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Gradle decompiled vanilla source instead of classes


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I know i can do it by myself (and I already did) but it would be better if gradle creates an eclipse workspace with the decopiled vanilla source code instead of the classes, just to easilly edit the: "private" to "public" and access some codes


may i be wrong, but aren't some (if not all) private changed to public in the game client?

Actually i don't know what to write in this signature soooo.... anyway

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that means i can't anymore access to GuiAchievements.currentPage ?


so how am i supposed to add a custom GUI for achievements?

I used this code


Minecraft minecraft = Minecraft.getMinecraft();


GuiScreen var15 = minecraft.currentScreen;


int var14;


if (var15 != null)


if (var15 instanceof GuiAchievements)


var14 = ((GuiAchievements)var15).currentPage;


if (AchievementPage.getTitle(var14).equals("Glacia"))


minecraft.thePlayer.openGui(mod_Glacia.instance, GlaciaCommonProxy.GUI_ID_ACHIEVEMENTS, minecraft.theWorld, var14, 0, 0);




if (var15 instanceof GuiAchievementsGlacia)


var14 = ((GuiAchievementsGlacia)var15).currentPage;


if (!AchievementPage.getTitle(var14).equals("Glacia"))


GuiAchievements var16 = new GuiAchievements(var15, minecraft.thePlayer.getStatFileWriter());

var16.currentPage = var14;

FMLClientHandler.instance().displayGuiScreen(minecraft.thePlayer, var16);




Actually i don't know what to write in this signature soooo.... anyway

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is this gonna work?



GuiScreen var15 = minecraft.currentScreen;


GuiAchievements GuiAchievements = new GuiAchievements(var15, minecraft.thePlayer.getStatFileWriter());

Field achPageCurrent = GuiAchievements.class.getDeclaredField("currentPage");


int achCurrentPage = Integer.parseInt((String) achPageCurrent.get(GuiAchievements));

Actually i don't know what to write in this signature soooo.... anyway

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i am getting confused so can you please help me just with this?


the value i want to get, and then set is currentPage in GuiAchievements.class, what are the codes to get and then set it





PS: forum buttons aren't working

Actually i don't know what to write in this signature soooo.... anyway

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I understand but... Oh wait like this?



GuiScreen var15 = minecraft.currentScreen;


GuiAchievements GuiAchievements = new GuiAchievements(var15, minecraft.thePlayer.getStatFileWriter());

Field achPageCurrent = GuiAchievements.class.getDeclaredField("currentPage");


int achCurrentPage = achPageCurrent.getInt(GuiAchievements);


and then


achPageCurrent.setInt(GuiAchievements, 0);

Actually i don't know what to write in this signature soooo.... anyway

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nope mo probs:


i'm setting the int on the new GuiAchievements i created, while i need to set the int on the already existent GuiAchievements, and so var15 casted to GuiAchievements, so (GuiAchievements)var15




Actually i don't know what to write in this signature soooo.... anyway

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Yeah i was getting confused, anyway for anyone looking for the final code to add your custom GUI to your achievement pages (In your TickEvent Event), here it is:





    public static class TickHandlerClient


//private GuiScreen lastGuiOpen;



public void onTick(TickEvent.ClientTickEvent event)



if (event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.END)


Minecraft minecraft = Minecraft.getMinecraft();


GuiScreen CurrentGUI = minecraft.currentScreen;


int PageToDisplay;


if (CurrentGUI != null)



GuiAchievements AchievementGui = new GuiAchievements(CurrentGUI, minecraft.thePlayer.getStatFileWriter());

Field achPageCurrent = GuiAchievements.class.getDeclaredField("currentPage");



if (CurrentGUI instanceof GuiAchievements)


//PageToDisplay = ((GuiAchievements)CurrentGUI).currentPage;

PageToDisplay = achPageCurrent.getInt((GuiAchievements)CurrentGUI);


if (AchievementPage.getTitle(PageToDisplay).equals("Glacia"))


minecraft.thePlayer.openGui(mod_Glacia.instance, GlaciaCommonProxy.GUI_ID_ACHIEVEMENTS, minecraft.theWorld, PageToDisplay, 0, 0);




if (CurrentGUI instanceof GuiAchievementsGlacia)


PageToDisplay = ((GuiAchievementsGlacia)CurrentGUI).currentPage;


if (!AchievementPage.getTitle(PageToDisplay).equals("Glacia"))


GuiAchievements OldPageGUI = new GuiAchievements(CurrentGUI, minecraft.thePlayer.getStatFileWriter());


//var16.currentPage = PageToDisplay;

achPageCurrent.setInt(OldPageGUI, PageToDisplay);


FMLClientHandler.instance().displayGuiScreen(minecraft.thePlayer, OldPageGUI);







Actually i don't know what to write in this signature soooo.... anyway

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so you mean before calling tickevent, so





    public static class TickHandlerClient



Field achPageCurrent = GuiAchievements.class.getDeclaredField("currentPage");




public void onTick(TickEvent.ClientTickEvent event)



Actually i don't know what to write in this signature soooo.... anyway

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THIS is why we don't give you access to edit base classes. Morons like you who don't know the basics of java or how to solve your own problem think the proper solution is to edit minecraft's base classes directly. NO STOP THIS.

Anyways, this is not the place for this, closing.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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