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Black screen or fatal error


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Hello. Help me if you can..


Game Version 1.5.2

1) In the client, I have the next libraries:








The first time the launcher comes to the server and all is well, but in the second and subsequent times a black screen appears.


2) Then I decided to remove the library from the client that they were downloaded to forge the server automatically, but can not find forge on your own server two libraries:




3) I read the FAQ and in the lib client put the next libraries:






Other libraries I did not put it in the client.

The result is the same - black screen again in the second and subsequent attempts join the server.


Log file in all cases contain this line: FML appears to be missing any signature data. This is not a good thing.

But before this line was too and it worked. And now stopped.


A few days ago, an option specified in the first paragraph worked perfectly. Then something happened on the side of the forge and everything stopped working...

Please tell me what to put in the library client to forge worked fine.

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This is caused by you flat out using 1.5.2 and 1.6 being released.

There is nothing we can do, or will to do fix it on our end as we 1) Don't back port things 2) Don't support old versions.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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