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I've added a counter to the player through IExtendedEntityProperties in NBT

It writes correctly because it starts as 0 when i create a world, it increases when I get it to and then when I close the world, exit the game and reopen the game and world, the counter is the same as I left it.

However, when I create a world and get the counter to 39, I close the world and create a new world and that world has 39 on the counter instead of 0.

Can someone help me

Here are the classes this concerns

Base class (just the method):

MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new EventHandler_PlayerBalances());


EntityPlayerBalances (the one that implements IExtendedEntityProperties

package ss97.cm.minecoin;

import net.minecraft.entity.player.*;
import net.minecraft.entity.*;
import net.minecraft.nbt.*;
import net.minecraft.world.*;
import net.minecraftforge.common.*;

public class EntityPlayerBalances implements IExtendedEntityProperties
public final EntityPlayer player;

//Dat Variable that holds the amount of coins a player has in the "wallet"
public static int minecoinBalanceWallet = 0;

//Dat Variable that holds the amount of coins a player has in the bank
public static int minecoinBalanceBank = 0;

public final static String EXT_PROP_NAME = "EntityPlayerMinecoinBalances";

public EntityPlayerBalances(EntityPlayer player)
	this.player = player;

public void saveNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound)
	compound.setInteger("MinecoinBalanceWallet", this.minecoinBalanceWallet);
	compound.setInteger("MinecoinBalanceBank", this.minecoinBalanceBank);

public void loadNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound)
	this.minecoinBalanceWallet = compound.getInteger("MinecoinBalanceWallet");
	this.minecoinBalanceBank = compound.getInteger("MinecoinBalanceBank");

public void init(Entity entity, World world)




EventHandler_PlayerBalances (The EventHandler I registered in the base class)

package ss97.cm.minecoin;

import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeSubscribe;
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.EntityEvent.EntityConstructing;

public class EventHandler_PlayerBalances
public Minecraft mc;

//Event for registering EntityPlayerBalances
public void onEntityConstructing(EntityConstructing event)
	if (event.entity instanceof EntityPlayer && event.entity.getExtendedProperties(EntityPlayerBalances.EXT_PROP_NAME) == null)
		event.entity.registerExtendedProperties(EntityPlayerBalances.EXT_PROP_NAME, new EntityPlayerBalances((EntityPlayer)event.entity));


Thanks in advance.


public static int minecoinBalanceWallet = 0;
public static int minecoinBalanceBank = 0;

The balances are defined static, which (if this on its own doesn't ring any bells) means that they can't be instantiated, and are the same in every world.

Author of PneumaticCraft, MineChess, Minesweeper Mod and Sokoban Mod. Visit www.minemaarten.com to take a look at them.


and or, even if you close the game and reopen it you still load the same file even if its a different player name


watchout for that

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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