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So I've been having this issue with my Furnace. When I try to open it, it says "A gui can not be opened because it is not a NetworkMod." or something close to that. (:




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also your code is huge, use paste.minecraftforge.net

reading that black on grey will take FOREVER :P


Reading it on a paste site however is WAY easier ;)


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

  On 8/13/2013 at 11:13 PM, hydroflame said:

im not suuuure but

serversiderequired = true ???


This will at least make any users of the mod D/C when attempting to connect to a server without this mod installed.


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


not that it's likely to be anything to do with your problem Water' , but taking all the registrations for everything into separate classes would make the code a lot more easy to read/debug also...


e.g. pulling all the block registrations and fields into their own class from those preinit/inits, and calling a static method on a class to initialise them all... i do this for blocks, items, entities... each with their own "init this lot" class... that way my FMLInit/PreInitializationEvent methods just say the equivalent of: "BlockHelper.init()" in the preinit  and "BlockHelper.register()" in my init [ plus similar for items and entities n stuff ]


as a rule, i consider any method longer than about a standard screen page to need refactoring... [ unless there's a really good reason i can't break the method down, or if it makes no sense to do so ]


doing it this way will make your life a helluva lot easier if you ever need to change anything, since it'll be all nice an encapsulated in its own class... plus it makes abstracting the main mod from the blocks/items etc a lot simpler...


... and it'll save the eyes of those trying to read the code from bleeding as much ;)



back to your issue... i don't think you've pasted the code where the error happens, surely that's on an openGui line, no?



[ as an aside also, is there a specific reason why you have two separate blocks for the furnace when it's lit or not lit? - rather than just use metadata to switch the texture/mode? sorry - i'm not trying to pick holes in the code, i'm just curious :) ]



Should be better this way:

@Mod(modid = mod_id, name = "The Nether Overhaul", version="ALPHA 1.0")
@NetworkMod(clientSideRequired = true, serverSideRequired = false)

public class mod_Nether {
   public static final String mod_id = "teamoverhaul_netheroverhaul";
   public static mod_Nether instance;


  On 8/14/2013 at 3:57 AM, ingiethingie said:

not that it's likely to be anything to do with your problem Water' , but taking all the registrations for everything into separate classes would make the code a lot more easy to read/debug also...


e.g. pulling all the block registrations and fields into their own class from those preinit/inits, and calling a static method on a class to initialise them all... i do this for blocks, items, entities... each with their own "init this lot" class... that way my FMLInit/PreInitializationEvent methods just say the equivalent of: "BlockHelper.init()" in the preinit  and "BlockHelper.register()" in my init [ plus similar for items and entities n stuff ]


as a rule, i consider any method longer than about a standard screen page to need refactoring... [ unless there's a really good reason i can't break the method down, or if it makes no sense to do so ]


doing it this way will make your life a helluva lot easier if you ever need to change anything, since it'll be all nice an encapsulated in its own class... plus it makes abstracting the main mod from the blocks/items etc a lot simpler...


... and it'll save the eyes of those trying to read the code from bleeding as much ;)



back to your issue... i don't think you've pasted the code where the error happens, surely that's on an openGui line, no?



[ as an aside also, is there a specific reason why you have two separate blocks for the furnace when it's lit or not lit? - rather than just use metadata to switch the texture/mode? sorry - i'm not trying to pick holes in the code, i'm just curious :) ]



Haha That's a good point! (: I'm actually working with a team and the other head modder did that... I like your idea better though! (: haha The reason why I did the furnaces that way is because I learned them that way and haven't gotten to meta-data yet in my coding! (: I'll be sure to check it out though! I just took from the MC code and changed what I needed and stuff.



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That's from my Nether Furnace class. I believe that's what you're talking about. (:


Also, I just did what you mentioned and it took out a lot of space! (: Thanks

  On 8/15/2013 at 2:12 AM, ingiethingie said:




did you do what gotolink suggested?  i.e. fix the instance name?


you were using @Instance("The Nether Overhaul")  rather than the modid...


That would do it... :P

I am Mew. The Legendary Psychic. I behave oddly and am always playing practical jokes.


I have also found that I really love making extremely long and extremely but sometimes not so descriptive variables. Sort of like what I just did there xD

  On 8/15/2013 at 2:12 AM, ingiethingie said:




did you do what gotolink suggested?  i.e. fix the instance name?


you were using @Instance("The Nether Overhaul")  rather than the modid...


I totally missed that post! (: I thought something looked fishy with that! Thank you all so much! (:


EDIT: I had to change the instance name to just modid without the "". (: I'm not sure if that will be a problem in the future... But it's fixed! Woo!


Tip: read this www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Modding



Tip2: Keep your mod ID in some separate class file, so you can do Reference.modID whenever you need the modID, if it ever changes you only need to change one line ;)


tip3: The modid should NEVER NEVER include uppercase letters!

      Keep it all lowerCase or else you will get problems at a later stage ;)


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

so you can do Reference.modID whenever you need the modID, if it ever changes you only need to change one line


well .. i mean you should just keep it static, not necessarelly in a separate file


public class Reference{
    public static String modid = "theforgerevolution";


i mean this class is kindof useless




@op: keep in mind that your mod id and your mod NAME are 2 different things, players rarelly get to see the modid



my mod name: "The Forge Revolution"

my mod id: "forgerev" (i think, or something similar)

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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