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The MCP with Forge Problem.


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When I run reobfuscate it makes tons of extar files in reobf and then my Mod I made does not work when I try to Test it.


Heres my MCP log.



18:40:48 - == MCP 7.23 (data: 7.23, client: 1.4.5, server: 1.4.5) ==

18:40:48 - OS : win32

18:40:48 - # VERSION INFO

18:40:48 - python: 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:31:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]

18:40:48 - platform: Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1

18:40:48 - # java: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_38\bin\java" -version'

18:40:49 - java version "1.6.0_38"


Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_38-b05)


Java HotSpot Client VM (build 20.13-b02, mixed mode, sharing)

18:40:49 - # javac: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_38\bin\javac" -version'

18:40:49 - javac 1.6.0_38

18:40:49 - # javac runtime: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_38\bin\javac" -J-version'

18:40:49 - java version "1.6.0_38"


Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_38-b05)


Java HotSpot Client VM (build 20.13-b02, mixed mode, sharing)

18:40:49 - # retroguard: 'runtime\bin\retroguard.jar --version'

18:40:49 - RetroGuard MCP v3.6.5

based on RetroGuard v2.3.1 by Retrologic Systems - www.retrologic.com

18:40:49 - # mcinjector: 'runtime\bin\mcinjector.jar --version'

18:40:49 - MCInjector v2.8 by Searge, LexManos, Fesh0r

18:40:49 - # patch: 'runtime\bin\applydiff.exe --version'

18:40:49 - patch 2.5.4

18:40:49 - # astyle: 'runtime\bin\astyle.exe --version'

18:40:49 - Artistic Style Version 2.02.1

18:40:49 - # jadretro: 'runtime\bin\jadretro.jar'

18:40:49 - Unable to access jarfile runtime\bin\jadretro.jar

18:40:49 - # jad: 'runtime\bin\jad.exe'

18:40:49 - # fernflower: 'runtime\bin\fernflower.jar'

18:40:49 - Usage: java ConsoleDecompiler ( -<option>=<value>)* (<source>)+ <destination>

18:40:49 - # found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, renumber csv, astyle, astyle config

18:40:49 - > Creating Retroguard config files

18:40:49 - == Reobfuscating client ==

18:40:49 - > Cleaning reobf

18:40:49 - > Generating md5s

18:40:53 - > Packing jar

18:40:54 - > Reobfuscating jar

18:40:54 - runcmd: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_38\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\minecraft.jar;jars\bin\jinput.jar;jars\bin\lwjgl.jar;jars\bin\lwjgl_util.jar" RetroGuard -notch temp\client_ro.cfg'

18:40:54 - shlex: ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jdk1.6.0_38\\bin\\java', '-cp', 'runtime\\bin\\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\\*;jars\\bin\\minecraft.jar;jars\\bin\\jinput.jar;jars\\bin\\lwjgl.jar;jars\\bin\\lwjgl_util.jar', 'RetroGuard', '-notch', 'temp\\client_ro.cfg']

