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Forge Version: 6.3.0

Minecraft Version: 1.4.4

Dependencies: None



Minecraft Forge 6.3.0 Changelog:


Updated to FML v4.4.4.442

Updated to Minecraft v1.4.4


  • New InterMod communication system from FML
  • Now includes MCP information, will how up in the mods list. Not a reall mod, just to give them credit! <3
  • New per-world map storage that provides a method of saving data per-dimension.
  • New NBT sensitive pickblock featuer for better control by mods
  • New system to consolidate all Forge config files into one file on disk
  • New ServerChat event to handle when players talk.
  • New Stronghold, Village, and Spawn biome managers
  • Added a lot of vanilla items to the ore dictionary, so that mod items and vanilla recipies will work together better
  • New hook for beacon blocks
  • Metadata sensitive versions of smelting experiance
  • Included auto-generated changelogs in downloads now, due to bug in jenkins, each log only has a few versions, see files.minecraftforge.net for all logs
  • setTextureFile is now chainable
  • Improvements to the ForgeDirection class
  • Merged BuildCraft's Liquid API into Forge
  • New hook to allow for custom textures in slot backgrounds {like the armor slots in the inventory}
  • New versioning sceam

Bug Fix:

  • Fixed vanilla bug where villagers would loose there village depending on the order of world save.
  • Fixed ItemSeed not taking IPlantable into account during placement
  • Fixed issue where scroll bar wouldn't render when switching creative tabs
  • Fixed issue with mods attempting to make 'fake' worlds.
  • Attempt to mitigate issues related to world corruption if certian mods screw up saving there data. Forge is not responsible for corrupt worlds caused by bad mods
  • Fixed mcp environment, so that StartServer\ functions now
  • Fixed crops not dropping seeds properly when not fully grown
  • Fixed issue where players would spawn underground sometimes
  • Fixed issue where blocks would still break when PlayerInteractEvent was canceled

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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