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[SOLVED] Sword dynamic damage to entities (based on item damage)


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I'm trying to make a custom Sword that will deal damage to entities based on current sword item damage.


Currently, I have a functioning sword that extends the ItemSword class, and uses a custom ToolMaterial.

Damage vs entities is normally based on ToolMaterial the sword is made of, and I am able to change that,

but I would like to reduce this damage dealt if the sword item itself is damaged (used).


I see that there are functions "public float func_82803_g()" and "public Multimap func_111205_h()" in ItemSword and

they both take weaponDamage into account, but those functions have no arguments, so there is no way to access itemStack

from them in order to check how damaged the sword is.


I also checked the hitEntity function, but it doesn't do anything except damage the sword and return boolean.


Can someone help me with this?

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you want to make it like this:


damage of the sword is higher, entities get less damage.

damage of the sword is lower, entities get more damage.


if you want that then just make a math variable for that.

And there is more than one way to make a entitybased or itembased damage.

And you were right. its the HitEntity function.

You can hurt entities on two ways. With the multimap function or with the hit entitiy function.


You just need the entity you want to hurt/heal. i made a sword that damage 1 damage it 1 extra half heart and heals a full heart. this means it makes no damage xD

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So basically you say that I should make ToolMaterial default damage 0, and calculate all damage in hitEntity function?

That way the Multimap function will deal no damage, and I would have control over entity in hitEntity...


Thanks, i will try that...

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Now I have a problem of displaying a custom Attack Damage number on hover on item in inventory - I can't seem to find the function that returns this...


I think ItemSword handles that.  I recall running across it recently, but not recently enough to remember where I saw it.

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Now I have a problem of displaying a custom Attack Damage number on hover on item in inventory - I can't seem to find the function that returns this...


I think ItemSword handles that.  I recall running across it recently, but not recently enough to remember where I saw it.


Only functions in ItemSword that mention damage (as far as I can see) are:


public float func_82803_g()
    return this.toolMaterial.getDamageVsEntity();




public Multimap func_111205_h()
Multimap multimap = super.func_111205_h();
multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.field_111264_e.func_111108_a(), new AttributeModifier(field_111210_e, "Weapon modifier", (double)this.weaponDamage, 0));
return multimap;


I tried overriding both of them, but there appears to be no change of display value on hover...


In Item class there is addInformation function that deals with adding info on hover, but that is not overriden anywhere in ItemSword.

There must be a simple method I'm overlooking...

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In Item class there is addInformation function that deals with adding info on hover, but that is not overriden anywhere in ItemSword.

There must be a simple method I'm overlooking...


addInformation does add tooltips, but I think that Multimap func_111205_h() is the one I was thinking of.


If you're trying to override it and then get the multimap for your own purposes, super.func_111205_h() will give you what ItemSword is already adding, which you don't want.  You'd have to look at the base Item class's implementation.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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In Item class there is addInformation function that deals with adding info on hover, but that is not overriden anywhere in ItemSword.

There must be a simple method I'm overlooking...


addInformation does add tooltips, but I think that Multimap func_111205_h() is the one I was thinking of.


If you're trying to override it and then get the multimap for your own purposes, super.func_111205_h() will give you what ItemSword is already adding, which you don't want.  You'd have to look at the base Item class's implementation.


You are right.

Before, I tried overriding and setting custom value, but it didn't work because the first line is "Multimap multimap = super.func_111205_h();"

Super (in this case) is not Item, but ItemSword, so the returned multimap already had the value set.

I looked up the overridden Item method, ant it was simply returning "HashMultimap.create();".

Finally, I changed the method to create a new Multimap, and now it's showing the info correctly.


Thank you!

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