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Trying to make vanilla client server side mods with forge


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Ok, so basically I have made a VERY basic simple mod to test to see if it was possible(and it sort of is) where the server has a mod and the client doesnt and it works GREAT.  My server has a single extra recipe that allows you to cook zombie flesh into leather.  The client is able to log in and cook zombie flesh into leather without having the mod installed.  HOWEVER.  It will only let me connect to the server if the client has forge installed, and while i want to use forge on the server, i'd prefer it if vanilla unmodded clients could connect to the server unhindered.  Is there a way to disable this check for forge and if so, how much functionality will I lose disabling this much of forge? Is EVERYTHING reliant on forge being installed or is the mod loading functionality still useable? Hope this makes sense, i'm considering taking a butcher knife to forge to see what can be hacked away while still leaving the ability to add features. look forward to the response/flames :P





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You can remove forge from the client if you aren't using ANY of the forge classes/annotations/methods in your mod.

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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if you use a bukkit plugin, recipes are not something you can add (afaik)


but i am working on a mod that does this


basicly you download ONLY my mod and you can log into any server that has modules for it


with it you can download on the spot: recipes, keybinding, guis, block, items.

unfortunatelly no new mobs yet, still need serializing

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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i'm not a fan of bukkit, its closed source.  I see I should be able to install JUST the forge modloader, i'll see how i fare with that, might be an option.  What I REALLY want to do is build a series of mods that are all installed server side to give different features/effects client side. everything from customs recipes to custom worldgen.  I am also toying with bringing ideas from mods into vanilla using only vanilla items but I need to work out specifics first. The FIRST test is literally this one recipe. I want to be able to log into a "vanilla" server that has zombie flesh -> leather and then go from there.

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ok so this is exactly what my mod is doing, i doubt you can do this without downloading something on client side.


maybe you can do some sneaky stuff and force update on container slot from server side. but i know for a fact that my mod is working


ex: server makes a module, deffine a new recipe. client logs in. he downloads the new recipe. he adds it to his list and voila, client did not had to download anything else then my utility mod.


you can do the same for a bunch of stuff, it will give you an interface for callbacks

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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the problem is i want functionality that i've seen on vanilla servers like custom recipes and gui's and FML can provide it ONLY if its loaded client side yet these servers can do it natively without adding anything to client.  I will have to see if there are any other options as unless I get players to install FML(just tested) or forge, they cant connect to a modded server.





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yeah, i've tried forge and forge modloader, no go without forge on the client.  I've properly set up the mod itself on the server, ALL you need on the client is forge which MAY be acceptable but i'd prefer it if it wasn't required.  I think i will have to have another look at bukkit IF its open source, I really want people to be able to log in without mods.  I could make the stuff i'm coding for modded minecraft only but i'd like it to be useable on vanilla(these mods are already somewhat available on bukkit).  I'll be posting links to the mods when i've decided what i'm doing with them.

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