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Im aware graddle is most likely much easier for you all, but I want to just say 1 thing about it...


It's much more difficult to use. MUCH MUCH MUCH more difficult to use for all modders.


According to what I've seen (although a bit limited), even many of the advanced modders are stuck in the dust, and Im sure newbies dont want to have to learn how to do it. I spent a long time researching myself (trying to avoid this post), and it doesnt seem there are any good tutorials. In fact, I only found the one that is on these forums and it does not work after extensive attempts to fix, although that may just be me, for the 1.7.2 versions of forge. Although, I often miss things, it shouldnt be this hard. It should be just a few clicks like before.


If it's still possible, I think we'd all like a revert and to leave this behind.


I didnt see anything against this post in the rules (although I somewhat skimmed it), so please do not ban my account.

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If you can't run a SINGLE command then you shouldn't be modding.

The setup is pretty much the same as pre-gradle.

Run the main setup command: install.bat/sh in the old format, and gradlew.bat/sh setupDevWorkspace

Then point your eclipse at the eclipse folder.


If you can't do that then we can't help you.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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It's ignoring the project. When I do import project, it simply says no projects found. I have the gradle plugin installed as said.


Even though it said not to, after I tried the normal way, I tried importing as a graddle project, although that didnt work either. I'll try to download forge again and retry, although I doubt that will work.


Edit: Yep, still doing that. Is it just some dumb error/easy fix? If so, please tell me. And Ill apologize for wasting your time. If its not an easy fix, please explain and update the tutorial (because as a site admin you should be able to edit posts (if you aren't a site admin, I will have my mind blown))

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I do not write tutorials, and I do not deal with that bull shit.

I am a vulgar unkind twat, don't expect me to hold your hand through anything.

Its up to you guys to make the tutorials good.

Though, I told Abrar to make it work in one command, you MAY need to run: gradlew setupDevWorkspace eclipse

That'll gen the eclipse project metadata.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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I meant to do a minor edit to the one on these forums, it would take about 30 seconds.


That works, thanks. You DO need to have the eclipse part afterward.


It didnt generate the minecraft source, just the forge source. Im going to assume it's intentional as I think I saw something like that earlier.


Also, I was going to ask why the creators of all the modloaders and similar (aka this, liteloader, spoutcraft) were complete assholes, thanks for answering that for me. I couldnt think of a reason why, so now I know, they just choose to be.


Thanks for your time, and have Abrar fix that.

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