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I want to program a mod where, after loading Forge, the Minecraft standard screen (which is displayed when you load e.B. a world, when you change a dimension, when you change settings, ...) is displayed with a text (which changes frequently).

Edited by ErfinderLabyrinth
  • ErfinderLabyrinth changed the title to Display Minecraft Standard Background (Dirt) after the loading of Forge

maybe he's angry at people and wants them to read his advertisement (or bad poetry) before allowing them into the game?

or he simply forgot most important thing about making a mod - that mods are additions that other people would hopefully enjoy.


I have now solved it like this:

//Called when the mod is loaded
new Thread(() -> {
			while (true) {
				if (!ClientModLoader.isLoading()) {
					try {
					} catch (InterruptedException e) {
					Minecraft.getInstance().setScreen(new LoadScreen());
//Called when the main screen is to be loaded
public static void finished() {
	Minecraft.getInstance().setScreen(new MainMenuScreen());


I realize that this only works with the client and not on the server

But are there any other problems besides the one mentioned above?


1. Die drei Sekunden sind dafür da, da wenn ClientModLoader.isLoading() false ist, es trotzdem noch kurz braucht, bis man mit der Methode Minecraft#setScreen erfolgreich einen Screen anzeigen kann.

2. Der Thread fragt dauerhaft, ob Forge mit dem Laden fertig sei und wenn Forge mit dem Laden fertig ist wartet es 3 Sekunden(Begründung siehe 1.) und lädt den Load Screen. Wenn die Load-Engine fertig ist, wird die Methode finished() aufgerufen, dieser dann den Hauptbildschirm ladet.

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