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Hi. I am creating a hammer that will dig across the area. I was able to set up digging vertically, but I can't implement digging up or down. I know everyone uses RayTraceResult() but I don't understand how to use it. Here is what I have ready at the moment:

public class Destroyer extends Item {

	public Destroyer(Properties properties) {

	public boolean mineBlock(ItemStack stack, World world, BlockState state, BlockPos pos, LivingEntity entity) {
		Direction direction = entity.getDirection(); 
		int xPos = pos.getX(), yPos = pos.getY(), zPos = pos.getZ();
		if((direction == Direction.NORTH || direction == Direction.SOUTH) && state.getHarvestTool() == ToolType.PICKAXE && state.getHarvestLevel() <= 2) {
			for(int i = xPos - 1; i < xPos + 2; i++) {
				for(int j = yPos - 1; j < yPos + 2; j++) {
					BlockPos pos2 = new BlockPos(i, j, zPos);
					BlockState newState = world.getBlockState(pos2);
					if(newState.getHarvestTool() == ToolType.PICKAXE && newState.getHarvestLevel() <= 2) {
						world.destroyBlock(pos2, true);
			if (!world.isClientSide && state.getDestroySpeed(world, pos) != 0.0F) {
		         stack.hurtAndBreak(1, entity, (p_220038_0_) -> {
		if((direction == Direction.EAST || direction == Direction.WEST) && state.getHarvestTool() == ToolType.PICKAXE && state.getHarvestLevel() <= 2) {
			for(int i = zPos - 1; i < zPos + 2; i++) {
				for(int j = yPos - 1; j < yPos + 2; j++) {
					BlockPos pos2 = new BlockPos(xPos, j, i);
					BlockState newState = world.getBlockState(pos2);
					if(newState.getHarvestTool() == ToolType.PICKAXE && newState.getHarvestLevel() <= 2) {
						world.destroyBlock(pos2, true);
			if (!world.isClientSide && state.getDestroySpeed(world, pos) != 0.0F) {
		         stack.hurtAndBreak(1, entity, (p_220038_0_) -> {
		if(direction == Direction.UP || direction == Direction.DOWN && state.getHarvestTool() == ToolType.PICKAXE && state.getHarvestLevel() <= 2) {
			for(int i = xPos - 1; i < xPos + 2; i++) {
				for(int j = zPos -1; j < zPos + 2; j++) {
					BlockPos pos2 = new BlockPos(xPos, j, i);
					BlockState newState = world.getBlockState(pos2);
					if(newState.getHarvestTool() == ToolType.PICKAXE && newState.getHarvestLevel() <= 2) {
						world.destroyBlock(pos2, true);
			if (!world.isClientSide && state.getDestroySpeed(world, pos) != 0.0F) {
		         stack.hurtAndBreak(1, entity, (p_220038_0_) -> {

		return true;
	public float getDestroySpeed(ItemStack stack, BlockState state) {
		return state.getHarvestTool() == ToolType.PICKAXE && state.getHarvestLevel() <= 2 ? 12f : 1f;
	public boolean isDamageable(ItemStack stack) {
		return true;
	public boolean isCorrectToolForDrops(BlockState state) {
		return state.getHarvestTool() == ToolType.PICKAXE && state.getHarvestLevel() <= 2;


At least I understood the problem. As it turns out, the player does not have an UP or DOWN direction, but what should I do then?

Posted (edited)

Maybe you can try getting the blocks by getting the relative position of blocks from other blocks, based on the direction the player is looking.

public boolean mineBlock(...) {
    // get the blocks you want to break
    BlockPos middle = blockPos;
    BlockPos topMiddle = middle.above();
    BlockPos topLeft = topMiddle.relative(playerEntity.getDirection().getCounterClockWise());
    BlockPos topRight = topMiddle.relative(playerEntity.getDirection().getClockWise());
    BlockPos bottomMiddle = middle.below();
    // add the rest of the blocks here

// maybe call your own function to break those blocks
if (this.breakAndDrop(world, playerEntity, stack, topMiddle)) {
	// you could do something or count something here idk

// which could look something like this
private void breakAndDrop(World world, PlayerEntity player, ItemStack itemStack, BlockPos pos) {
    Block.dropResources(world.getBlockState(pos), world, pos, null, player, itemStack);
    world.destroyBlock(pos, false, player);


Edited by Toasterkid

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