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Object/shortForm not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/getBlockSize not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/Functor/shortForm not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/func_71822_b = func_71822_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BufferedBlockCipher/func_71789_b = func_71789_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/format/CompactJsonFormatter/format not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/JsonListener/endArray not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Array/typeSafeApplyTo not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_String/shortForm not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/asn1/ASN1Primitive/toASN1Primitive not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/format/CompactJsonFormatter/formatJsonNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNode/getType not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonConstants/getType not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors/func_74679_b = func_74679_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/possibleSign not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Object/matchesNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/ChainedFunctor/matchesNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNode/getText = getText to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter_Field/addField not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonObjectNodeBuilder/buildNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/modes/CFBBlockCipher/func_71808_c = func_71808_c to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter_Field/addNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProvider/func_74821_a = func_74821_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/stringValue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonStringNode/getFields = getFields to d fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonStringNode/getElements not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/JsonListener/startObject not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/ThingWithPosition/getRow not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeFactories/aJsonTrue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors/func_74682_a = func_74682_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/crypto/modes/CFBBlockCipher/getBlockSize not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Field/typeSafeApplyTo not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/crypto/StreamCipher/returnByte not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeBuilders/func_74709_c = func_74709_c to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/hexadecimalNumber not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/JsonListener/numberValue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/DERObjectIdentifier/func_71608_a = func_71608_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProvider/func_74818_a = func_74818_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/PositionTrackingPushbackReader/getRow not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonStringNode/getText = getText to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/jcajce/provider/config/ProviderConfigurationPermission/calculateMask not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/modes/CFBBlockCipher/func_71806_a = func_71806_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonArrayNodeBuilder/buildNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BufferedBlockCipher/func_71790_a = func_71790_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProvider/func_74819_a = func_74819_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNode/wrapExceptionsFor not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/Functor/applyTo not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/endDocument not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/numberToken not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNode/getArrayNode = getArrayNode to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeBuilders/func_74712_a = func_74712_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/ThingWithPosition/getColumn not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/stringToken not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/asn1/ASN1Encodable/toASN1Primitive not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeBuilders/func_74710_b = func_74710_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/nonZeroDigitToken not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Array/matchesNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/PositionTrackingPushbackReader/unread not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Element/shortForm not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BlockCipher/func_71805_a = func_71805_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeFactories/aJsonArray not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/ASN1ObjectIdentifier/func_71612_a = func_71612_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/objectString not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter_Array/addNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/PositionTrackingPushbackReader/updateCharacterAndLineCounts not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors/func_74683_b = func_74683_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BufferedBlockCipher/init = init to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/PositionTrackingPushbackReader/read not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonObject/getElements not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNumberNodeBuilder/buildNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeDoesNotMatchPathElementsException/commaSeparate not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/crypto/params/KeyParameter/getKey not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/aFieldToken not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonFieldBuilder/buildValue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/getDocument not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonObjectNodeBuilder/withFieldBuilder not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Field/func_74641_a = func_74641_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/func_71806_a = func_71806_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/func_71819_a = func_71819_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/jcajce/provider/util/AlgorithmProvider/configure not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonConstants/getFields = getFields to d fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/modes/CFBBlockCipher/func_71807_b = func_71807_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter_NodeContainer/addField not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNumberNode/getText = getText to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelector/getValue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/func_71817_a = func_71817_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JdomParser/parse = parse to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/arrayString not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors/func_74678_a = func_74678_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/escapedStringChar not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/crypto/KeyGenerationParameters/getStrength not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeFactories/aJsonString not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/func_71805_a = func_71805_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonArray/getFields = getFields to d fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonFieldBuilder/withValue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/digitToken not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonArray/getElements not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonObject/getText = getText to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeBuilders_False/buildNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/asn1/ASN1Primitive/asn1Equals not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonStringNode/getType not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/endObject not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNode/getFields = getFields to d fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors/func_74684_b = func_74684_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Object/typeSafeApplyTo not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BufferedBlockCipher/func_71794_b = func_71794_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNumberNode/getFields = getFields to d fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/crypto/BlockCipher/getBlockSize not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeFactories/aJsonNumber not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/possibleFractionalComponent not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeFactories/aJsonFalse not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors/chainOn not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/JsonListener/falseValue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNumberNode/getType not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/nonNegativeNumberToken not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/asn1/DERObjectIdentifier/asn1Equals not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/endField not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/crypto/params/ParametersWithIV/getParameters not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/func_71821_b = func_71821_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/crypto/KeyGenerationParameters/getRandom not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonArray/getType not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/asn1/ASN1Object/toASN1Primitive not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Array/shortForm not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Element/typeSafeApplyTo not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonArrayNodeBuilder/withElement not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/StreamCipher/func_74850_a = func_74850_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors/func_74680_a = func_74680_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeFactories/aJsonNull not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonStringNode/func_74626_a = func_74626_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_String/func_74645_a = func_74645_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Object/func_74640_a = func_74640_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/JsonListener/endObject not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/digitString not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Array/typeSafeApplyTo not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Array/matchesNode_ not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNumberNode/getElements not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeBuilders_Null/buildNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors/chainedJsonNodeSelector not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_String/func_74644_b = func_74644_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/nullValue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/PositionTrackingPushbackReader/getColumn not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/falseValue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Field/shortForm not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProvider/func_74820_b = func_74820_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/CipherKeyGenerator/init = init to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/possibleExponent not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Element/matchesNode_ not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Field/typeSafeApplyTo not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeDoesNotMatchChainedJsonNodeSelectorException/func_74701_a = func_74701_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeDoesNotMatchChainedJsonNodeSelectorException/getShortFormFailPath not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors/func_74675_a = func_74675_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/format/JsonFormatter/format not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeFactories/aJsonObject not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelector/with not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/addValue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeDoesNotMatchChainedJsonNodeSelectorException/func_74699_a = func_74699_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonObjectNodeBuilder/func_74606_a = func_74606_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/getAlgorithmName not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/modes/CFBBlockCipher/func_71805_a = func_71805_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeBuilders/anArrayBuilder not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BlockCipher/func_71803_c = func_71803_c to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonConstants/getElements not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_String/typeSafeApplyTo not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/func_71816_a = func_71816_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter_Array/addField not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Element/typeSafeApplyTo_ not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonArray/asList not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/JsonListener/stringValue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeBuilders/func_74714_a = func_74714_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeBuilder/buildNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNode/getStringValue = getStringValue to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/ChainedFunctor/shortForm not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/trueValue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BufferedBlockCipher/func_71791_a = func_71791_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/func_71823_a = func_71823_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/PositionTrackingPushbackReader/uncount not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonFieldBuilder/withKey not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/LeafFunctor/applyTo not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/JsonListener/endField not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/JsonListener/trueValue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Object/func_74639_b = func_74639_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonConstants/getText = getText to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonObject/getType not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BlockCipher/func_71806_a = func_71806_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/Functor/matchesNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/crypto/params/ParametersWithIV/getIV not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/JsonListener/nullValue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/util/Strings/toLowerCase not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeFactories/aJsonArray not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeBuilders/func_74713_b = func_74713_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/io/CipherInputStream/func_74852_a = func_74852_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/aJsonValue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonStringNodeBuilder/buildNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonObjectNodeBuilder/func_74607_a = func_74607_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter_NodeContainer/addNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Element/matchesNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BufferedBlockCipher/func_71793_a = func_71793_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/crypto/BlockCipher/getAlgorithmName not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/JsonListener/startArray not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_String/matchesNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/numberValue not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/PositionTrackingPushbackReader/read not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/parse not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/startArray not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/func_71815_c = func_71815_c to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeDoesNotMatchChainedJsonNodeSelectorException/func_74698_b = func_74698_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter_Object/addNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelector/shortForm not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/modes/CFBBlockCipher/func_71803_c = func_71803_c to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonStringNodeBuilder/func_74600_a = func_74600_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/ChainedFunctor/applyTo not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/func_71818_a = func_71818_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors/func_74681_c = func_74681_c to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/startField not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/DERObjectIdentifier/func_71609_b = func_71609_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/LeafFunctor/typeSafeApplyTo not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/SajParser/readNextNonWhitespaceChar not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/startDocument not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelector/matches not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/CipherKeyGenerator/generateKey = generateKey to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Field/matchesNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/JsonListener/startDocument not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeDoesNotMatchPathElementsException/formatMessage not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JdomParser/parse not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/format/CompactJsonFormatter/format not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonObject/getFields = getFields to d fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonFieldBuilder/func_74724_b = func_74724_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNode/getElements not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeDoesNotMatchPathElementsException/jsonNodeDoesNotMatchPathElementsException not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/JsonListener/endDocument not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonArrayNodeBuilder/build not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/func_71820_b = func_71820_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter_Object/addField not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonFieldBuilder/aJsonFieldBuilder not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method org/bouncycastle/crypto/modes/CFBBlockCipher/getAlgorithmName not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonArray/getText = getText to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/startObject not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/func_71803_c = func_71803_c to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/endArray not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeBuilders_True/buildNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/addRootNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BufferedBlockCipher/func_71792_a = func_71792_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/jdom/JsonNodeBuilders/anObjectBuilder not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: method argo/saj/JsonListener/startField not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/saj/InvalidSyntaxException/column not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71641_d = field_71641_d to d fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71739_ah = field_71739_ah to ah fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProvider/field_74829_h = field_74829_h to h fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71629_T = field_71629_T to T fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/modes/CFBBlockCipher/field_71810_d = field_71810_d to d fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71653_i = field_71653_i to i fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71620_L = field_71620_L to L fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonConstants/TRUE not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71618_B = field_71618_B to B fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71675_bp = field_71675_bp to bp fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71825_g = field_71825_g to g fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/ChainedFunctor/childJsonNodeSelector not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonObject/fields not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonFieldBuilder/valueBuilder not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71630_W = field_71630_W to W fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71595_a = field_71595_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71664_x = field_71664_x to x fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71602_h = field_71602_h to h fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71836_k = field_71836_k to k fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/saj/InvalidSyntaxException/row not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/io/CipherInputStream/field_74854_g = field_74854_g to g fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71715_az = field_71715_az to az fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71684_bi = field_71684_bi to bi fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/format/CompactJsonFormatter_JsonNodeType/enumJsonNodeTypeMappingArray not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BufferedBlockCipher/field_71800_c = field_71800_c to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonArrayNodeBuilder/elementBuilders not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter_Array/listenerToJdomAdapter not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71705_aO = field_71705_aO to aO fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71721_aq = field_71721_aq to aq fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71708_aB = field_71708_aB to aB fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71682_bg = field_71682_bg to bg fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71652_h = field_71652_h to h fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71689_aZ = field_71689_aZ to aZ fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonNodeDoesNotMatchChainedJsonNodeSelectorException/failPath not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71642_e = field_71642_e to e fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71628_U = field_71628_U to U fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProvider/field_74822_f = field_74822_f to f fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProvider/keyInfoConverters not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71621_M = field_71621_M to M fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71693_aT = field_71693_aT to aT fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71734_ac = field_71734_ac to ac fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeType/NUMBER = NUMBER to d fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71738_ag = field_71738_ag to ag fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71639_f = field_71639_f to f fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71835_j = field_71835_j to j fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71617_A = field_71617_A to A fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71631_V = field_71631_V to V fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71594_c = field_71594_c to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71824_f = field_71824_f to f fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71663_y = field_71663_y to y fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71603_i = field_71603_i to i fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71632_Q = field_71632_Q to Q fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/io/CipherInputStream/field_74853_f = field_74853_f to f fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71667_by = field_71667_by to by fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BufferedBlockCipher/field_71801_a = field_71801_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71714_aH = field_71714_aH to aH fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonFieldBuilder/key not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71699_aI = field_71699_aI to aI fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/saj/PositionTrackingPushbackReader/pushbackReader not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71736_aa = field_71736_aa to aa fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71680_bm = field_71680_bm to bm fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71643_b = field_71643_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71700_aJ = field_71700_aJ to aJ fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71827_e = field_71827_e to e fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/saj/PositionTrackingPushbackReader/lineCount not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71840_q = field_71840_q to q fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProvider/PROVIDER_NAME not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/saj/PositionTrackingPushbackReader/characterCount not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71622_N = field_71622_N to N fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/modes/CFBBlockCipher/field_71812_b = field_71812_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71651_k = field_71651_k to k fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter_Field/fieldBuilder not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71604_q = field_71604_q to q fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71616_G = field_71616_G to G fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProvider/field_74823_g = field_74823_g to g fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71724_av = field_71724_av to av fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer/timeOfLastDimensionTick not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71638_Z = field_71638_Z to Z fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71834_m = field_71834_m to m fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/io/CipherInputStream/field_74856_e = field_74856_e to e fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71686_bc = field_71686_bc to bc fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonNodeDoesNotMatchChainedJsonNodeSelectorException/failedNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71593_b = field_71593_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71711_aE = field_71711_aE to aE fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71695_aV = field_71695_aV to aV fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71707_aA = field_71707_aA to aA fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71644_c = field_71644_c to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71666_bv = field_71666_bv to bv fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71716_ay = field_71716_ay to ay fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonNumberNode/value not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71696_aU = field_71696_aU to aU fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/format/JsonEscapedString/escapedString not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71841_p = field_71841_p to p fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/stack not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/modes/CFBBlockCipher/field_71811_e = field_71811_e to e fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71623_O = field_71623_O to O fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71659_r = field_71659_r to r fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71650_j = field_71650_j to j fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71637_X = field_71637_X to X fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71706_aP = field_71706_aP to aP fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/ChainedFunctor/parentJsonNodeSelector not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeType/TRUE = TRUE to e fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71826_d = field_71826_d to d fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeType/NULL = NULL to g fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/io/CipherInputStream/field_74855_d = field_74855_d to d fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71720_ar = field_71720_ar to ar fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71713_aG = field_71713_aG to aG fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71833_l = field_71833_l to l fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71673_bn = field_71673_bn to bn fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/jcajce/provider/config/ProviderConfigurationPermission/permissionMask not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71729_aj = field_71729_aj to aj fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71688_be = field_71688_be to be fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71592_e = field_71592_e to e fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71605_p = field_71605_p to p fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71615_F = field_71615_F to F fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProvider/info not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71665_bw = field_71665_bw to bw fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/crypto/params/KeyParameter/key not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71645_a = field_71645_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71726_ak = field_71726_ak to ak fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelector/valueGetter not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProvider/field_74825_e = field_74825_e to e fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71733_an = field_71733_an to an fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/modes/CFBBlockCipher/field_71814_a = field_71814_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonArray_NodeList/elements not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71658_s = field_71658_s to s fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71694_aS = field_71694_aS to aS fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/io/CipherInputStream/field_74857_b = field_74857_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71692_aQ = field_71692_aQ to aQ fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter_Array/nodeBuilder not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71829_c = field_71829_c to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71660_q = field_71660_q to q fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter/root not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/modes/CFBBlockCipher/field_71809_f = field_71809_f to f fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71704_aN = field_71704_aN to aN fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71672_bt = field_71672_bt to bt fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71703_aM = field_71703_aM to aM fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Field/theFieldName not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71730_ao = field_71730_ao to ao fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71646_n = field_71646_n to n fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71625_I = field_71625_I to I fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71678_bk = field_71678_bk to bk fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonStringNode/value not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71668_bx = field_71668_bx to bx fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71737_ab = field_71737_ab to ab fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/io/CipherOutputStream/field_74846_d = field_74846_d to d fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71614_E = field_71614_E to E fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/crypto/KeyGenerationParameters/random not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71679_bl = field_71679_bl to bl fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BufferedBlockCipher/field_71796_f = field_71796_f to f fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/crypto/CipherKeyGenerator/strength not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonNumberNode/PATTERN not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71591_d = field_71591_d to d fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71635_R = field_71635_R to R fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71697_aX = field_71697_aX to aX fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71599_m = field_71599_m to m fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71681_bf = field_71681_bf to bf fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71832_o = field_71832_o to o fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProviderAction/field_74801_a = field_74801_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71735_ad = field_71735_ad to ad fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeType/STRING = STRING to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/modes/CFBBlockCipher/field_71813_c = field_71813_c to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71657_t = field_71657_t to t fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/io/CipherInputStream/field_74858_c = field_74858_c to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/DERObjectIdentifier/field_71611_a = field_71611_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71740_ae = field_71740_ae to ae fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter_Field/listenerToJdomAdapter not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71828_b = field_71828_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71727_al = field_71727_al to al fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeType/FALSE = FALSE to f fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonArray/elements not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71670_br = field_71670_br to br fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71647_o = field_71647_o to o fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71687_bd = field_71687_bd to bd fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71636_Y = field_71636_Y to Y fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71624_H = field_71624_H to H fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonNumberNodeBuilder/builtNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71709_aC = field_71709_aC to aC fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/saj/PositionTrackingPushbackReader/lastCharacterWasCarriageReturn not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71839_r = field_71839_r to r fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/DERObjectIdentifier/field_71610_b = field_71610_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BufferedBlockCipher/field_71797_d = field_71797_d to d fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71702_aL = field_71702_aL to aL fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71831_n = field_71831_n to n fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71613_D = field_71613_D to D fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/io/CipherOutputStream/field_74847_b = field_74847_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71722_ax = field_71722_ax to ax fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71590_g = field_71590_g to g fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71598_l = field_71598_l to l fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71677_bj = field_71677_bj to bj fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonStringNodeBuilder/builtStringNode not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter_Object/listenerToJdomAdapter not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71671_bu = field_71671_bu to bu fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/crypto/params/ParametersWithIV/parameters not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeType/$VALUES = $VALUES to h fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeType/ARRAY = ARRAY to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/crypto/CipherKeyGenerator/random not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71656_u = field_71656_u to u fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71600_j = field_71600_j to j fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonNodeSelectors_Element/index not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71690_aY = field_71690_aY to aY fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/io/CipherInputStream/field_74859_a = field_74859_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71732_am = field_71732_am to am fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71683_bh = field_71683_bh to bh fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71741_af = field_71741_af to af fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonNodeDoesNotMatchPathElementsException/JSON_FORMATTER not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProviderConfiguration/dhThreadSpec not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/jcajce/provider/config/ProviderConfigurationPermission/actions not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71710_aD = field_71710_aD to aD fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71676_bq = field_71676_bq to bq fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71662_z = field_71662_z to z fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonListenerToJdomAdapter_Object/nodeBuilder not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71723_aw = field_71723_aw to aw fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71627_K = field_71627_K to K fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field net/minecraft/client/renderer/WorldRenderer/tessellator not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71719_as = field_71719_as to as fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71597_o = field_71597_o to o fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap argo/jdom/JsonNodeType/OBJECT = OBJECT to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/io/CipherOutputStream/field_74848_c = field_74848_c to c fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71701_aK = field_71701_aK to aK fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71698_aW = field_71698_aW to aW fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71633_P = field_71633_P to P fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/crypto/params/ParametersWithIV/iv not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProviderConfiguration/BC_EC_LOCAL_PERMISSION not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BufferedBlockCipher/field_71798_e = field_71798_e to e fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProviderConfiguration/BC_DH_PERMISSION not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71648_l = field_71648_l to l fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonConstants/jsonNodeType not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/crypto/KeyGenerationParameters/strength not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71838_i = field_71838_i to i fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonObjectNodeBuilder_List/nodeBuilder not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71830_a = field_71830_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProviderConfiguration/BC_DH_LOCAL_PERMISSION not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonConstants/FALSE not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProviderConfiguration/BC_EC_PERMISSION not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71655_v = field_71655_v to v fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71691_aR = field_71691_aR to aR fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71601_k = field_71601_k to k fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71731_ap = field_71731_ap to ap fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71589_f = field_71589_f to f fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71685_bb = field_71685_bb to bb fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71712_aF = field_71712_aF to aF fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71661_p = field_71661_p to p fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71717_ba = field_71717_ba to ba fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonObjectNodeBuilder/fieldBuilders not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71725_au = field_71725_au to au fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71674_bo = field_71674_bo to bo fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/AESFastEngine/field_71837_h = field_71837_h to h fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71626_J = field_71626_J to J fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/io/CipherOutputStream/field_74849_a = field_74849_a to a fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71669_bs = field_71669_bs to bs fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field argo/jdom/JsonConstants/NULL not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/bc/BCObjectIdentifiers/field_71596_n = field_71596_n to n fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71619_C = field_71619_C to C fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71649_m = field_71649_m to m fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71640_g = field_71640_g to g fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71634_S = field_71634_S to S fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71654_w = field_71654_w to w fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProviderConfiguration/ecThreadSpec not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/crypto/BufferedBlockCipher/field_71799_b = field_71799_b to b fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71728_ai = field_71728_ai to ai fixed by Script

