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[1.10.2] What's the correct way to modify the player model?


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I want the arms of a player to point in the same direction that he/she is looking

Do I have to listen for the RenderPlayerEvent.Pre event and then change the mainModel somehow?

Also, how is it possible to prevent the "hitting-animation" (pressing left mouse button ingame) for first and thirdperson?

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Ok. How does it work? If I wanted the arm to have the same direction as the head would I do something like this?


ModelBiped biped = event.getRenderer().getMainModel();
biped.bipedLeftArm.rotateAngleX = biped.bipedHead.rotateAngleX;

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  • 2 weeks later...

what do you mean by "where the player looks"

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have you ever useg OpenGL or lwjgl ? Well search for explanation of Gl11.glRotate Gl11.glScale and Fl11.glTranslate. With these methods you can alter rendered things. There is an event with pre and post phase, PlayerRenderEvent or something like that. in the prer you should acces the player model, inside the PlayerRenderer, and edit it. It should be an instance of ModelBiped. If there are some weird bugs with other player/creatures use the post methode to reverse you changes. between pre and post the player get rendered, so in the post phase you cant change the model.

catch(Exception e)




Yay, Pokémon exception handling, gotta catch 'em all (and then do nothing with 'em).

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How do I do this exactly? Something like this?

    public void renderPlayer(RenderPlayerEvent.Pre event)
        ModelPlayer model = event.getRenderer().getMainModel();

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this whould result in rendering thr RightArm twice.

//... pre event
//rX, rY, rZ need to be global
rX = model.bipedRightArm.roationX;
rY = model.bipedRightArm.roationY;
rZ = model.bipedRightArm.roationZ;

//... post event

catch(Exception e)




Yay, Pokémon exception handling, gotta catch 'em all (and then do nothing with 'em).

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1st I will just note: Look at event callbacks. Pre and Post is called exactly at start and end of rendering. If you do something in Pre, it won't really do much to vanilla code since vanilla will render rest on its own.


So one could ask - why such events even exist if they don't allow shit? Well - they do! And yes - almost anything rendering-related has close to zero compatibility (without special APIs) and thus - you basically replace whole thing.


So where am I going with it?

If you would want to render bracelet, cape, hat or some fire and sparkles - hell yeah, do it in Pre or Post!

If you need anything that is supposed to manipulate vanilla part of rendering - aside from GL calls like scaling, translating and rotating whole model - you usually can't. Solution? It's always - cancel rendering in Pre and re-render with modified code.

How to make modified code? Extend e.g: RenderPlayer and edit it to your needs, initialize it in some static field and call doRender() from Pre after event.setCanceled(true); - vanilla is gone, your rendering kicks in.

You need player specific stuff? Use @Capabilities and make Render class honour your per-player data.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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This is kind of similar to my current solution: I replace the ModelRenderer of the bipedRightarm and bipedLeftarm of the player model (as well as the armor layers) in pre with my own ModelRenderer if a specific item is held. This ModelRenderer changes the angles in the render() method. In the post rendering event the renderer is disabled again.


I don't know if this is a good approach or not but at least I don't have to do the rendering myself and it could provide at least some compatibility with other mods that want to change the model. I'm not sure how I shoud secure the functionality of the original ModelRenderer in my own ModelRenderer though.

I could either copy all fields from the original renderer via reflection, or store the original renderer inside my custom renderer, make my own renderer override all methods and then call the ones of the original renderer instead.




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