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ID mismatch for blocks and items


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I am currently running Forge with roughly 44 mods in SSP. Today I installed a new mod (Botania) that among other things introduces a bunch of new flowers.


Now whenever I try to pick one of these flowers I am getting a slightly damaged iron sword instead.


I had a similar issue before in a different world where whenever I destroyed a disc rack from Bibliocraft I would get an iron pickaxe instead. But at that time I thought that this might have been caused by early versions of IC 2 or BuildCraft.


But now I was running neither plus I had never used Botania before. So I first assumed that maybe another mod causes this behaviour. I created a new SSP world with just Botania loaded. Then I added one mod after the other and tried every time if the behaviour would show up again but everything worked as intended.


I even re-created the world with the same seed but I could not reproduce the problem.


Finally I checked the logs and actually found quite a bunch of "Found block id mismatch" and "Found item id mismatch" entries not just for Botania but also for other mods. Regarding the issue at hand I found:


[FML/]: Registry : minecraft:iron_sword 267 net.minecraft.item.ItemSword@30596dc
[FML/Botania]: Add : Botania:botania:flower 467 vazkii.botania.common.block.BlockModFlower@54578b16
[FML/Botania]: Add : Botania:botania:flower 467 vazkii.botania.common.item.block.ItemBlockWithMetadataAndName@3f6c7c9c
[FML/]: Found block id mismatch Botania:botania:flower : 467 267



Now I am not sure where the problem is really located: within Forge or within a mod?


Hints are highly appreciated!

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I am running forge MCPC+ 1033 R51 but have also tried on Forge 1033.


The block id mismatch error happens when adding a new mod that adds blocks to minecraft on an existing world. It happens with any mod and in any order. The only way to not get the errors is to start a new world.


It appears what happens is when the new mod is added id's are allocated to all mods regardless of whether they had been allocated before which results in the miss match as the blocks are already "placed in world". The mods already installed do not have there id's reserved/preserved.


What I have done is copy old .rca files from a backup into a new world but then have to go round and replacing all the blocks as they have taken on their new id (ie a table from one mod has had its id replaced by an ore block from another). This is however very time consuming and if there are a lot of blocks then would not be viable.


Edit: This also happens if an already existing mod is updated that adds additional blocks to an older version. ie Mod 1 2 and 3 on server, Mod 1 is updated and adds one new block this causes id miss matches for mod 1 mod 2 and 3 even though Mod 2 and 3 have not been changed.


Sorry for the poor explanation but after numerous rewrites this is the best I could come up with



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Thank you Schis for your reply!


I am afraid after further investigation I came to the same conclusion.


I am a bit puzzled now about how to proceed with that.


Currently I host a 1.6.4 MCPC+ server with over 100 mods. I did not start with 100 but the system (and the worlds contained) evovled over time. I developed a set of scripts that would all my clients allow to automagically update all their mods and configs according to the servers requirements whenever they logged in. With that I was able to play around with configs and IDs as needed but I could be sure that the clients would receive exactly the configs (and IDs) I had prepared for them.


All that seems to be not possible anymore. Should I start a new server based on 1.7.2 I can not be sure that introducing or even updating mods would be harmless in that regard since I don't have any influence over IDs (and the potential conflicts) anymore.


Not sure what to do now ...


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Its one of the things that we will be fixing fairly soon, with cpw's departure we've been working on getting a few things done workflow on our end to make it easier for us to manage the project.

It's a known bug with cpw's ID management that lets you overlap ids between items and blocks. It'll be fixed here soon now that we have Forge/FML back into the state where it can be developed.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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