18:41:07 - # Warning: field org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProvider/CONFIGURATION not found in JAR

18:41:07 - # Trying to remap org/bouncycastle/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers/field_71718_at = field_71718_at to at fixed by Script

18:41:07 - > Extracting modified classes

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockPortal

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderChatListener

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandServerOp

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockEnchantmentTable

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet51MapChunk

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderWolf

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockFlowing

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentScatteredFeature

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/MapGenBase

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderWitch

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/chunk/Chunk

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundManager

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/model/ModelQuadruped

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderBlocks

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/SorterStatsItem

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/FMLRelaunchLog

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/oredict/OreDictionary$OreRegisterEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockRedstoneTorch

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/Particle

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockPane

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockEndPortalFrame

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/projectile/EntityFishHook

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/network/ModListResponsePacket

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageChurch

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/DimensionManager

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/CallableType2

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiSlotLanguage

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundPoolEntry

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderEnchantmentTable

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/GuiAchievements

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/Property$Type

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIAvoidEntity

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockLog

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerEvent$BreakSpeed

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdStraight

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderSorter

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderFallingSand

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/crash/CrashReport

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLModContainer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureStrongholdStones

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/ChunkProviderServer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockTorch

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiButtonMerchant

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityPainting

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/util/MD5String

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockEnderChest

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/ModMetadata

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/SorterStatsBlock

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/stats/StatFileWriter

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/crafting/FurnaceRecipes

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeDummyContainer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/client/ForgeHooksClient$TesKey

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/CallableUpdatingScreenName

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/GuiSlotStats

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiScreenBook

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandServerPardon

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandGameRule

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureNetherBridgeStart

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/PopulateChunkEvent$Populate

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockRedstoneOre

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/oredict/OreDictionary

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockGlowStone

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureMineshaftStart

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeDecorator

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerInteractEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/src/FMLRenderAccessLibrary

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/biome/WorldChunkManager

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockCommandBlock

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityBeacon

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockButton

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiWinGame

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandServerBan

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/client/modloader/ModLoaderClientHelper$1

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/GLAllocation

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/model/ModelOcelot

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/CallableMouseLocation

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/TcpConnection

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/network/EntitySpawnPacket

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/event/FMLInterModComms$IMCMessage

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeChunkManager$Ticket

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiSlider

18:41:07 - > New class found      : chibill/AdditionalCrafting/CommonProxy

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/Loader$ModIdComparator

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/model/ModelEnderCrystal

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityFallingSand

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/Block$1

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet205ClientCommand

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/storage/MapData

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/settings/GameSettings

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerInteractEvent$Action

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/client/GuiCustomModLoadingErrorScreen

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/texturefx/TextureFX

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdLeftTurn

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/CallableChunkPosHash

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdCrossing

18:41:07 - > New class found      : chibill/AdditionalCrafting/FuelHandler

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/texturefx/TextureCompassFX

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentMineshaftRoom

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet17Sleep

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockMycelium

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiChest

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/client/GuiSlotModList

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/ItemRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/client/GuiWrongMinecraft

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockBookshelf

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$BiomeColor

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockSkull

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityMobSpawner

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandWeather

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenDeadBush

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderXPOrb

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$GetGrassColor

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/stats/AchievementList

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerEnchantment

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntitySkullRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/gui/ServerGuiCommandListener

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet5PlayerInventory

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockOre

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenVines

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidDictionary$LiquidRegisterEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockTrapDoor

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemEditableBook

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenHellLava

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderLightningBolt

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageField2

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiControls

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderSheep

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/ContainerCreative

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiMerchant

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/EntityLiving

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockEndPortal

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/inventory/Container

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/MinecraftFakeLauncher

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentMineshaftStairs

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet28EntityVelocity

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeInternalHandler

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerRepair

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiInventory

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/EntityItemPickupEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/PopulateChunkEvent$Post

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/ChestGenHooks

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntityRendererPiston

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/gui/PlayerListBox

18:41:07 - > New class found      : chibill/AdditionalCrafting/NewBasicBlock

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderMinecart

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockStone

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLDummyContainer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockTallGrass

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/texturepacks/TexturePackFolder

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandClearInventory

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageField

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIMoveThroughVillage

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet25EntityPainting

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/particle/EntityPickupFX

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageHouse3

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageHouse2

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageHouse1

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/crash/CallableCrashMemoryReport

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeManager

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandEnchant

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeStraight

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenCactus

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/storage/MapStorage

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/CanvasMinecraftApplet

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet52MultiBlockChange

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandServerKick

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet41EntityEffect

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : ibxm/ProTracker

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/texturepacks/TexturePackDownloadSuccess

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet108EnchantItem

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCorridor4

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCorridor5

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/RailLogic

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderGlobal

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/projectile/EntityThrowable

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/ServerListenThread

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/util/Vec3Pool

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderSnowball

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet7UseEntity

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/layer/GenLayer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/LoadingScreenRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet71Weather

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet16BlockItemSwitch

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderBiped

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntityChestRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderDispenseHelper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/MinecraftForge

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderVillager

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/village/VillageSiege

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiFurnace

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockLilyPad

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenerator

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/village/MerchantRecipeList

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet15Place

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderEnderman

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandDebug

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockMelon

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$CreateDecorator

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/biome/WorldChunkManagerHell

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/ChunkProviderGenerate

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/crafting/ShapelessRecipes

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentHelper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/stats/StatBase

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/Render

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderItem

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandGameMode

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/ModMetadata$JsonArrayConverter

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/particle/EntityLargeExplodeFX

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/network/ModIdMapPacket

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiScreenAddServer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/MapGenCaves

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockVine

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockPistonBase

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/integrated/CallableType3

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkWatchEvent$Watch

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/ThreadPollServers

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiEditSign

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockPressurePlate

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/util/CryptManager

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiButtonNextPage

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiCreateWorld

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/CallableMPL1

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/CallableMPL2

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/NetLoginHandler

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureStart

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$GetVillageBlockID

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityMinecart

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdPortalRoom

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/chunk/storage/AnvilSaveConverter

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/Gui

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockFire

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/projectile/EntityArrow

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/model/ModelBiped

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandServerPardonIp

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/FlatGeneratorInfo

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/PlayerSelector

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderVillageTradeHandler

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/CallableClientProfiler

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenDesertWells

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/gui/ServerGuiFocusAdapter

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/MapItemRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/event/FMLInterModComms

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockSnow

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/ForgeEventFactory

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/ThreadDownloadImage

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet34EntityTeleport

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntitySenses

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/management/ServerConfigurationManager

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderMagmaCube

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/transformers/EventTransformer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemBlock

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/World

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundPool

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/Loader

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/ModClassLoader

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/client/IItemRenderer$ItemRenderType

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiParticle

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/EntitySorter

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderGiantZombie

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLCommonHandler

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ChunkProviderClient

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/gui/GuiStatsListener

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockDispenser

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/CallableTickingScreenName

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/EnumHelper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet20NamedEntitySpawn

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiGameOver

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemBoat

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemMonsterPlacer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : ibxm/Player$Driver

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/texturepacks/TexturePackList

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/monster/EntityPigZombie

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/GameWindowListener

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenMinable

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureVillageStart

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemRecord

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCorridor

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/CanvasMojangLogo

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet202PlayerAbilities

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIMate

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/src/BaseMod

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandServerTp

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/dedicated/ConsoleLogManager

