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[DOUBLE _ SOLVED] - Forge 1.6.2 Texturing Problem (Black/Purple)

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Hey guys im having a slight texture problem so im gona get right down to it!


As my destination for the lastest forge/mcp location for me textures im useing this:



And the Code im useing is as follows:

public class oreAmethystOre extends Block



public oreAmethystOre(int par1, Material par2Material) {

super(par1, Material.rock);




public void registerIcons(IconRegister iconRegister)


blockIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("NonExistingTextures:Amethyst");


public int idDropped (int par1, Random par2Random, int par3)


return WreckItMod_Core.Amethyst.itemID;


public int quantityDropped(Random par1Random)


return 1;





So tell me, Make me feel stupid... What am i doing wrong? As far as i know everything is correct?


Let me know what other info you guys need!


EDIT: This is my error: 2013-08-30 14:13:08 [sEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_3210_RhodiumBlock.png

blockIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("NonExistingTextures:Amethyst");

this registers the icon/image


its formed like this:


in your case the modid is : "NonExistingTextures"

which contains upper case letters


also if you say

@Mod(modid = "Wreck It Mod", name = "Wreck It Mod", version = "Version 1.0")

then that mean your modid is "Wreck It Mod" and not "NonExistingTextures"


so instead of "Wreck It Mod" or "NonExistingTextures"

change both to



the modid is not the mod name, so it wont show up anywhere visible to a normal player

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-


That did not work for me unfortunitly.


Code : blockIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("wreckitmod:CopperOre");


modid : @Mod(modid = "wreckitmod", name = "Wreck It Mod", version = "Version 1.0")


Texture Destination : Desktop\MCP\mcp\src\minecraft\assets\wreckitmod\textures\blocks


Error : Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_2002_CopperOre.png


you could always just get rid of that registerIcons code and stick




on the end of where you call your block in the main class


like mine I use


		unchangingdirt = new BlockUnchangingDirt(3005, Material.ground).setUnlocalizedName("unchangingdirt").setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(2.0F).func_111022_d("jnosh_advblocks:dirt").setCreativeTab(Advblockstab).setStepSound(soundGravelFootstep);


with ".func_111022_d("jnosh_advblocks:dirt")" being what's used to call my custom dirt texture and "jnosh_advblocks" being my modid


you could always just get rid of that registerIcons code and stick




on the end of where you call your block in the main class


like mine I use


		unchangingdirt = new BlockUnchangingDirt(3005, Material.ground).setUnlocalizedName("unchangingdirt").setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(2.0F).func_111022_d("jnosh_advblocks:dirt").setCreativeTab(Advblockstab).setStepSound(soundGravelFootstep);


with ".func_111022_d("jnosh_advblocks:dirt")" being what's used to call my custom dirt texture and "jnosh_advblocks" being my modid


Is your texture destination the same as mine? Ill give this ago soon and get back to you all!




I would like to give a massive THANKS to Jacknoshima for his solution that worked wonders! So if anyone else has the same problem were EVERYTHING is perfect but textures still wont work Add what he stated above and your textures will load!


Trust me iv tryed everything i would have never have found this so thanks so much Jacknoshima ^_^


Trust me iv tryed everything i would have never have found this so thanks so much Jacknoshima ^_^


Great! Give him the "Thank You" button press as well ;)


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


This isn't really solved as your using a func which isn't really a good idea as they aren't "improving" that method...



The way to fix it is make sure your @Mod(modid="Wreckitmod"  has a capital for Wreckitmod. I do not know why this actually works but the way the developer coded forge is this way!



Make sure your @Mod(modid="Wrecktimod" uses a capital - @Mod(modid="[glow=red,2,300]W[/glow]reckitmod"


Make sure your registerIcons modid uses a capital - Wreckitmod:yourtexturenamehere


Make sure your textures directory uses a lowercase so no capitals Example  - wreckitmod



you do not need that func... Also the registerIcons is faster and more usable as it will not give you any errors. But the func will when you export it and when someone uses a resource pack as a resource pack uses the registerIcons method!




the capital W in the @Mod(modid="Wreckitmod" is what your error is you need the capital W

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