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Hey Guys!


I created a working mod in eclipse and now I want to build it.

Problem is that I found about five different possibilities how to build a mod with gradle and I understood none of them.  ;D


I used a setup to have several mods with one Forge-folder (I think its called "Pahimar-setup").

My Folders are like this:

/FORGE/ -> Forge Base Folder with gradlew and the Forge Source
/ModID/ -> My Eclipse Workspace
/ModID/ModID/src/ -> My Source Code
/ModID/ModID/src/assets -> My Assets
/ModID/ModID/bin/ -> Stuff that was build by eclipse
/ModID/ModID/bid/assets -> Second Assets Folder created by Eclipse


What can I do to build/finish my mod?


/FORGE/ -> Forge Base Folder with gradlew and the Forge Source

That's where you're wrong.

This folder doesn't exist anymore.

The src download IS your mod specific folder.

One src download per mod, all Forge related stuff is cached elseware.

So basically there is no 'Forge' folder anymore. Stop trying to make one.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


But then you need to have the source of forge for every mod? And when you want to update forge? You need to move your source files to the new location?

I liked the 'pahimar' setup (like Bedrock_Miner said) because you have your mod and forge in different locations.

I'm also having trobules with the setup. (in another thread)


The forge source is in ~user/.gradle/cache/minecraft/net/minecraft/forge/...

It isn't in any other folder.

Forge updating is done through modifying build.gradle file, (which is given to you in the forgesrc download), then running gradlew setupDevWorkspace.

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