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Suggestion for a Forge Hook into changing the player Camera/zoom/viewpoint

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I have been looking at doing custom things with the players view (third person, first person etc etc... Currently this is a huge pain and could be an awesome thing for all modders to use if we were to have a forge hook into this. Im not sure if this is the correct forum to post this, please let me know if I am wrong but it would be awesome to have such a tool. Where we could fairly easily control the camera x,y,z position, zoom, viewpoint, player eye height, and all that.

  • 2 months later...

Player API / Render Player API


This is what you are looking for.

I'll just note that what you want to do will still be hard (and I mean it), but using those APIs you can change player's hitbox, camera positions, even attack (eye) boxes ("center of player").

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.


Most of that is already possible with Forge or vanilla.

But if you want to suggest something flesh it out more, not just 'this would be cool!'

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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  • 2 months later...

I apologize for the late reply as I have been a but busy. In the spirit of fleshing this out a bit more, I have noticed that editing the player can be tough and many people are interested in doing just that. Ive noticed many topics about changing the players hitbox, camera angle, camera x,y,z position, camera pitch and yaw rotation, camera viewpoint, player eyeheight, and player reach (i think thats all of them). As of right now reflection is one of the only ways to do a lot of this it seems (although some of this can be achieved with forge or vanilla as you said) the rest of it isnt trivial stuff. Most is very difficult to do (Ive seen alot of people resort to coremods and what not to achieve some of this stuff) and as such I pitched the idea into creating a forge hook or maybe an event that would allow relatively easy access into editing these parameters that all have to do with the player. Something such as a Change camera location event (where you can set the angle) or change camera xposition etc etc or maybe an alterplayer dimensions event which would fire before the player is constructed or rendered allowing someone to alter his dimensions (hitbox eyeheight etc etc). Im not really sure exactly what would be the best approach to all of this as I am still stumped by how alot of it works.


However, weith this being said the stuff with the hitbox and player reach is especially interesting to alot of people and I think maybe a forge hook into accessing these parameters would be beneficial. Although, I am not sure exactly how to go about this. My interest is very keen into finding a way to edit all of these parameters relatively easily and im sure lots of pothers feel the same. it would be nice if that functionality could be built into forge. Does anyone have any ideas about this?

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