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I'm new to modding (and this forum) but I've run into some issues.

I tried the Minecraft Forum, but couldn't get any answers there (no one knew what the problem exactly was)


This is my problem: When i try to run setupDecompWorkspace, i get this error:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.


* What went wrong:

Execution failed for task ':downloadClient'.

> java.lang.NullPointerException (no error message)


This is the full log- https://gist.github.com/CrossAvenger/3e05ecf1b0745c596861


I've been trying to find an answer to this issues for a few days now, but have only succeeded in changing the error message once or twice (before it failed at decompileMC, but that went away with the new forge build -1.8.9-


Any suggestions?


Yes i've heard before that the download seems to be broken. It seems that no one else has noticed this, so it is most likely on my-side (sad to say).

My internet is very slow (wireless... up-north... middle of winter) and the actual setup process only takes about 2 minutes until it reaches the download, where it takes over 10 minutes usually then fails. could it be that my connection is slow and wavering and the zip is being corrupted during the download?

Either that or, like you said, the zip on the server may be corrupted, but i think more people would notice if that were the case.


Hmmm. Downloaded the files myself... I don't have any similar error messages. Looks like it depends on your internet... I don't know to fix this exactly, but I could imagine this: Download the files yourself and put them in the desired folder (the links are in your log). Maybe your browser can download them "better"

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So i tried again, this time instead of this message (one of the first lines on the log)


java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid code -- missing end-of-block"

i get


java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid distance too far back"

I'm guessing this is just more download failure. Oh and yes- this time the build took over 14 mins, most of that time being the downloadClient.

So i'll go with you're suggestion on downloading the files manually. Only problem, i'm not quite sure how.



Type in those links in your browser:





P.S.: Before this: Try to setup your Workspace like this:

1) gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies

2) gradlew setupDevWorkspace --refresh-dependencies

3) gradlew eclipse OR gradlew idea    (depending on your IDE)

Bringing the best mod back alive! Our mod REFORGED!

Balkon's Weapons for 1.8: https://github.com/TheOnlySilverClaw/Reforged/releases

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