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenTaiga

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/stats/StatsSyncher

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemPotion

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/util/AABBPool

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/nbt/CompressedStreamTools

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiEnchantment

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/monster/EntityWitch

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderList

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockWood

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/PanelCrashReport

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/Explosion

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderEntitySpawnCallback

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/LoaderState$ModState

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockWoodSlab

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/util/HttpUtil

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandBase

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenBigMushroom

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/CallableLvl1

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet11PlayerPosition

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagList

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/inventory/InventoryBasic

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/chunk/storage/AnvilSaveHandler

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/EntityRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/particle/EntityFootStepFX

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/village/VillageCollection

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderBoat

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockFluid

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/gui/GuiLogOutputHandler

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockLeaves

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderHelper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/FontRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenReed

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentScatteredFeatureDesertPyramid

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet53BlockChange

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureComponent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenWaterlily

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCrossing

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerManager

18:41:07 - > New class found      : chibill/AdditionalCrafting/NewFancyItem

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenSpikes

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$GetVillageBlockMeta

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemShears

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/crash/CrashReportCategory

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiScreenServerList

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdLibrary

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet9Respawn

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockRedstoneRepeater

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderHelper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiDisconnected

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenForest

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/model/ModelWolf

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/gui/GuiStatsComponent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemMap

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderBat

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/MapGenVillage

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ThreadLanServerPing

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/MapGenCavesHell

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderOcelot

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdStairs2

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/Teleporter

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenJungle

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/projectile/EntityPotion

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/ai/RandomPositionGenerator

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/TerrainGen

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockRedstoneWire

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenDesert

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenTrees

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet19EntityAction

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockDoor

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderEntity

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockFlowerPot

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiDispenser

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdStairs

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentMineshaftCorridor

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenHills

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenLiquids

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedPlayerList

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/texturepacks/GuiTexturePacks

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ServerAddress

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderFireball

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandServerMessage

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiMultiplayer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/ThreadLoginVerifier

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderEngine

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/WorldRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockTripWire

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet2ClientProtocol

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/gui/GuiLogFormatter

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderIronGolem

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/GameRules

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : paulscode/sound/codecs/CodecIBXM

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandServerDeop

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandHelp

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderSlime

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiContainerCreative

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/Block

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiCrafting

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/passive/EntityMooshroom

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/ImageBufferDownload

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiFlatPresetsListSlot

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet252SharedKey

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockFurnace

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/ModMetadata$JsonStringConverter

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenLakes

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemBucket

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureScatteredFeatureStart

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidEvent$LiquidDrainingEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeNetherStalkRoom

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLModContainer$1

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLModContainer$2

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidEvent$LiquidFillingEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityEnchantmentTable

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/EntityRegistry$EntityRegistration

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/client/GuiDupesFound

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiContainer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/client/modloader/ModLoaderClientHelper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIPlay

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeEntrance

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/CallableGLInfo

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIFollowGolem

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/util/HttpUtilRunnable

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidEvent$LiquidMotionEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/model/ModelGhast

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/EventBus

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemStack

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/MapGenMineshaft

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenShrub

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/inventory/SlotCrafting

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/model/PositionTextureVertex

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiCommandBlock

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntityEnderChestRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/LanServerList

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenTaiga1

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenTaiga2

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/dispenser/BehaviorDispenseFireball

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/audio/CodecMus

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet60Explosion

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityItem

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandServerEmote

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/model/ModelChicken

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/network/NetworkRegistry

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$GetFoliageColor

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/profiler/PlayerUsageSnooper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/crafting/RecipesArmorDyes

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeStairs

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdRightTurn

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenGlowStone1

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenGlowStone2

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/storage/SaveHandlerMP

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/effect/EntityLightningBolt

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/EntityHanging

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockChest

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenTallGrass

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/util/MouseHelper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiNewChat

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/client/ModCompatibilityClient

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntityMobSpawnerRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/Minecraft

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/monster/EntitySkeleton

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeChunkManager$UnforceChunkEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockTripWireSource

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockRedstoneLight

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockStep

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockCloth

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/GuiSlotStatsBlock

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/client/FMLTextureFX

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/monster/EntityZombie

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderMooshroom

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/client/registry/RenderingRegistry

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderLiving

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeHooks$GrassEntry

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet26EntityExpOrb

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockLadder

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/CallableLWJGLVersion

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidDictionary

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerEvent$HarvestCheck

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderPainting

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockCocoa

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIFleeSun

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemBow

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockPistonMoving

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/CanvasCrashReport

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockWall

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenForest

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet39AttachEntity

18:41:07 - > New class found      : chibill/AdditionalCrafting/NewBasicItem

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderNetworkHandler

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/model/ModelBase

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/client/ForgeHooksClient

18:41:07 - > New class found      : chibill/AdditionalCrafting/client/ClientProxy

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$GetWaterColor

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCorridor2

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/FMLRelaunchLog$ConsoleLogThread

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/crash/CallableBlockType

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/entity/item/ItemTossEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCorridor3

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/VillagerRegistry

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/client/registry/RenderingRegistry$EntityRendererInfo

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkEvent$Unload

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/gui/ServerGUI

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/boss/EntityDragon

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/ServerCommandManager

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/texturepacks/TexturePackImplementation

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/passive/EntityAnimal

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/entity/minecart/MinecartEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/MapGenScatteredFeature

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/integrated/CallableIsModded

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ServerList

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageHouse4_Garden

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillagePathGen

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/client/modloader/ModLoaderKeyBindingHandler

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/chunk/EmptyChunk

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/CallableScreenSize

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderWither

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockPistonExtension

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiBeaconButton

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/client/GuiIdMismatchScreen

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/model/ModelDragon

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/monster/EntitySlime

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/gui/ServerWindowAdapter

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeChunkManager$ForceChunkEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/event/FMLInterModComms$IMCEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/CallableClientMemoryStats

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockSandStone

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/PopulateChunkEvent$Pre

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiScreen

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/CallableScreenName

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/culling/ClippingHelperImpl

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/LoaderState

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/util/EnchantmentNameParts

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/RenderEnderCrystal

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockMobSpawner

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/client/IItemRenderer$ItemRendererHelper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockBrewingStand

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet42RemoveEntityEffect

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/util/Session

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet132TileEntityData

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/ConfigCategory

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIFollowParent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderManager

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentMineshaftCross

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAITasks

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/NoiseGeneratorOctaves

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandServerBanIp

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntitySignRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/WorldType

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/GuiSlotStatsItem

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/CallableParticlePositionInfo

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockFlower

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/ChunkProviderEnd

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdCorridor

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeChunkManager

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdRoomCrossing

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/village/Village

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockCauldron

18:41:07 - > New class found      : chibill/AdditionalCrafting/Base

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/MinecraftDummyContainer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockGravel

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiSnooper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderSnowMan

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet10Flying

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiButton

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockDragonEgg

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/MapGenStructure

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/MapGenRavine

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockClay

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockStoneBrick

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/Entity

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/network/FMLNetworkHandler

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockMushroomCap

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandServerBanlist

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityDispenser

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIHurtByTarget

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/CallableParticleScreenName

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderCreeper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/management/LowerStringMap

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/RenderEndPortal

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityPiston

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandDifficulty

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeHooks

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/ChunkProviderFlat

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityFurnace

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockLever

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeChunkManager$Type

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockBed

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/ChatClickData

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageHall

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiButtonLanguage

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/crash/CallableIntCache

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet61DoorChange

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenClay

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/RenderItemFrame

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderFish

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiSelectWorld

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/passive/EntityBat

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/ASMEventHandler

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet21PickupSpawn

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/PopulateChunkEvent$Populate$EventType

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenSand

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiRenameWorld

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGeneratorBonusChest

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/oredict/ShapelessOreRecipe

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet204ClientInfo

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/EntityRegistry

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/OpenGlCapsChecker

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/util/MathHelper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentScatteredFeatureJunglePyramid

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedServerListenThread

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/chunk/storage/AnvilChunkLoader

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/util/ScreenShotHelper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureMineshaftPieces

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/CallableModded

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockStairs

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderArrow

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageWell

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiSlotServer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAINearestAttackableTargetSorter

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/Configuration$UnicodeInputStreamReader

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenSwamp

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAINearestAttackableTarget

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdPrison

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet107CreativeSetSlot

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenFlowers

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdChestCorridor

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/MapGenNetherBridge

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/MapGenStronghold

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/storage/SaveFormatOld

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/OpenGlHelper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/WorldProvider

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/ActiveRenderInfo

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/texturepacks/GuiTexturePackSlot

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/client/event/sound/SoundEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/MinecraftAppletImpl

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/LanguageRegistry

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderSpider

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/CreativeCrafting

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureStrongholdStart

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockStationary

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderSquid

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : ibxm/Player

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/CallableTexturePack

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/ASMEventHandler$ASMClassLoader

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiIngame

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntityBeaconRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockSand

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidEvent$LiquidSpilledEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet56MapChunks

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/Property

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet14BlockDig

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ThreadLanServerFind

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderTNTPrimed

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockTNT

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemSkull

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeCache

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenDungeons

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiTextField

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet18Animation

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/settings/KeyBinding

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/texturefx/TexturePortalFX

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet62LevelSound

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCrossing2

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCrossing3

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet253ServerAuthData

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/PlayerControllerMP

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/integrated/IntegratedPlayerList

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/RenderWitherSkull

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderDragon

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkWatchEvent$UnWatch

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/particle/CallableLastTickedParticle

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/DataWatcher

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockDetectorRail

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityBoat

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiWorldSlot

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/FMLRelaunchLog$LoggingOutStream

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityChest

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderWorldGenerator

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet104WindowItems

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeEnd

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/stats/ThreadStatSyncherSend

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet102WindowClick

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/passive/EntitySheep

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ThreadConnectToServer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageWoodHut

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/GameRegistry

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemAppleGold

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenSwamp

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/ThreadDownloadImageData

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemSeeds

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/NetServerHandler

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiChat

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkWatchEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockWeb

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/stats/StatList

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/texturefx/TextureWatchFX

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/storage/CallableLevelSpawnLocation

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenHugeTrees

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet24MobSpawn

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet55BlockDestroy

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/Tessellator

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderGhast

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/particle/EffectRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiRepair

