can't be done, like bananas, and grapes.


16bit copy so far






32x32 is fine with me; after all, Forge has built-in support for other resolutions. The current textures look excellent, by the way. Also, don't feel under any obligation to get them done quickly; I have plenty of time.



Co-author of Pentachoron Labs' SBFP Tech.

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ObsequiousNewt ; So, I had a lot more then this done but i just didn't like any of it. So, I trashed it and started over. I would really like to use a 32 bit temple. So, I can get more space and detail but that means you would need to make all your items 32bit or use this set as a separate page when coding. If you look at grapes you'll see i just don't have the room to do what I want. If your ok with this just say so. If not there well be a few of these that can't be done, like bananas, and grapes.


16bit copy so far






32x32 is fine with me; after all, Forge has built-in support for other resolutions. The current textures look excellent, by the way. Also, don't feel under any obligation to get them done quickly; I have plenty of time.


Ok ill take my time get really cool items for you!

Btw Forge support all the way up to 128bit but thats kinda of over doing it : )

32bit should do nicely ill keep you up to date.

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So, This Week sucked again. I do tooooooooo much at once; anyways I am to lazy to split this up so look for the spoiler with you name.  Like always I well edit anything that needs it and yes there is a progress bar in yours atrain it is just white.










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So, This Week sucked again. I do tooooooooo much at once; anyways I am to lazy to split this up so look for the spoiler with you name.  Like always I well edit anything that needs it and yes there is a progress bar in yours atrain it is just white.










Oh, wow!

That is very, very, nice! :D

So, what would happen if I did push that shiny red button over there? ... Really? ... Can I try it? ... Damn.

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So, This Week sucked again. I do tooooooooo much at once; anyways I am to lazy to split this up so look for the spoiler with you name.  Like always I well edit anything that needs it and yes there is a progress bar in yours atrain it is just white.










Oh, wow!

That is very, very, nice! :D



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ObsequiousNewt, So am about half way done so it should be about Wednesday; when I get done and I always forget to upload then so you should have you textures Friday. Also , if you wouldn't mind elaborating about the nuts do you want shells or not or whatever. I would post a picture but i have to leave in like 5 mins; So, if I am not busy later ill edit this and post one. 

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ObsequiousNewt, So am about half way done so it should be about Wednesday; when I get done and I always forget to upload then so you should have you textures Friday. Also , if you wouldn't mind elaborating about the nuts do you want shells or not or whatever. I would post a picture but i have to leave in like 5 mins; So, if I am not busy later ill edit this and post one.

Coconuts and peanuts should have a shell, pecans should not. Nutmeg should look like the entire fruit, not ground (if you need to, look at the Wikipedia article for examples.) I know that some of these are weird, but I want to be thorough.

Thank you for your time!



Co-author of Pentachoron Labs' SBFP Tech.

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ObsequiousNewt, So am about half way done so it should be about Wednesday; when I get done and I always forget to upload then so you should have you textures Friday. Also , if you wouldn't mind elaborating about the nuts do you want shells or not or whatever. I would post a picture but i have to leave in like 5 mins; So, if I am not busy later ill edit this and post one.

Coconuts and peanuts should have a shell, pecans should not. Nutmeg should look like the entire fruit, not ground (if you need to, look at the Wikipedia article for examples.) I know that some of these are weird, but I want to be thorough.

Thank you for your time!


Thank you for the elaboration I figured you would want some one way and some the other : )

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Alright, I could use two more textures:


The first is a better furnace, which I've finally decided to add.


The second is a sort of Ender Pearl + Aluminum hopper. (Note: It'll only need 1 texture due to rendering type magic.)


Please, thank you, and if you're too busy, don't worry, I'm not in a rush.

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sure, I have if for you tomorrow if i don't forget xD


Mmmmmm make that Wednesday you'll get it when  ObsequiousNewt gets his iam lazy and want to only upload once : )

Makes no difference to me!

So, what would happen if I did push that shiny red button over there? ... Really? ... Can I try it? ... Damn.

