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Video Card Requirements


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I use MultiMC, and, oddly, it fixes a bad video card drivers error with vanilla MC. The console prints something about non-translucent icons, and I go play, no problems.

However, forge, for some odd reason, ups the requirements beyond what MultiMC can handle, and it crashes. Same error as vanilla without MMC. I've tried everything (except outright buying a new computer/GPU) to fix this, and I've narrowed the problem to forge.

I (as well as hundreds of other people with competent machines but not high-end) would really appreciate it if forge would not raise the requirements (if it does, unless it's something to do with META-INF) unless absolutely necessary.

Thank you.

So, what would happen if I did push that shiny red button over there? ... Really? ... Can I try it? ... Damn.

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We dont, there is a SLIGHT up because of the fact that we need to swap textures, however if your video card doesnt support that, your CPU takes the load.

But either way its only a slight issue and I have never had anyone actually substantiate the issue.

As for MultiMC's 'non-translucent icons' message, that has nothing to do with MC it is the icon thats in the corner of MultiMC's window.


So, in conclusion, its not forge.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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