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[Request][1.6.2]Reduce/Increase Inventory slots

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Hello there!


As there seems to be no place specifically for mod requests relating to Forge, this seems to be the best place for one.  If I am in the wrong, please let me know/remove/move the thread. :)


I am getting ready to start a new server and I have been unable to find a mod/plugin that meets my needs.



  -This mod would change the number of inventory slots that any individual or ALL individuals have to use.  With the new donkeys that act as a portable chest, I want to make it so they are nearly a requirement for people to use when trading or moving a large number of goods.

  -If the mod/plugin also allowed people to increase the number of inventory slots, I am sure that it would get more downloads/use.


Minecraft Version:




All credit will obviously go to the person who creates the plugin.  If you help me find a plugin/mod that already does this, then you'll get a mention in my server post as well, haha.





I don't think it would be that hard to do technically. The issues are more compatibility related. For example changing the player inventory size would be easiest to do by modifying minecraft code, which means this would have to be a core mod with a higher risk of conflict with other mods. If thats acceptable then we are talking just about changing a few lines of code here and there as well as modifying the inventory GUI screen texture.


Hm... That COULD pose a challenge.  I'm trying to think what all it might interfere with... probably things like optifine or whatever, where it shows all the blocks to the right when you open your inventory?  I would hope that as long as no other mods affect what the inventory screen looks like, there should be no possibility of conflict, right?


I just had an idea spark... Would it be difficult to make it add an item that when worn on the chest slot adds a number of inventory slots?  I imagine that having to modify direct minecraft code would increase the chance of anything fancy breaking things like that, no?


Haha, sorry for the confusion.  I want there to be basically only the hotbar initially, but MAYBE have the ability to put on a backpack to carry say... 6 slots or something.  I feel it would add to immersion, haha.  Of course, That would probably be a separate plugin/mod/whatever. :)


Ah ok, well, i'm quite sure this requires modifying vanilla player inventory code still. Even though it sounds like a good idea, at least worth trying. It will be hard to predict how it turns out without a playtest but increasing difficulty should provide immersion if done correctly.

Im currently busy with something else but i think after that i could provide you with a mini mod doing just the inventory reduction.

  • 3 weeks later...

So, after some thinking came to the conclusion that is not a good idea. Even if it would be possible to do for vanilla by updating a LOT of places as the inventory sizes are hardcoded basically everywhere, it would probably break with the first additional mod used for the same reason.


Well, already went trough that with you outside the forums but also wanted to update this thread.



So, after some thinking came to the conclusion that is not a good idea. Even if it would be possible to do for vanilla by updating a LOT of places as the inventory sizes are hardcoded basically everywhere, it would probably break with the first additional mod used for the same reason.


Well, already went trough that with you outside the forums but also wanted to update this thread.

Wait, have you ever tried terrafirmacraft? they limited the chest place, and it made survival super hardcore, it was awesome. limiting the available spaces would be useful in some mods to really bring out the survival feel. I sense an UHC forge modpack in the making

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