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ObsequiousNewt, Ill upload a picture in about 10h's or so then we can talk though any change you might want witch should take a day depending on how many you want. I am sry about the wait so far started my senior year of high school 2 weeks ago and its been a bitch. I am sending this from a public computer not my own the reason for the hour difference in my upload sry : )


Atrain, I kicked a few ideals around but everything i came up with looks ether like gold or sulfur. Can I get maybe a reference picture or an elaboration. I was thinking for my next attempt to do like a gold block with maybe gemstones of varying shades of yellow and orange but I'am not to sure what your looking for.   

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ObsequiousNewt, Ill upload a picture in about 10h's or so then we can talk though any change you might want witch should take a day depending on how many you want. I am sry about the wait so far started my senior year of high school 2 weeks ago and its been a bitch. I am sending this from a public computer not my own the reason for the hour difference in my upload sry : )


Atrain, I kicked a few ideals around but everything i came up with looks ether like gold or sulfur. Can I get maybe a reference picture or an elaboration. I was thinking for my next attempt to do like a gold block with maybe gemstones of varying shades of yellow and orange but I'am not to sure what your looking for. 


Here you go!

So, what would happen if I did push that shiny red button over there? ... Really? ... Can I try it? ... Damn.

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photobucket , was being difficult and won't let me upload pictures for some reason I'm tired so I am going to sleep. I try again in the morning if I remember. It seems like every day that passes I lose another part of my mind :) hmmm or maybe its the lack of sleep :)


Anyways if it won't let upload again in the morning ill just package it up and send it to you and have you look at it that way. I, already see that almost every single one needs an edit one way or another be it size or just a bit more airbrushes here and there but ill see if you think the same before i delve back into it :)


Anyway I had to cheat and work around with some things, it reminded my of how I hated work with small space in art; and it reminded me of how much I love art for that I thank you : )




Atrain- So, I was thinking maybe like a dirt or rock background with transparent yellow-orangish gemstones in it or maybe a transparent stone like glass with imperfection in it like some small yellow gems and orangish gems etc. which one do you think is closer to what you want ?

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photobucket , was being difficult and won't let me upload pictures for some reason I'm tired so I am going to sleep. I try again in the morning if I remember. It seems like every day that passes I lose another part of my mind :) hmmm or maybe its the lack of sleep :)


Anyways if it won't let upload again in the morning ill just package it up and send it to you and have you look at it that way. I, already see that almost every single one needs an edit one way or another be it size or just a bit more airbrushes here and there but ill see if you think the same before i delve back into it :)


Anyway I had to cheat and work around with some things, it reminded my of how I hated work with small space in art; and it reminded me of how much I love art for that I thank you : )




Atrain- So, I was thinking maybe like a dirt or rock background with transparent yellow-orangish gemstones in it or maybe a transparent stone like glass with imperfection in it like some small yellow gems and orangish gems etc. which one do you think is closer to what you want ?

Stone background with the crystals, please! Thank you! :)

So, what would happen if I did push that shiny red button over there? ... Really? ... Can I try it? ... Damn.

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OK , ObsequiousNewt as I said before this is a draft not the finished product, I'm sry it took so long. I did a lot of them; from memory witch is the reason I said a lot would need edits. I plan to spend all weekend finishing this project for you. Now, I could take a crack at the edits my self. Witch, I know what I want everything to look like but these are yours. So, if you can give me as much input as you deam fit I would appropriate it, be it a change to size or a total rework I don't mind. You really can't hurt my feelings trust me I love to work with people to get the texture they like.


Anyways here is the first picture I know some look a bit rough but i just wanted to get he shape down first and the edit take very little time after. Trust me : )


P.S. I think one or Two are missing now that i reread your list hmmm I'm not sure why anyways if you can get the edit info to me. I can make the first round of edits and we should have you a finished product by Saturday or Sunday.





