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Could anyone answer the following questions:


Difficulty in my opinion:

1 = easy, 2 = normal, 3 = hard;


Every question is about Minecraft-Modding/Coding - Those questions are about a mod that I'm about to create:


Q1_2: How can I create a Multiblock?

Q2_3: How can I let a mob attack a specific multiblock?

Q3_1: How can I create a mob that flies on a specific height?

Q4_3: How do I create a mob with a very realistic animation (like Mowzie's Mobs; without AnimationAPI)

Q5_3: How do I let a mob spawn at a Multiblock when the Multiblock is done?

Q6_2: How can I make a Container with specific, costumized slots with background?

Q7_3: How can I make a spawner that doesn't look like a normal spawner that can spawn a created mob? The "Spawner" is made out of a Multiblock!

Q8_3: How do I let the multiblock look like a TileEntity, so it isn't even a normal Multiblock with optical Blocks, but made out of physical blocks?

Q9_2: How can I add an Updater to my mod, so I only need to put some files on a server?

Q10_3: How can I add a block tha... just look here: http://pastebin.com/gjCzjHQA


For the multiblocks, this is what my approach would be.

Make a control block, that is needed for the multiblock to work. This block creates a tile entity when placed. The TE checks the spaces relative to it for all the blocks that are part of the multiblock. If it finds all the blocks it needs then it can start spawning entities.


I really need something visually, like a video or a picture. Otherwise i do not understand how to do this. And "tiffit", that was also my idea but HOW? I need to convert those ideas to code, but I don't know how to do that.

How much do you know java?

What you have already tried with forge modding?

What mc version are you in?


I suggest that you cut your teeth on some simple mods before embarking on an advanced and complex project. View some recent tutorials, and build up some Java expertise. Learn to access the decompiled vanilla code so you can learn by analyzing how vanilla Minecraft does what it does. For instance, you might answer some of your own questions by finding the code that spawns the wither (or a golem).


When you have learned enough of the basics to understand our answers, and when you have developed a mod as far as the basics can take you, then come back with a separate thread for each remaining advanced topic where you need a pointer to where you can continue your self-teaching. You will not find people here to design a whole mod for you.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.


Could you link me to some of those tutorials?


For the multiblock, I suggest that you find out how to make basic machines first. Search up something like "forge custom furnace tutorial" or something like that. A tile entity is basically an entity that exists as a block. The tile entity can update and store data.


The multiblock machine I made happens to be just nine, identical, single-block machines that do something different based on their position in the structure.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.


Jabelar has some relatively recent tutorials and examples.


There's also a whole tutorials section here at minecraftforge.net, but many of the articles are old.


And there's more on the web if you search, but I recommend filtering results to the last year.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.


So, I'm currently working on a basic mod. But it shouldn't all be basic. That's why I need help.


I only want to make one armor piece, boots. And further...


If you shift-right-click while you are wearing it, there need to be 3 slots to type in numbers, coordinates, and one slot that says "Ready!", so 4 slots. You can't write letters, only numbers. If every number slot is filled then the "program" works. If not you get an error ingame that says "Incorrect filled".

When the "program" is running then you walk automatically (is that even possible?) to the coordinates that you typed. If you are in water the boots auto jumps for you, if you are stuck at a block that is in front of you they jump again. If you press any key they stop running.


Maybe I also want to make some advanced boots that'll fly for you but only if you typed the coordinates. If you get stuck at a large wall they automatically calculate if you need to fly higher or deeper by knowing what is over my head and how far is it away. The boots should be blue, orange and yellow


I really don't know how to do that all.


If somene helps me with that, it would be perfect.


This shit ain't basic and doing it with no modding (and/or Java) background will only bring you frustration.


I doubt there is even a point in writing list of things that you are required to master before even beginning coding this. And yeah - master. You can't just open some Tutorial and copy paste stuff. This ain't that easy.


1. Armour:

* Creating Mod's Base, Items, which also includes armour can be found on Google. Once you have that...

2. Opening Gui:

* You will need either custom KeyBinding and @Subscribe to InputEvent.KeyInputEvent or just 2nd one and plain Keyboard-press check.

* This is also covered (in parts) somewhere which can be found on Google - that includes Forge Events.

3. Actually opening Gui:

* Logical thing to do - whenever your KeyBinding is pressed you check (on client) if you are wearing proper armour, then if yes - you open (Minecraft.getMinecraft().openGui(...)) Gui with your TextFields.

You will need:

* SomeGui extends GuiScreen + 3x GuiNumberField extends GuiTextField somewhere inside and GuiButton with "Ready!"

* GuiNumberField will be GuiTextField extension that accepts only numbers.

* After writing numbers and hitting "Ready!"...

4. Send packet to server:

* Custom SipleNetworkWrapper implementation along with IMessage adn MessageHandler.