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/PopulateChunkEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedServer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandXP

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandTime

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : ibxm/FastTracker2

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/profiler/PlayerUsageSnooperThread

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/projectile/EntityFireball

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntityRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockGlass

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockGrass

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/nbt/NBTBase

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet103SetSlot

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/potion/PotionHelper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiSlot

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageTorch

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiFlatPresets

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockSnowBlock

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/GuiAchievement

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/model/ModelRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$BlockReplacement

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenFire

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandServerSay

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/model/TexturedQuad

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStronghold

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/storage/MapInfo

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkEvent$Load

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandServerWhitelist

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockLockedChest

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/src/ModLoader

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/toposort/ModSorter

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/client/MinecraftForgeClient

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockCake

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiMainMenu

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/boss/EntityWither

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/WorldManager

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/FMLRelaunchLog$ConsoleLogWrapper

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenBigTree

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockSilverfish

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/InventoryEffectRenderer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentScatteredFeatureSwampHut

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiCreateFlatWorldListSlot

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet12PlayerLook

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemInWorldManager

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/crafting/CraftingManager

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/item/ItemCoal

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/audio/MusInputStream

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/Loader$2

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/Loader$3

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/Loader$1

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/MissingModsException

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/util/StringUtils

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageStartPiece

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdStairsStraight

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet23VehicleSpawn

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : ibxm/ScreamTracker3

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiBrewingStand

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockSign

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockAnvil

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockHalfSlab

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderSkeleton

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/event/entity/item/ItemExpireEvent

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureScatteredFeatureStones

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockIce

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet40EntityMetadata

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/util/ThreadDownloadResources

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderPlayer

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/ChunkProviderHell

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandGive

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/common/DuplicateModsFoundException

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiScreenDemo

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/block/BlockDeadBush

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/command/CommandSetSpawnpoint

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiBeacon

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenPumpkin

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerPositionComparator

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeHooks$SeedEntry

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/texturepacks/TexturePackCustom

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : cpw/mods/fml/client/FMLClientHandler

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/GuiStats

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraftforge/common/Configuration

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/util/IntHashMap

18:41:07 - > Modified class found : net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeThrone

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockPortal    to reobf\minecraft as alf.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderChatListener to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderChatListener.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandServerOp to reobf\minecraft as hb.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockEnchantmentTable to reobf\minecraft as ajs.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet51MapChunk to reobf\minecraft as ds.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderWolf to reobf\minecraft as bcr.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockFlowing    to reobf\minecraft as akr.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentScatteredFeature to reobf\minecraft as adp.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/MapGenBase  to reobf\minecraft as aas.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderWitch to reobf\minecraft as bco.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/chunk/Chunk    to reobf\minecraft as zs.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundManager to reobf\minecraft as bek.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/model/ModelQuadruped to reobf\minecraft as awx.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderBlocks to reobf\minecraft as baq.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/SorterStatsItem to reobf\minecraft as auw.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/FMLRelaunchLog to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/FMLRelaunchLog.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/oredict/OreDictionary$OreRegisterEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/oredict/OreDictionary$OreRegisterEvent.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockRedstoneTorch to reobf\minecraft as alb.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/Particle  to reobf\minecraft as avy.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockPane      to reobf\minecraft as ami.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockEndPortalFrame to reobf\minecraft as amh.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/projectile/EntityFishHook to reobf\minecraft as rc.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/network/ModListResponsePacket to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/network/ModListResponsePacket.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageChurch to reobf\minecraft as afg.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/DimensionManager to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/DimensionManager.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/CallableType2  to reobf\minecraft as ars.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiSlotLanguage to reobf\minecraft as att.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundPoolEntry to reobf\minecraft as bej.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderEnchantmentTable to reobf\minecraft as bde.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/GuiAchievements to reobf\minecraft as auq.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/Property$Type to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/Property$Type.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIAvoidEntity to reobf\minecraft as mr.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockLog        to reobf\minecraft as amt.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerEvent$BreakSpeed to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerEvent$BreakSpeed.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdStraight to reobf\minecraft as aek.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderSorter to reobf\minecraft as azz.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderFallingSand to reobf\minecraft as bbm.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/crash/CrashReport    to reobf\minecraft as a.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLModContainer to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLModContainer.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureStrongholdStones to reobf\minecraft as aeh.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/ChunkProviderServer to reobf\minecraft as im.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockTorch      to reobf\minecraft as amq.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiButtonMerchant to reobf\minecraft as avu.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityPainting to reobf\minecraft as mg.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/util/MD5String        to reobf\minecraft as ju.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockEnderChest to reobf\minecraft as ajt.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/ModMetadata    to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/ModMetadata.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/SorterStatsBlock to reobf\minecraft as aut.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/stats/StatFileWriter  to reobf\minecraft as ben.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/crafting/FurnaceRecipes to reobf\minecraft as wd.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeDummyContainer to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeDummyContainer.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/client/ForgeHooksClient$TesKey to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/client/ForgeHooksClient$TesKey.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/CallableUpdatingScreenName to reobf\minecraft as arz.class

18:41:07 - * File aux.class failed extracting for net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/GuiSlotStats

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiScreenBook to reobf\minecraft as ave.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandServerPardon to reobf\minecraft as hd.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandGameRule to reobf\minecraft as ah.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureNetherBridgeStart to reobf\minecraft as acp.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/PopulateChunkEvent$Populate to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/PopulateChunkEvent$Populate.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockRedstoneOre to reobf\minecraft as alp.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/oredict/OreDictionary to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/oredict/OreDictionary.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockGlowStone  to reobf\minecraft as akp.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureMineshaftStart to reobf\minecraft as acn.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeDecorator to reobf\minecraft as yv.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerInteractEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerInteractEvent.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/src/FMLRenderAccessLibrary to reobf\minecraft as FMLRenderAccessLibrary.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/biome/WorldChunkManager to reobf\minecraft as yw.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockCommandBlock to reobf\minecraft as ajh.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityBeacon to reobf\minecraft as and.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockButton    to reobf\minecraft as aiy.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiWinGame to reobf\minecraft as awa.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandServerBan to reobf\minecraft as gr.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/client/modloader/ModLoaderClientHelper$1 to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/client/modloader/ModLoaderClientHelper$1.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/GLAllocation to reobf\minecraft as arp.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/model/ModelOcelot to reobf\minecraft as awu.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/CallableMouseLocation to reobf\minecraft as bae.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/TcpConnection to reobf\minecraft as cg.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/network/EntitySpawnPacket to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/network/EntitySpawnPacket.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/event/FMLInterModComms$IMCMessage to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/event/FMLInterModComms$IMCMessage.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeChunkManager$Ticket to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeChunkManager$Ticket.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiSlider  to reobf\minecraft as auk.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted chibill/AdditionalCrafting/CommonProxy to reobf\minecraft as chibill/AdditionalCrafting/CommonProxy.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/Loader$ModIdComparator to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/Loader$ModIdComparator.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/model/ModelEnderCrystal to reobf\minecraft as axr.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityFallingSand to reobf\minecraft as pw.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/Block$1        to reobf\minecraft as amj$1.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet205ClientCommand to reobf\minecraft as cx.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/storage/MapData to reobf\minecraft as ahg.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/settings/GameSettings to reobf\minecraft as asl.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerInteractEvent$Action to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerInteractEvent$Action.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/client/GuiCustomModLoadingErrorScreen to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/client/GuiCustomModLoadingErrorScreen.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/texturefx/TextureFX to reobf\minecraft as bcv.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdLeftTurn to reobf\minecraft as aea.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/CallableChunkPosHash to reobf\minecraft as aeq.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdCrossing to reobf\minecraft as adz.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted chibill/AdditionalCrafting/FuelHandler to reobf\minecraft as chibill/AdditionalCrafting/FuelHandler.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/texturefx/TextureCompassFX to reobf\minecraft as bcu.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentMineshaftRoom to reobf\minecraft as acl.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet17Sleep to reobf\minecraft as dl.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockMycelium  to reobf\minecraft as akz.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiChest to reobf\minecraft as avi.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/client/GuiSlotModList  to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/client/GuiSlotModList.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/ItemRenderer to reobf\minecraft as baj.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/client/GuiWrongMinecraft to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/client/GuiWrongMinecraft.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockBookshelf  to reobf\minecraft as aiv.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$BiomeColor to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$BiomeColor.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockSkull      to reobf\minecraft as alv.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityMobSpawner to reobf\minecraft as anl.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandWeather to reobf\minecraft as ap.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenDeadBush to reobf\minecraft as abd.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderXPOrb to reobf\minecraft as bbl.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$GetGrassColor to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$GetGrassColor.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/stats/AchievementList to reobf\minecraft as jh.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerEnchantment to reobf\minecraft as rz.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntitySkullRenderer to reobf\minecraft as bdj.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/gui/ServerGuiCommandListener to reobf\minecraft as hx.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet5PlayerInventory to reobf\minecraft as ew.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockOre        to reobf\minecraft as ale.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenVines to reobf\minecraft as acc.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidDictionary$LiquidRegisterEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidDictionary$LiquidRegisterEvent.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockTrapDoor  to reobf\minecraft as ams.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemEditableBook to reobf\minecraft as vr.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenHellLava to reobf\minecraft as abk.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderLightningBolt to reobf\minecraft as bbw.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageField2 to reobf\minecraft as afa.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiControls to reobf\minecraft as asz.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderSheep to reobf\minecraft as bce.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/ContainerCreative to reobf\minecraft as avm.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiMerchant to reobf\minecraft as avt.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/EntityLiving  to reobf\minecraft as md.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockEndPortal  to reobf\minecraft as amg.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/inventory/Container  to reobf\minecraft as rp.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/MinecraftFakeLauncher to reobf\minecraft as arx.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentMineshaftStairs to reobf\minecraft as acm.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet28EntityVelocity to reobf\minecraft as ev.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeInternalHandler to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeInternalHandler.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerRepair to reobf\minecraft as sl.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiInventory to reobf\minecraft as avs.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/EntityItemPickupEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/EntityItemPickupEvent.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/PopulateChunkEvent$Post to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/PopulateChunkEvent$Post.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/ChestGenHooks to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/ChestGenHooks.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntityRendererPiston to reobf\minecraft as bdh.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/gui/PlayerListBox to reobf\minecraft as hz.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted chibill/AdditionalCrafting/NewBasicBlock to reobf\minecraft as chibill/AdditionalCrafting/NewBasicBlock.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderMinecart to reobf\minecraft as bbx.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockStone      to reobf\minecraft as ame.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLDummyContainer to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLDummyContainer.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockTallGrass  to reobf\minecraft as amf.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/texturepacks/TexturePackFolder to reobf\minecraft as bea.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandClearInventory to reobf\minecraft as gt.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageField to reobf\minecraft as aez.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIMoveThroughVillage to reobf\minecraft as nm.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet25EntityPainting to reobf\minecraft as cq.class