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photobucket , was being difficult and won't let me upload pictures for some reason I'm tired so I am going to sleep. I try again in the morning if I remember. It seems like every day that passes I lose another part of my mind :) hmmm or maybe its the lack of sleep :)


Anyways if it won't let upload again in the morning ill just package it up and send it to you and have you look at it that way. I, already see that almost every single one needs an edit one way or another be it size or just a bit more airbrushes here and there but ill see if you think the same before i delve back into it :)


Anyway I had to cheat and work around with some things, it reminded my of how I hated work with small space in art; and it reminded me of how much I love art for that I thank you : )




Atrain- So, I was thinking maybe like a dirt or rock background with transparent yellow-orangish gemstones in it or maybe a transparent stone like glass with imperfection in it like some small yellow gems and orangish gems etc. which one do you think is closer to what you want ?

Stone background with the crystals, please! Thank you! :)


On, it ; would have been done already but the forge site keeps going down for one reason or another and this is the first time i could get on : ) tomorrow night I promise

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photobucket , was being difficult and won't let me upload pictures for some reason I'm tired so I am going to sleep. I try again in the morning if I remember. It seems like every day that passes I lose another part of my mind :) hmmm or maybe its the lack of sleep :)


Anyways if it won't let upload again in the morning ill just package it up and send it to you and have you look at it that way. I, already see that almost every single one needs an edit one way or another be it size or just a bit more airbrushes here and there but ill see if you think the same before i delve back into it :)


Anyway I had to cheat and work around with some things, it reminded my of how I hated work with small space in art; and it reminded me of how much I love art for that I thank you : )




Atrain- So, I was thinking maybe like a dirt or rock background with transparent yellow-orangish gemstones in it or maybe a transparent stone like glass with imperfection in it like some small yellow gems and orangish gems etc. which one do you think is closer to what you want ?

Stone background with the crystals, please! Thank you! :)


On, it ; would have been done already but the forge site keeps going down for one reason or another and this is the first time i could get on : ) tomorrow night I promise

I understand completely.

So, what would happen if I did push that shiny red button over there? ... Really? ... Can I try it? ... Damn.

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OK , ObsequiousNewt as I said before this is a draft not the finished product, I'm sry it took so long. I did a lot of them; from memory witch is the reason I said a lot would need edits. I plan to spend all weekend finishing this project for you. Now, I could take a crack at the edits my self. Witch, I know what I want everything to look like but these are yours. So, if you can give me as much input as you deam fit I would appropriate it, be it a change to size or a total rework I don't mind. You really can't hurt my feelings trust me I love to work with people to get the texture they like.


Anyways here is the first picture I know some look a bit rough but i just wanted to get he shape down first and the edit take very little time after. Trust me : )


P.S. I think one or Two are missing now that i reread your list hmmm I'm not sure why anyways if you can get the edit info to me. I can make the first round of edits and we should have you a finished product by Saturday or Sunday.





They all look excellent!

Let's see... I'm assuming (correct me if I'm wrong) that they are, in order:

Pear, apricot, cherry, plum, mulberries, peach, date, fig, orange, lemon, lime

Pomegranate, banana, coconut, mango, (?), olive, pecan, grape, honeydew, canteloupe, strawberries

Peanuts, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries.

If that's the case (I know that I probably have some of them wrong; it's not that they don't look realistic, it's just that they're out of order), then you're just missing vanilla and pineapple.



Co-author of Pentachoron Labs' SBFP Tech.

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got you block done atrain well post it tomorrow with the fruit i'm still editing just informing you

Excellent! That means I can fix bugs, and then add the new ore.

So, what would happen if I did push that shiny red button over there? ... Really? ... Can I try it? ... Damn.

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and all spice I think well i make some edits and make thous because there missing and ummmmm you'll get them this time tomorrow.


Can I get a picture of vanilla there is a few different ones.

Which ones did I misidentify? Incidentally, I think it would look better if the grapes were purple (that way it wouldn't look so much like a pepper.)

Use this image for vanilla (I got it from Wikipedia btw):







Co-author of Pentachoron Labs' SBFP Tech.

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