Long (example): http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/mapping-and-modding-tutorials/2137055-1-7-2-customizing-packet-handling-with

5. Now, on server side:

* Check if received data (x,y,z) are "proper" and if movement is legal (you checked in player wears armour on client, but you have to make sure he actually does on server). Setup some "AI" algorithm that will move player to given coords.

* The AI is actually worst part of it - It will be hard to write something that can analize where to go to get to some x/y/z. You will most certainly have to use partial pathing. Algorithms like that can be found on internet and in MC src.


Note: You can also make movement from client side (something like bot).

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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    • Version 1.19 - Forge 41.0.63 I want to create a wolf entity that I can ride, so far it seems to be working, but the problem is that when I get on the wolf, I can’t control it. I then discovered that the issue is that the server doesn’t detect that I’m riding the wolf, so I’m struggling with synchronization. However, it seems to not be working properly. As I understand it, the server receives the packet but doesn’t register it correctly. I’m a bit new to Java, and I’ll try to provide all the relevant code and prints *The comments and prints are translated by chatgpt since they were originally in Spanish* Thank you very much in advance No player is mounted, or the passenger is not a player. No player is mounted, or the passenger is not a player. No player is mounted, or the passenger is not a player. No player is mounted, or the passenger is not a player. No player is mounted, or the passenger is not a player. MountableWolfEntity package com.vals.valscraft.entity; import com.vals.valscraft.network.MountSyncPacket; import com.vals.valscraft.network.NetworkHandler; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.network.syncher.EntityDataAccessor; import net.minecraft.network.syncher.EntityDataSerializers; import net.minecraft.network.syncher.SynchedEntityData; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer; import net.minecraft.world.entity.EntityType; import net.minecraft.world.entity.Mob; import net.minecraft.world.entity.ai.attributes.AttributeSupplier; import net.minecraft.world.entity.ai.attributes.Attributes; import net.minecraft.world.entity.animal.Wolf; import net.minecraft.world.entity.player.Player; import net.minecraft.world.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.world.InteractionHand; import net.minecraft.world.InteractionResult; import net.minecraft.world.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.world.item.Items; import net.minecraft.world.level.Level; import net.minecraft.world.phys.Vec3; import net.minecraftforge.event.TickEvent; import net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent; import net.minecraftforge.network.PacketDistributor; public class MountableWolfEntity extends Wolf { private boolean hasSaddle; private static final EntityDataAccessor<Byte> DATA_ID_FLAGS = SynchedEntityData.defineId(MountableWolfEntity.class, EntityDataSerializers.BYTE); public MountableWolfEntity(EntityType<? extends Wolf> type, Level level) { super(type, level); this.hasSaddle = false; } @Override protected void defineSynchedData() { super.defineSynchedData(); this.entityData.define(DATA_ID_FLAGS, (byte)0); } public static AttributeSupplier.Builder createAttributes() { return Wolf.createAttributes() .add(Attributes.MAX_HEALTH, 20.0) .add(Attributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED, 0.3); } @Override public InteractionResult mobInteract(Player player, InteractionHand hand) { ItemStack itemstack = player.getItemInHand(hand); if (itemstack.getItem() == Items.SADDLE && !this.hasSaddle()) { if (!player.isCreative()) { itemstack.shrink(1); } this.setSaddle(true); return InteractionResult.SUCCESS; } else if (!level.isClientSide && this.hasSaddle()) { player.startRiding(this); MountSyncPacket packet = new MountSyncPacket(true); // 'true' means the player is mounted NetworkHandler.CHANNEL.sendToServer(packet); // Ensure the server handles the packet return InteractionResult.SUCCESS; } return InteractionResult.PASS; } @Override public void travel(Vec3 travelVector) { if (this.isVehicle() && this.getControllingPassenger() instanceof Player) { System.out.println("The wolf has a passenger."); System.out.println("The passenger is a player."); Player player = (Player) this.getControllingPassenger(); // Ensure the player is the controller this.setYRot(player.getYRot()); this.yRotO = this.getYRot(); this.setXRot(player.getXRot() * 0.5F); this.setRot(this.getYRot(), this.getXRot()); this.yBodyRot = this.getYRot(); this.yHeadRot = this.yBodyRot; float forward = player.zza; float strafe = player.xxa; if (forward <= 0.0F) { forward *= 0.25F; } this.flyingSpeed = this.getSpeed() * 0.1F; this.setSpeed((float) this.getAttributeValue(Attributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED) * 1.5F); this.setDeltaMovement(new Vec3(strafe, travelVector.y, forward).scale(this.getSpeed())); this.calculateEntityAnimation(this, false); } else { // The wolf does not have a passenger or the passenger is not a player System.out.println("No player is mounted, or the passenger is not