18:41:07 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/particle/EntityPickupFX to reobf\minecraft as azq.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageHouse3 to reobf\minecraft as afk.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageHouse2 to reobf\minecraft as afh.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageHouse1 to reobf\minecraft as aey.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/crash/CallableCrashMemoryReport to reobf\minecraft as h.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeManager to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeManager.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandEnchant to reobf\minecraft as ad.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeStraight to reobf\minecraft as act.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenCactus to reobf\minecraft as aba.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/storage/MapStorage to reobf\minecraft as aio.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/CanvasMinecraftApplet to reobf\minecraft as ash.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet52MultiBlockChange to reobf\minecraft as cw.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandServerKick to reobf\minecraft as gx.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet41EntityEffect to reobf\minecraft as fk.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted ibxm/ProTracker                    to reobf\minecraft as ibxm/ProTracker.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/texturepacks/TexturePackDownloadSuccess to reobf\minecraft as bed.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet108EnchantItem to reobf\minecraft as dc.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCorridor4 to reobf\minecraft as acv.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCorridor5 to reobf\minecraft as acz.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/RailLogic      to reobf\minecraft as all.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderGlobal to reobf\minecraft as bak.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/projectile/EntityThrowable to reobf\minecraft as rh.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/ServerListenThread to reobf\minecraft as hu.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/util/Vec3Pool        to reobf\minecraft as aoc.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderSnowball to reobf\minecraft as bbu.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet7UseEntity to reobf\minecraft as dq.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/layer/GenLayer to reobf\minecraft as agp.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/LoadingScreenRenderer to reobf\minecraft as aso.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet71Weather to reobf\minecraft as cn.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet16BlockItemSwitch to reobf\minecraft as es.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderBiped to reobf\minecraft as bbr.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntityChestRenderer to reobf\minecraft as bdd.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderDispenseHelper to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderDispenseHelper.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/MinecraftForge to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/MinecraftForge.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderVillager to reobf\minecraft as bcn.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/village/VillageSiege  to reobf\minecraft as ot.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiFurnace to reobf\minecraft as avr.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockLilyPad    to reobf\minecraft as amy.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenerator to reobf\minecraft as abf.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/village/MerchantRecipeList to reobf\minecraft as xn.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet15Place to reobf\minecraft as fl.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderEnderman to reobf\minecraft as bbi.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandDebug  to reobf\minecraft as gv.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockMelon      to reobf\minecraft as aku.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$CreateDecorator to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$CreateDecorator.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/biome/WorldChunkManagerHell to reobf\minecraft as yz.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/ChunkProviderGenerate to reobf\minecraft as aau.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/crafting/ShapelessRecipes to reobf\minecraft as wl.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentHelper to reobf\minecraft as wy.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/stats/StatBase        to reobf\minecraft as jl.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/Render to reobf\minecraft as bbk.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderItem to reobf\minecraft as bbt.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandGameMode to reobf\minecraft as ag.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/ModMetadata$JsonArrayConverter to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/ModMetadata$JsonArrayConverter.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/particle/EntityLargeExplodeFX to reobf\minecraft as aza.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/network/ModIdMapPacket to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/network/ModIdMapPacket.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiScreenAddServer to reobf\minecraft as ath.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/MapGenCaves to reobf\minecraft as aar.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockVine      to reobf\minecraft as amw.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockPistonBase to reobf\minecraft as ans.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/integrated/CallableType3 to reobf\minecraft as bdp.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkWatchEvent$Watch to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkWatchEvent$Watch.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/ThreadPollServers to reobf\minecraft as atq.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiEditSign to reobf\minecraft as avw.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockPressurePlate to reobf\minecraft as alh.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/util/CryptManager    to reobf\minecraft as jt.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiButtonNextPage to reobf\minecraft as avf.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiCreateWorld to reobf\minecraft as atc.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/CallableMPL1 to reobf\minecraft as ayi.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/CallableMPL2 to reobf\minecraft as ayj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/NetLoginHandler to reobf\minecraft as it.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureStart to reobf\minecraft as aeu.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$GetVillageBlockID to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$GetVillageBlockID.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityMinecart to reobf\minecraft as py.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdPortalRoom to reobf\minecraft as aed.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/chunk/storage/AnvilSaveConverter to reobf\minecraft as ahl.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/Gui        to reobf\minecraft as atl.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockFire      to reobf\minecraft as ajy.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/projectile/EntityArrow to reobf\minecraft as qz.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/model/ModelBiped to reobf\minecraft as awp.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandServerPardonIp to reobf\minecraft as hc.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/FlatGeneratorInfo to reobf\minecraft as acd.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/PlayerSelector to reobf\minecraft as ab.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderVillageTradeHandler to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderVillageTradeHandler.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/CallableClientProfiler to reobf\minecraft as aru.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenDesertWells to reobf\minecraft as abe.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/gui/ServerGuiFocusAdapter to reobf\minecraft as hy.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/MapItemRenderer to reobf\minecraft as atv.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/event/FMLInterModComms to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/event/FMLInterModComms.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockSnow      to reobf\minecraft as amp.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/ForgeEventFactory to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/ForgeEventFactory.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/ThreadDownloadImage to reobf\minecraft as bah.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet34EntityTeleport to reobf\minecraft as ff.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntitySenses to reobf\minecraft as oo.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/management/ServerConfigurationManager to reobf\minecraft as gm.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderMagmaCube to reobf\minecraft as bbv.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/transformers/EventTransformer to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/transformers/EventTransformer.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemBlock        to reobf\minecraft as vl.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/World          to reobf\minecraft as xv.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundPool to reobf\minecraft as bel.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/Loader          to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/Loader.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/ModClassLoader  to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/ModClassLoader.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/client/IItemRenderer$ItemRenderType to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/client/IItemRenderer$ItemRenderType.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiParticle to reobf\minecraft as avz.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/EntitySorter to reobf\minecraft as baa.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderGiantZombie to reobf\minecraft as bbq.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLCommonHandler to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLCommonHandler.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ChunkProviderClient to reobf\minecraft as ayf.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/gui/GuiStatsListener to reobf\minecraft as ib.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockDispenser  to reobf\minecraft as ajp.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/CallableTickingScreenName to reobf\minecraft as asb.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/EnumHelper to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/EnumHelper.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet20NamedEntitySpawn to reobf\minecraft as cr.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiGameOver to reobf\minecraft as atd.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemBoat        to reobf\minecraft as sx.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemMonsterPlacer to reobf\minecraft as ur.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted ibxm/Player$Driver                  to reobf\minecraft as ibxm/Player$Driver.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/texturepacks/TexturePackList to reobf\minecraft as bec.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/monster/EntityPigZombie to reobf\minecraft as qk.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/GameWindowListener to reobf\minecraft as asc.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenMinable to reobf\minecraft as abr.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureVillageStart to reobf\minecraft as aew.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemRecord      to reobf\minecraft as ux.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCorridor to reobf\minecraft as acy.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/CanvasMojangLogo to reobf\minecraft as ark.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet202PlayerAbilities to reobf\minecraft as ei.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIMate to reobf\minecraft as mu.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/src/BaseMod          to reobf\minecraft as BaseMod.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandServerTp to reobf\minecraft as hl.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/dedicated/ConsoleLogManager to reobf\minecraft as fr.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenTaiga to reobf\minecraft as zk.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/stats/StatsSyncher    to reobf\minecraft as beo.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemPotion      to reobf\minecraft as uv.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerEvent.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/util/AABBPool        to reobf\minecraft as any.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/nbt/CompressedStreamTools to reobf\minecraft as ca.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiEnchantment to reobf\minecraft as avq.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/monster/EntityWitch to reobf\minecraft as qq.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderList to reobf\minecraft as ban.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockWood      to reobf\minecraft as anb.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/PanelCrashReport to reobf\minecraft as ari.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/Explosion      to reobf\minecraft as xq.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderEntitySpawnCallback to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderEntitySpawnCallback.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/LoaderState$ModState to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/LoaderState$ModState.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockWoodSlab  to reobf\minecraft as ana.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/util/HttpUtil        to reobf\minecraft as jv.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandBase  to reobf\minecraft as w.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenBigMushroom to reobf\minecraft as abm.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/CallableLvl1    to reobf\minecraft as xw.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet11PlayerPosition to reobf\minecraft as ed.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagList        to reobf\minecraft as by.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/inventory/InventoryBasic to reobf\minecraft as ld.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/chunk/storage/AnvilSaveHandler to reobf\minecraft as ahk.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/EntityRenderer to reobf\minecraft as bac.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/particle/EntityFootStepFX to reobf\minecraft as ayy.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/village/VillageCollection to reobf\minecraft as ou.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderBoat to reobf\minecraft as bbb.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockFluid      to reobf\minecraft as akq.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/gui/GuiLogOutputHandler to reobf\minecraft as ic.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockLeaves    to reobf\minecraft as akm.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderHelper to reobf\minecraft as aro.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/FontRenderer to reobf\minecraft as atj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenReed to reobf\minecraft as abu.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentScatteredFeatureDesertPyramid to reobf\minecraft as adm.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet53BlockChange to reobf\minecraft as fj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureComponent to reobf\minecraft as aes.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenWaterlily to reobf\minecraft as zn.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCrossing to reobf\minecraft as adf.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerManager to reobf\minecraft as ik.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted chibill/AdditionalCrafting/NewFancyItem to reobf\minecraft as chibill/AdditionalCrafting/NewFancyItem.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenSpikes to reobf\minecraft as abw.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$GetVillageBlockMeta to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$GetVillageBlockMeta.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemShears      to reobf\minecraft as vd.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/crash/CrashReportCategory to reobf\minecraft as l.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiScreenServerList to reobf\minecraft as atf.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdLibrary to reobf\minecraft as aeb.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet9Respawn to reobf\minecraft as ep.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockRedstoneRepeater to reobf\minecraft as ajm.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderHelper to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderHelper.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiDisconnected to reobf\minecraft as aye.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenForest to reobf\minecraft as za.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/model/ModelWolf to reobf\minecraft as axo.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/gui/GuiStatsComponent to reobf\minecraft as ia.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemMap          to reobf\minecraft as uo.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderBat to reobf\minecraft as baz.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/MapGenVillage to reobf\minecraft as aev.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ThreadLanServerPing to reobf\minecraft as bdw.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/MapGenCavesHell to reobf\minecraft as aat.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderOcelot to reobf\minecraft as bca.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdStairs2 to reobf\minecraft as aej.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/Teleporter      to reobf\minecraft as yj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenJungle to reobf\minecraft as zd.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/projectile/EntityPotion to reobf\minecraft as rl.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/ai/RandomPositionGenerator to reobf\minecraft as op.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/TerrainGen to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/TerrainGen.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockRedstoneWire to reobf\minecraft as alo.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenDesert to reobf\minecraft as yx.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenTrees to reobf\minecraft as acb.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet19EntityAction to reobf\minecraft as ek.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockDoor      to reobf\minecraft as ajq.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderEntity to reobf\minecraft as bbf.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockFlowerPot  to reobf\minecraft as ajz.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiDispenser to reobf\minecraft as avx.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdStairs to reobf\minecraft as aei.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentMineshaftCorridor to reobf\minecraft as acj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenHills to reobf\minecraft as yy.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenLiquids to reobf\minecraft as abx.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedPlayerList to reobf\minecraft as hn.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/texturepacks/GuiTexturePacks to reobf\minecraft as bee.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ServerAddress to reobf\minecraft as ayn.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderFireball to reobf\minecraft as bbn.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandServerMessage to reobf\minecraft as ha.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiMultiplayer to reobf\minecraft as ato.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/ThreadLoginVerifier to reobf\minecraft as iu.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderEngine to reobf\minecraft as bap.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/WorldRenderer to reobf\minecraft as azy.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockTripWire  to reobf\minecraft as amv.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet2ClientProtocol to reobf\minecraft as cz.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/gui/GuiLogFormatter to reobf\minecraft as id.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderIronGolem to reobf\minecraft as bcm.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/GameRules      to reobf\minecraft as xs.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted paulscode/sound/codecs/CodecIBXM    to reobf\minecraft as paulscode/sound/codecs/CodecIBXM.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandServerDeop to reobf\minecraft as gu.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandHelp  to reobf\minecraft as aj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderSlime to reobf\minecraft as bch.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiContainerCreative to reobf\minecraft as avl.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/Block          to reobf\minecraft as amj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiCrafting to reobf\minecraft as avj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/passive/EntityMooshroom to reobf\minecraft as pb.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/ImageBufferDownload to reobf\minecraft as bam.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiFlatPresetsListSlot to reobf\minecraft as aub.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet252SharedKey to reobf\minecraft as fc.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockFurnace    to reobf\minecraft as aka.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/ModMetadata$JsonStringConverter to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/ModMetadata$JsonStringConverter.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenLakes to reobf\minecraft as abn.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemBucket      to reobf\minecraft as tb.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureScatteredFeatureStart to reobf\minecraft as adj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidEvent$LiquidDrainingEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidEvent$LiquidDrainingEvent.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeNetherStalkRoom to reobf\minecraft as adb.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLModContainer$1 to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLModContainer$1.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLModContainer$2 to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLModContainer$2.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidEvent$LiquidFillingEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidEvent$LiquidFillingEvent.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityEnchantmentTable to reobf\minecraft as ani.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/EntityRegistry$EntityRegistration to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/EntityRegistry$EntityRegistration.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/client/GuiDupesFound  to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/client/GuiDupesFound.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiContainer to reobf\minecraft as auy.