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(solved)Damage item in an event[1.10]


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IIRC, onRightClick is only run client side. In order to damage an item, you need to do it server side. Ergo packets.

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In 1.8 and earlier, interacting with a block via right-click fired an event on both sides, so you should be okay unless it's changed as Draco suggests it may have.


In either case, you want to only change inventory items on the server, so removing a 'sugar,' adding a 'swift_item', and damaging a stack (which I don't see you trying to do anywhere?) need to all happen when the world object is NOT remote.


ItemStack should have a method e.g. #damageItem that is used to increment the amount of damage done on the stack:

ItemStack stack = whateverStackYouWantToDamage;
stack.damageItem(1, player); // this is pre-1.8.9 code; may have changed

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