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Problems with Streams and BlockPos


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I'm trying to write a method that produces a Map<BlockPos, Double> containing every block within a certain radius of a given point and their distance to that point. However, it has a very strange problem: if there are 30 blocks within that radius, it will add each of those 30 blocks to the output map... and then return a map contianing 30 copies of a single block, which isn't even within the radius provided. (It's the block with the highest x,y,z coordinates in the original box.)

Does anyone know what's going wrong here? My apologies if this turns out to be me misusing streams rather than an actual Forge issue, but I think there's an equal chance that I'm misunderstanding BlockPos.betweenClosedStream() instead.

    public Map<BlockPos, Double> blockMap() {
        //Create a box
        int variation = (int) Math.ceil(radius);
        BlockPos pos1 = new BlockPos(origin.getX()-variation, origin.getY()-variation,origin.getZ()-variation);
        BlockPos pos2 = new BlockPos(origin.getX()+variation, origin.getY()+variation, origin.getZ()+variation);
      	//(pos2 is the block that I end up with many copies of in the map)

        //Put all blocks within that box into a map if they pass a filter
        //Create a map to collect outputs in
        HashMap<BlockPos, Double> output = new HashMap<BlockPos, Double>();
        //Create a stream of blocks
        BlockPos.betweenClosedStream(pos1, pos2)
                //Filter out ones that don't match our criteria
                .filter(c -> distance(c) <= radius)

                //Put the remaining ones into a map:
                .forEach(c -> {
                    //Put the block into the map
                    output.put(c, (double) distance(c));

//                    Log that you've done this. This indicates that many different elements are being placed into the map.
                    LogUtils.getLogger().info("Placing " + c.toShortString() + " into pattern map");
                    LogUtils.getLogger().info("Pattern map has " + output.entrySet().size() + " elements");
                    StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder("Sphere pattern blocks: ");
                    for (BlockPos pos : output.keySet()) {
                        sb1.append("(").append(pos.toShortString()).append("), ");

        //After the loop, do the *exact same* printing of the output. This suddenly shows that the output
        //is full of many copies of the *same* block, which shouldn't even have passed the filter.
        //It's either the first or last block to have been passed into the stream, not sure.
        LogUtils.getLogger().info("Generated a sphere pattern. It has " + output.entrySet().size() + " elements.");
        LogUtils.getLogger().info("Sphere pattern blocks: ");
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (BlockPos pos : output.keySet()) {
            sb.append("(").append(pos.toShortString()).append("), ");

        return output;

The log then looks like this:


Edited by Syric
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So I would do something like this? Just checking that I understand what you mean by calling #immutable.

BlockPos.betweenClosedStream(pos1, pos2)
                //Filter out ones that don't match our criteria
                .filter(c -> distance(c) <= radius)

                //Put the remaining ones into a map:
                .forEach(c -> {
                    //Put the block into the map
                    output.put(c.immutable(), (double) distance(c));

Edit: yep, that worked. Thank you!

Edited by Syric
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I am sure many are confused when you used the javadoc convention for naming methods.

Hobbiest programmers have probably never written javadoc. 🙂


If you don't post your logs/debug.log we can't help you. For curseforge you need to enable the forge debug.log in its minecraft settings. You should also post your crash report if you have one.

If there is no error in the log file and you don't have a crash report then post the launcher_log.txt from the minecraft folder. Again for curseforge this will be in your curseforge/minecraft/Install

Large files should be posted to a file sharing site like https://gist.github.com  You should also read the support forum sticky post.

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