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/client/modloader/ModLoaderClientHelper to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/client/modloader/ModLoaderClientHelper.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIPlay to reobf\minecraft as nu.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeEntrance to reobf\minecraft as acw.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/CallableGLInfo to reobf\minecraft as asf.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIFollowGolem to reobf\minecraft as oc.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/util/HttpUtilRunnable to reobf\minecraft as jw.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidEvent$LiquidMotionEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidEvent$LiquidMotionEvent.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/model/ModelGhast to reobf\minecraft as awo.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/EventBus  to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/EventBus.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemStack        to reobf\minecraft as um.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/MapGenMineshaft to reobf\minecraft as ach.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenShrub to reobf\minecraft as abh.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/inventory/SlotCrafting to reobf\minecraft as sp.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/model/PositionTextureVertex to reobf\minecraft as axi.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound    to reobf\minecraft as bq.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiCommandBlock to reobf\minecraft as avh.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntityEnderChestRenderer to reobf\minecraft as bdf.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/LanServerList to reobf\minecraft as bdv.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenTaiga1 to reobf\minecraft as abs.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenTaiga2 to reobf\minecraft as aby.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/dispenser/BehaviorDispenseFireball to reobf\minecraft as gi.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/audio/CodecMus to reobf\minecraft as beg.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet60Explosion to reobf\minecraft as dn.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityItem to reobf\minecraft as px.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandServerEmote to reobf\minecraft as gw.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/model/ModelChicken to reobf\minecraft as awk.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/network/NetworkRegistry to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/network/NetworkRegistry.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$GetFoliageColor to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$GetFoliageColor.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/profiler/PlayerUsageSnooper to reobf\minecraft as le.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/crafting/RecipesArmorDyes to reobf\minecraft as vz.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeStairs to reobf\minecraft as adg.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdRightTurn to reobf\minecraft as aef.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenGlowStone1 to reobf\minecraft as abo.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenGlowStone2 to reobf\minecraft as abj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/storage/SaveHandlerMP to reobf\minecraft as aim.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/effect/EntityLightningBolt to reobf\minecraft as pu.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/EntityHanging  to reobf\minecraft as mb.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockChest      to reobf\minecraft as ajd.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenTallGrass to reobf\minecraft as aca.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/util/MouseHelper      to reobf\minecraft as asj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiNewChat to reobf\minecraft as asu.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/client/ModCompatibilityClient to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/client/ModCompatibilityClient.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet to reobf\minecraft as eg.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntityMobSpawnerRenderer to reobf\minecraft as bdg.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/Minecraft      to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraft/client/Minecraft.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/monster/EntitySkeleton to reobf\minecraft as qn.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeChunkManager$UnforceChunkEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeChunkManager$UnforceChunkEvent.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockTripWireSource to reobf\minecraft as amu.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockRedstoneLight to reobf\minecraft as alq.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockStep      to reobf\minecraft as amd.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockCloth      to reobf\minecraft as ajf.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/GuiSlotStatsBlock to reobf\minecraft as aus.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/client/FMLTextureFX    to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/client/FMLTextureFX.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/monster/EntityZombie to reobf\minecraft as qr.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderMooshroom to reobf\minecraft as bbz.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/client/registry/RenderingRegistry to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/client/registry/RenderingRegistry.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderLiving to reobf\minecraft as bby.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeHooks$GrassEntry to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeHooks$GrassEntry.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet26EntityExpOrb to reobf\minecraft as cm.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockLadder    to reobf\minecraft as akl.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/CallableLWJGLVersion to reobf\minecraft as ase.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidDictionary to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidDictionary.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerEvent$HarvestCheck to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerEvent$HarvestCheck.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderPainting to reobf\minecraft as bcb.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockCocoa      to reobf\minecraft as ajg.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIFleeSun to reobf\minecraft as my.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemBow          to reobf\minecraft as sz.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockPistonMoving to reobf\minecraft as anu.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/CanvasCrashReport to reobf\minecraft as arj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockWall      to reobf\minecraft as amx.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenForest to reobf\minecraft as aay.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet39AttachEntity to reobf\minecraft as ez.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted chibill/AdditionalCrafting/NewBasicItem to reobf\minecraft as chibill/AdditionalCrafting/NewBasicItem.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderNetworkHandler to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderNetworkHandler.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/model/ModelBase to reobf\minecraft as awt.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/client/ForgeHooksClient to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/client/ForgeHooksClient.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted chibill/AdditionalCrafting/client/ClientProxy to reobf\minecraft as chibill/AdditionalCrafting/client/ClientProxy.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$GetWaterColor to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$GetWaterColor.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCorridor2 to reobf\minecraft as ada.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/FMLRelaunchLog$ConsoleLogThread to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/FMLRelaunchLog$ConsoleLogThread.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/crash/CallableBlockType to reobf\minecraft as m.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/entity/item/ItemTossEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/entity/item/ItemTossEvent.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCorridor3 to reobf\minecraft as acu.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/VillagerRegistry to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/VillagerRegistry.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/client/registry/RenderingRegistry$EntityRendererInfo to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/client/registry/RenderingRegistry$EntityRendererInfo.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkEvent$Unload to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkEvent$Unload.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/gui/ServerGUI  to reobf\minecraft as hv.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/boss/EntityDragon to reobf\minecraft as pp.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/ServerCommandManager to reobf\minecraft as hi.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/texturepacks/TexturePackImplementation to reobf\minecraft as bdx.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/passive/EntityAnimal to reobf\minecraft as ox.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/entity/minecart/MinecartEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/entity/minecart/MinecartEvent.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/MapGenScatteredFeature to reobf\minecraft as adi.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/integrated/CallableIsModded to reobf\minecraft as bdq.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ServerList to reobf\minecraft as ayp.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageHouse4_Garden to reobf\minecraft as afe.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillagePathGen to reobf\minecraft as afj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/client/modloader/ModLoaderKeyBindingHandler to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/client/modloader/ModLoaderKeyBindingHandler.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/chunk/EmptyChunk to reobf\minecraft as zr.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/CallableScreenSize to reobf\minecraft as baf.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderWither to reobf\minecraft as bcp.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockPistonExtension to reobf\minecraft as ant.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiBeaconButton to reobf\minecraft as avd.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/client/GuiIdMismatchScreen to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/client/GuiIdMismatchScreen.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/model/ModelDragon to reobf\minecraft as axq.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/monster/EntitySlime to reobf\minecraft as qo.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/gui/ServerWindowAdapter to reobf\minecraft as hw.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeChunkManager$ForceChunkEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeChunkManager$ForceChunkEvent.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/event/FMLInterModComms$IMCEvent to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/event/FMLInterModComms$IMCEvent.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/CallableClientMemoryStats to reobf\minecraft as arv.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockSandStone  to reobf\minecraft as als.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/PopulateChunkEvent$Pre to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/PopulateChunkEvent$Pre.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiScreen  to reobf\minecraft as aue.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/CallableScreenName to reobf\minecraft as bad.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/culling/ClippingHelperImpl to reobf\minecraft as bat.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/LoaderState    to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/LoaderState.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/util/EnchantmentNameParts to reobf\minecraft as avp.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/RenderEnderCrystal to reobf\minecraft as bbg.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockMobSpawner to reobf\minecraft as akw.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/client/IItemRenderer$ItemRendererHelper to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/client/IItemRenderer$ItemRendererHelper.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockBrewingStand to reobf\minecraft as aiw.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet42RemoveEntityEffect to reobf\minecraft as eo.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/util/Session          to reobf\minecraft as ass.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet132TileEntityData to reobf\minecraft as fh.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/ConfigCategory to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/ConfigCategory.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIFollowParent to reobf\minecraft as nb.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderManager to reobf\minecraft as bbj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentMineshaftCross to reobf\minecraft as ack.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAITasks to reobf\minecraft as nd.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/NoiseGeneratorOctaves to reobf\minecraft as afs.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandServerBanIp to reobf\minecraft as gq.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntitySignRenderer to reobf\minecraft as bdi.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/WorldType      to reobf\minecraft as yg.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/GuiSlotStatsItem to reobf\minecraft as auv.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/CallableParticlePositionInfo to reobf\minecraft as bal.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockFlower    to reobf\minecraft as aix.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/ChunkProviderEnd to reobf\minecraft as aav.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdCorridor to reobf\minecraft as ady.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeChunkManager to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeChunkManager.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdRoomCrossing to reobf\minecraft as aeg.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/village/Village      to reobf\minecraft as or.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockCauldron  to reobf\minecraft as ajc.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted chibill/AdditionalCrafting/Base    to reobf\minecraft as chibill/AdditionalCrafting/Base.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/MinecraftDummyContainer to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/MinecraftDummyContainer.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockGravel    to reobf\minecraft as akd.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiSnooper to reobf\minecraft as aum.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderSnowMan to reobf\minecraft as bci.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet10Flying to reobf\minecraft as ec.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiButton  to reobf\minecraft as ast.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockDragonEgg  to reobf\minecraft as ajr.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/MapGenStructure to reobf\minecraft as aeo.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/MapGenRavine to reobf\minecraft as aan.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockClay      to reobf\minecraft as aje.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockStoneBrick to reobf\minecraft as alw.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/Entity        to reobf\minecraft as lq.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/network/FMLNetworkHandler to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/network/FMLNetworkHandler.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockMushroomCap to reobf\minecraft as akj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandServerBanlist to reobf\minecraft as gy.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityDispenser to reobf\minecraft as anh.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAIHurtByTarget to reobf\minecraft as og.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/CallableParticleScreenName to reobf\minecraft as asa.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderCreeper to reobf\minecraft as bbe.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/management/LowerStringMap to reobf\minecraft as jy.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/RenderEndPortal to reobf\minecraft as bdk.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityPiston to reobf\minecraft as anv.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandDifficulty to reobf\minecraft as af.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeHooks to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeHooks.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/ChunkProviderFlat to reobf\minecraft as aap.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityFurnace to reobf\minecraft as ank.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockLever      to reobf\minecraft as ako.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeChunkManager$Type to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeChunkManager$Type.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockBed        to reobf\minecraft as aiu.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/ChatClickData to reobf\minecraft as atm.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageHall to reobf\minecraft as afd.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiButtonLanguage to reobf\minecraft as atr.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/crash/CallableIntCache to reobf\minecraft as k.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet61DoorChange to reobf\minecraft as dv.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenClay to reobf\minecraft as abc.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/RenderItemFrame to reobf\minecraft as bbs.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderFish to reobf\minecraft as bbo.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiSelectWorld to reobf\minecraft as auh.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/passive/EntityBat to reobf\minecraft as ow.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/ASMEventHandler to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/ASMEventHandler.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet21PickupSpawn to reobf\minecraft as co.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/PopulateChunkEvent$Populate$EventType to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/PopulateChunkEvent$Populate$EventType.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenSand to reobf\minecraft as abv.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiRenameWorld to reobf\minecraft as aud.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGeneratorBonusChest to reobf\minecraft as aaz.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/oredict/ShapelessOreRecipe to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/oredict/ShapelessOreRecipe.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet204ClientInfo to reobf\minecraft as cy.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/EntityRegistry to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/EntityRegistry.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/OpenGlCapsChecker to reobf\minecraft as ask.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/util/MathHelper      to reobf\minecraft as ke.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentScatteredFeatureJunglePyramid to reobf\minecraft as adn.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedServerListenThread to reobf\minecraft as ht.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/chunk/storage/AnvilChunkLoader to reobf\minecraft as aaf.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/util/ScreenShotHelper to reobf\minecraft as asp.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureMineshaftPieces to reobf\minecraft as aci.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/CallableModded to reobf\minecraft as arr.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockStairs    to reobf\minecraft as ama.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderArrow to reobf\minecraft as bay.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageWell to reobf\minecraft as afn.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiSlotServer to reobf\minecraft as atp.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAINearestAttackableTargetSorter to reobf\minecraft as oi.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/Configuration$UnicodeInputStreamReader to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/Configuration$UnicodeInputStreamReader.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenSwamp to reobf\minecraft as abz.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/ai/EntityAINearestAttackableTarget to reobf\minecraft as oh.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdPrison to reobf\minecraft as aee.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet107CreativeSetSlot to reobf\minecraft as et.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenFlowers to reobf\minecraft as abg.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdChestCorridor to reobf\minecraft as adx.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/MapGenNetherBridge to reobf\minecraft as aco.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/MapGenStronghold to reobf\minecraft as adr.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/storage/SaveFormatOld to reobf\minecraft as ahp.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/OpenGlHelper to reobf\minecraft as bes.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/WorldProvider  to reobf\minecraft as aaj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/ActiveRenderInfo to reobf\minecraft as arg.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/texturepacks/GuiTexturePackSlot to reobf\minecraft as bef.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/client/event/sound/SoundEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/client/event/sound/SoundEvent.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/MinecraftAppletImpl to reobf\minecraft as asi.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/LanguageRegistry to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/LanguageRegistry.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderSpider to reobf\minecraft as bcj.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/CreativeCrafting to reobf\minecraft as avk.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureStrongholdStart to reobf\minecraft as ads.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockStationary to reobf\minecraft as aks.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderSquid to reobf\minecraft as bck.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted ibxm/Player                        to reobf\minecraft as ibxm/Player.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/CallableTexturePack to reobf\minecraft as art.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/ASMEventHandler$ASMClassLoader to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/ASMEventHandler$ASMClassLoader.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiIngame  to reobf\minecraft as atk.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntityBeaconRenderer to reobf\minecraft as bdc.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockSand      to reobf\minecraft as akg.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidEvent$LiquidSpilledEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidEvent$LiquidSpilledEvent.class