a player."); super.travel(travelVector); } } public boolean hasSaddle() { return this.hasSaddle; } public void setSaddle(boolean hasSaddle) { this.hasSaddle = hasSaddle; } @Override protected void dropEquipment() { super.dropEquipment(); if (this.hasSaddle()) { this.spawnAtLocation(Items.SADDLE); this.setSaddle(false); } } @SubscribeEvent public static void onServerTick(TickEvent.ServerTickEvent event) { if (event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START) { MinecraftServer server = net.minecraftforge.server.ServerLifecycleHooks.getCurrentServer(); if (server != null) { for (ServerPlayer player : server.getPlayerList().getPlayers()) { if (player.isPassenger() && player.getVehicle() instanceof MountableWolfEntity) { MountableWolfEntity wolf = (MountableWolfEntity) player.getVehicle(); System.out.println("Tick: " + player.getName().getString() + " is correctly mounted on " + wolf); } } } } } private boolean lastMountedState = false; @Override public void tick() { super.tick(); if (!this.level.isClientSide) { // Only on the server boolean isMounted = this.isVehicle() && this.getControllingPassenger() instanceof Player; // Only print if the state changed if (isMounted != lastMountedState) { if (isMounted) { Player player = (Player) this.getControllingPassenger(); // Verify the passenger is a player System.out.println("Server: Player " + player.getName().getString() + " is now mounted."); } else { System.out.println("Server: The wolf no longer has a passenger."); } lastMountedState = isMounted; } } } @Override public void addPassenger(Entity passenger) { super.addPassenger(passenger); if (passenger instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player) passenger; if (!this.level.isClientSide && player instanceof ServerPlayer) { // Send the packet to the server to indicate the player is mounted NetworkHandler.CHANNEL.send(PacketDistributor.PLAYER.with(() -> (ServerPlayer) player), new MountSyncPacket(true)); } } } @Override public void removePassenger(Entity passenger) { super.removePassenger(passenger); if (passenger instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player) passenger; if (!this.level.isClientSide && player instanceof ServerPlayer) { // Send the packet to the server to indicate the player is no longer mounted NetworkHandler.CHANNEL.send(PacketDistributor.PLAYER.with(() -> (ServerPlayer) player), new MountSyncPacket(false)); } } } @Override public boolean isControlledByLocalInstance() { Entity entity = this.getControllingPassenger(); return entity instanceof Player; } @Override public void positionRider(Entity passenger) { if (this.hasPassenger(passenger)) { double xOffset = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(this.getYRot() + 90)) * 0.4; double zOffset = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(this.getYRot() + 90)) * 0.4; passenger.setPos(this.getX() + xOffset, this.getY() + this.getPassengersRidingOffset() + passenger.getMyRidingOffset(), this.getZ() + zOffset); } } } MountSyncPacket package com.vals.valscraft.network; import com.vals.valscraft.entity.MountableWolfEntity; import net.minecraft.network.FriendlyByteBuf; import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel; import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer; import net.minecraft.world.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.world.entity.player.Player; import net.minecraftforge.network.NetworkEvent; import java.util.function.Supplier; public class MountSyncPacket { private final boolean isMounted; public MountSyncPacket(boolean isMounted) { this.isMounted = isMounted; } public void encode(FriendlyByteBuf buffer) { buffer.writeBoolean(isMounted); } public static MountSyncPacket decode(FriendlyByteBuf buffer) { return new MountSyncPacket(buffer.readBoolean()); } public void handle(NetworkEvent.Context context) { context.enqueueWork(() -> { ServerPlayer player = context.getSender(); // Get the player from the context if (player != null) { // Verifies if the player has dismounted if (!isMounted) { Entity vehicle = player.getVehicle(); if (vehicle instanceof MountableWolfEntity wolf) { // Logic to remove the player as a passenger wolf.removePassenger(player); System.out.println("Server: Player " + player.getName().getString() + " is no longer mounted."); } } } }); context.setPacketHandled(true); // Marks the packet as handled } } networkHandler package com.vals.valscraft.network; import com.vals.valscraft.valscraft; import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraftforge.network.NetworkRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.network.simple.SimpleChannel; import net.minecraftforge.network.NetworkEvent; import java.util.function.Supplier; public class NetworkHandler { private static final String PROTOCOL_VERSION = "1"; public static final SimpleChannel CHANNEL = NetworkRegistry.newSimpleChannel( new ResourceLocation(valscraft.MODID, "main"), () -> PROTOCOL_VERSION, PROTOCOL_VERSION::equals, PROTOCOL_VERSION::equals ); public static void init() { int packetId = 0; // Register the mount synchronization packet CHANNEL.registerMessage( packetId++, MountSyncPacket.class, MountSyncPacket::encode, MountSyncPacket::decode, (msg, context) -> msg.handle(context.get()) // Get the context with context.get() ); } }  
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