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Forge & ForgeGradle - Petition


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I have started this topic as a petition for the lovely Forge developers to release a ForgeGradle version and Forge version for each update. Though this will be more work on their part, it will make the developing community happier as they have a choice as to which version they would like to use. I myself would be happy to become a Forge developer if need be!


If you like this idea please reply saying "SUPPORT", if you have ideas or simply dislike this idea please leave a comment as to why.




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release a ForgeGradle version and Forge version for each update


I figure your asking for both the old way (Scripts and Commands) and the new way (Gradle)


Simply that will never happen.

The switch to gradle was not because the developers felt like it, the change was necessary continue forward.

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I don't get what you mean, though I'll just leave this here:

ForgeGradle is the FUTURE. Embrace it. Gradle simply allows us to do many things we can't with the normal MCP (Srg2Source, for example)

Read the EAQ before posting! OR ELSE!


This isn't building better software, its trying to grab a place in the commit list of a highly visible github project.




Don't PM me, I don't check this account unless I have to.

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I have to say, I'm not really on board with your idea. [glow=green,2,300]Gradle[/glow] makes it easier to setup and manage the modding workspace, not to mention that it also makes the whole thing a bit more lightweight (in that we no longer need to have all those cmd files that most of us don't really use, thus we are free from the clutter).

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Are you saying you want the python back?

Flat out no.

It's like asking us to support Win 3.11 because you don't want to update. No.

If someone else wants to come along and make a python version, go for it, but I am not going to waist my time in both development and support just because you're afraid of change. Even if it is for the better.

Not to mention all the benefits gradle allows us, such as immediate reaction to Mojang changes. Such as mojang changing servers.

Combined with easier source, and dependancy management.

And all of the extra features that gradle allows us to go beyond the python.

Speed increases

Easier code...

etc. etc..

No, just no, embrace change rather then fear it.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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