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I need a Co-Dev!


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I have been trying for some time now but can't figure out how to add a custom energy source, a way to generate that energy from a solar panel and a solid fueled generator, a way to store and transfer the energy across pipes to the machines, or how to implement the energy to the machines. If you have any idea on how to do this and want a spot on my DEV team please let me know. Also I am trying to add a sound to machines when they are active(smelting) and I have the sounds registered but just can't get them to play so any help with that would be great.

You can find my mod MechaniCraft at this link:



- Will11690

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Do you have a full scale design of how everything should end up working (ingame not in code)?


If so share the whole thing, exactly how each and EVERY item and part of the energy system should work?



Energy is nothing but a number value increasing and decreasing, its not some magic concept or special energy system to use :)

Also if you look at 3 mods with energy systems, despit them being similar in-gane each is different in code :) theres not one way to do something in programming but several ;)

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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Well the general idea of how I want it to work is I want something very similar to the old IC2 where you start off by making a generator then power it by coal to create electricity that is very simple for everybody to use and not very confusing then use cable to transfer that power to either a machine or a battery.


I want a three stage power system too like one battery can store 1,000 energy and outputs 32(for low tier machines which is all I have right now) then one that can store 10,000 energy and outputs 64(middle tier) and finally one that stores 100,000 energy and outputs 128(high tier). Also I want 3 kinds of cable for each tier like tin for low, copper for middle, then brass or gold for high.


The generator I want to have an internal storage of 500 and an output of 32 and coal gives 160 energy(charcoal too).


I want the machines(low tier furnace and ore grinder) to burn 16 energy for every item smelted, the middle tier should use 32 per item, and high 64 also their internal power storage should be enough to smelt 10 items(low = 160, middle = 320, high = 640).


Then I want a solar panel for each tier of power, low produces 16 energy per tick, middle produces 32 energy per tick, and high produces 64 energy per tick.


Finally I want a 3 tiered battery item, low stores 500 energy, middle stores 5,000, and high stores 50,000.


Also I know there are many ways to attack this but I'm am just having a hard time figuring it out as I am still learning what minecraft can and can't do.


You can find my mod MechaniCraft at this link:



- Will11690

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Minecraft can do ANYTHING, it's coded in Java and you got the full power of Java behind you when you code. So nothing is impossible.

It may be freaking fucking hard though, but still possible ;)


Heres a nice collection of awesomeness on how Minecraft works internally, it may be of use to you: greyminecraftcoder.blogspot.no/p/list-of-topics.html


Assuming you are proficient with java basics (Can you for example program Tetris without tutorials/help? :))

You would want to look at the source code of other mod's electrical systems.


Remember that electricity is just a value. The battries usually use their item damage to hold the current charge of energy. While blocks use TileEntities to store the contents of their power.


Designing a power network is tricky, it's a lot of logic to consider and plan.

Once you have an idea on how you want the logic of it all to work then you can start looking into how on earth this can be done inside minecraft :)




Programming is about solving logic problems, solve the logic puzzle then consider the language and Api (java, minecraft's src, forge) and start figuring out how to get that logic into code fitting with minecraft :)


Then write down logically how the system should accomplish it, once you have figured out that part, then it's time for considering

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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Hmmm I have been looking into this today and I think you finally brought me to a small breakthrough, I have a Power Network that I believe is working(won't know until I implement) but after I'm done I will add you to the DEV list just because you inspired me to try harder. After it is finished I will give you credit in the source code too!

Thank you sooooo much!

You can find my mod MechaniCraft at this link:



- Will11690

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