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I feel stuck...

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For a while now I have been following a tutorial on YouTube for DataGen that I am using for my mod. I have come across an error that I wanted to check on here before acting on anything that could mess up my progress.

The error is as follows:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No way of obtaining recipe droidsancientrelics:lemon_juice

Curiously, It has worked fine with the "orange_juice" item but not the "lemon_juice," even though their code is the same.

I am basically just reposting the same thing as before, though I am yet to get a reply. 

Video link for reference.



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public class ModRecipeProvider extends RecipeProvider implements IConditionBuilder {

    public ModRecipeProvider(PackOutput pOutput) {

    protected void buildRecipes(Consumer<FinishedRecipe> pWriter) {

        ShapedRecipeBuilder.shaped(RecipeCategory.MISC, ModBlocks.PLACEHOLDER_BLOCK.get())
                .define('S', ModItems.PLACEHOLDER_ITEM.get())
                .unlockedBy(getHasName(ModItems.PLACEHOLDER_ITEM.get()), has(ModItems.PLACEHOLDER_ITEM.get()))

        ShapelessRecipeBuilder.shapeless(RecipeCategory.MISC, ModItems.LEMON_JUICE.get(), 4)
                .requires(Items.GLASS_BOTTLE, 4)

        ShapelessRecipeBuilder.shapeless(RecipeCategory.MISC, ModItems.ORANGE_JUICE.get(), 4)
                .requires(Items.GLASS_BOTTLE, 4)
    protected static void oreSmelting(Consumer<FinishedRecipe> pFinishedRecipeConsumer, List<ItemLike> pIngredients, RecipeCategory pCategory, ItemLike pResult, float pExperience, int pCookingTIme, String pGroup) {
        oreCooking(pFinishedRecipeConsumer, RecipeSerializer.SMELTING_RECIPE, pIngredients, pCategory, pResult, pExperience, pCookingTIme, pGroup, "_from_smelting");

    protected static void oreBlasting(Consumer<FinishedRecipe> pFinishedRecipeConsumer, List<ItemLike> pIngredients, RecipeCategory pCategory, ItemLike pResult, float pExperience, int pCookingTime, String pGroup) {
        oreCooking(pFinishedRecipeConsumer, RecipeSerializer.BLASTING_RECIPE, pIngredients, pCategory, pResult, pExperience, pCookingTime, pGroup, "_from_blasting");

    protected static void oreCooking(Consumer<FinishedRecipe> pFinishedRecipeConsumer, RecipeSerializer<? extends AbstractCookingRecipe> pCookingSerializer, List<ItemLike> pIngredients, RecipeCategory pCategory, ItemLike pResult, float pExperience, int pCookingTime, String pGroup, String pRecipeName) {
        for(ItemLike itemlike : pIngredients) {
                    pCategory, pResult, pExperience,
                    pCookingTime, pCookingSerializer).group(pGroup).unlockedBy(getHasName(itemlike), has(itemlike)).save(pFinishedRecipeConsumer, DroidsAncientRelics.MOD_ID + ":" + getItemName(pResult) + pRecipeName + "_" + getItemName(itemlike));


(The smelting, blasting and cooking are going unused for now).


I have just realised that inside the recipe import there is a star, would this be because the original .json file is deleted?

import net.minecraft.data.recipes.*;


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