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How would I add a tool without a recipe?

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(Note: I am reiterating what I said in my previous post to reach a broader amount of people and hopefully find a solution quicker).

I have been trying to add a weapon to the game though I am finding it difficult as the code I have followed from the tutorial uses a recipe, among other things. I am not wanting to use these as I want the weapon to be found in structures.

public static final Tier DAMAGED_WAR_AXE = TierSortingRegistry.registerTier(
            new ForgeTier(1, 175, 5f, 4.0F, 1.5F,
                    ModTags.Blocks.NEEDS_X_TOOL, () -> Ingredient.of(ModItems.X.get())),
            new ResourceLocation(DroidsAncientRelics.MOD_ID, "x"), List.of(Tiers.X), List.of());

This is what the code looks like, I have used X's to replace what may/may not be needed or what is yet to be used.

I am looking for some advice or/and fixed code.

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It will be a custom structure. The plan for my mod is to expand on the features of 1.20 by adding a new place to explore, being a warrior civilisation.

I have not yet started on the structures yet so do you recommend I start working on them before adding the weapon?

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12 hours ago, DroidCrafter23 said:

It will be a custom structure. The plan for my mod is to expand on the features of 1.20 by adding a new place to explore, being a warrior civilisation.

I have not yet started on the structures yet so do you recommend I start working on them before adding the weapon?

Finish the item itself first, then come back to this.

Now since you are trying to make it generate in a custom structure, you will need to make a Loot Table.

Here is an example of a simple Loot Table:

  "pools": [
      "rolls": 1,
      "entries": [
          "type": "minecraft:item",
          "name": "minecraft:diamond_axe",
          "conditions": [
              "condition": "minecraft:random_chance",
              "chance": 0.5

You can just copy this, change it to have your item (and other items you may want), and then add it to your mod's Data Pack as a .json file under "loot_tables/chests".

I am using 1.19.2 so some of the following information may not apply to you, but when you build your structures, use a command like this:

/setblock ~ ~ ~ chest{LootTable:"your_mod_data_pack:chests/your_loot_table"} replace

Something like this should spawn a chest that has your Loot Table at your location. On Windows, hold ctrl and middle click the chest (I am assuming that you are using default controls). This should add the chest to your inventory.

When you build your structures, use this special chest in your structures, but do not open them.

Edited by EveryBlu
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