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[1.5.1][Utility] The "I'm recording" mod - Now for 1.5.1!


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Hello everybody, here's a mod that lets people show they are recording! This is great for multiplayer servers where multiple people do lets plays and/or livestreams and you want to let people know who's recording and whatnot. It also works in singleplayer! Why does it work in singleplayer? No idea! It just does!


The "I'm Recording" Mod


  • Shows players names in red with a red 'recording' dot when they register themselves as recording.
  • Shows players names in blue with a blue 'paused' sign to signify a user has halted recording and is going to resume soon.
  • Shows players names in green with a green 'paused' sign to signify a user is requesting others to not record/pause recording.
  • Allows players to hide the overlay, will still notify you of people changing their state unless disabled in config.
  • Shows your state when in the main menu.
  • Slowly fades out users when they are recording/halted recording if the overlay is disabled.


Config options

This mod has 4 config options.


"lock-overlay-when-hidden" (default: true): makes you unable to toggle your own state when enabled and the overlay has been disabled. Use this if you don't record yourself.


"recording-location" (default: top-right): determines the location of the recording player list, can be set to "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left" and "bottom-right".


"broadcast-chat-messages" (default: true): if set to true broadcasts your current recording state when it changes to every player via chat as well as the overlay. Requires the server to have this mod installed to work. Useful for when other players don't have this mod installed.


"instantly-hide-overlay" (default: false): determines whether the overlay instantly hides when you toggle it.



Key bindings

Recording Toggle (default: R): Toggles your recording state, if you are not recording you will be marked as recording, otherwise you will be marked as non-recording.


Paused Toggle (default: P): Toggles your recording state, if you are recording you will be marked as pausing the recording, otherwise you will be marked as recording. Hold for longer than half a second to request others to stop/pause recording.


Overlay Toggle (default: 0): Hides the in-game overlay of recording players, will let the usernames fade out. Will show state changes to prevent you from missing somebody from starting his recording. Will also disable the other key bindings if "lock-overlay-when-hidden" in the config is set to true.




This mod only requires forge to be installed on the client and server, and that the client and server both have the mod installed.

Clients with this mod can connect to servers without this mod and vice-versa, but this would only result in some players not knowing if other players are recording.




This mod does not detect if any recording software is running, nor does it actually record anything. It is up to the user to let the other players of a server know they are recording.




Latest version: 1.3-Release (1.5.1)


Older Versions:

1.2-Release (1.4.7)

1.1.2-Release (1.4.7)

1.1-Release (1.4.5)

1.0-Release (1.3.2)




  • Updated to MC 1.5.1


  • Internal restructure
  • Fixes config options showing up as categories rather than being all in one category
  • Adds third state, is green and signifies that a user is requesting to pause recording. Activated by holding the pause key for half a second or longer
  • Adds config option to broadcast recording state updates through chat, only works on servers
  • Adds a config option to make the overlay instantly hide when it is toggled


  • Updates to minecraft 1.4.7


  • Updates to minecraft 1.4.5
  • Adds mcmod.info


  • Initial release



Last notes

If you find any bugs or have any suggestions as to how I can improve my mod, please reply to this thread about it! I would greatly appreciate feedback on my first public mod.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

You should add "I'm recording now" and "Stopped recording" messages, posted automatically to the chat ;) Direwolf will appreciate.


Updated the mod and added your requested feature! It's a config option that is enabled by default.




  • Internal restructure
  • Fixes config options showing up as categories rather than being all in one category
  • Adds third state, is green and signifies that a user is requesting to pause recording. Activated by holding the pause key for half a second or longer
  • Adds config option to broadcast recording state updates through chat, only works on servers
  • Adds a config option to make the overlay instantly hide when it is toggled

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i dont see this as especially useful, but it sounds like a neat idea

and its updated to 1.5, whic h a lot of mods i want to try arent :D

Communication is a vital tool, in the game industry you won't go anywhere without it. People are either going to learn to talk, or move on.

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