18:41:08 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet56MapChunks to reobf\minecraft as du.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/Property  to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/Property.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet14BlockDig to reobf\minecraft as ej.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ThreadLanServerFind to reobf\minecraft as bdu.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderTNTPrimed to reobf\minecraft as bcl.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockTNT        to reobf\minecraft as amo.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemSkull        to reobf\minecraft as vh.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeCache to reobf\minecraft as yt.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenDungeons to reobf\minecraft as abq.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiTextField to reobf\minecraft as atg.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet18Animation to reobf\minecraft as cs.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/settings/KeyBinding to reobf\minecraft as arn.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/texturefx/TexturePortalFX to reobf\minecraft as bcz.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet62LevelSound to reobf\minecraft as dw.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCrossing2 to reobf\minecraft as acx.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeCrossing3 to reobf\minecraft as acr.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet253ServerAuthData to reobf\minecraft as er.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/liquids/LiquidEvent.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/PlayerControllerMP to reobf\minecraft as ayg.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/integrated/IntegratedPlayerList to reobf\minecraft as bdn.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/RenderWitherSkull to reobf\minecraft as bcq.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderDragon to reobf\minecraft as bbh.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkWatchEvent$UnWatch to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkWatchEvent$UnWatch.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/particle/CallableLastTickedParticle to reobf\minecraft as azg.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/DataWatcher    to reobf\minecraft as mj.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockDetectorRail to reobf\minecraft as ajl.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityBoat to reobf\minecraft as pv.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiWorldSlot to reobf\minecraft as aui.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/FMLRelaunchLog$LoggingOutStream to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/FMLRelaunchLog$LoggingOutStream.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityChest to reobf\minecraft as anf.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderWorldGenerator to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/modloader/ModLoaderWorldGenerator.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet104WindowItems to reobf\minecraft as dg.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeEnd to reobf\minecraft as acs.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/stats/ThreadStatSyncherSend to reobf\minecraft as beq.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet102WindowClick to reobf\minecraft as dd.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/passive/EntitySheep to reobf\minecraft as pe.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ThreadConnectToServer to reobf\minecraft as ayd.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageWoodHut to reobf\minecraft as aff.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/GameRegistry to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/GameRegistry.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemAppleGold    to reobf\minecraft as ug.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenSwamp to reobf\minecraft as zj.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/ThreadDownloadImageData to reobf\minecraft as bag.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemSeeds        to reobf\minecraft as vc.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/NetServerHandler to reobf\minecraft as iv.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiChat    to reobf\minecraft as asw.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkWatchEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkWatchEvent.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockWeb        to reobf\minecraft as amz.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/stats/StatList        to reobf\minecraft as jq.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/texturefx/TextureWatchFX to reobf\minecraft as bct.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/storage/CallableLevelSpawnLocation to reobf\minecraft as ahu.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenHugeTrees to reobf\minecraft as abp.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet24MobSpawn to reobf\minecraft as cp.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet55BlockDestroy to reobf\minecraft as fg.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/Tessellator to reobf\minecraft as bao.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderGhast to reobf\minecraft as bbp.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/particle/EffectRenderer to reobf\minecraft as azf.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiRepair  to reobf\minecraft as avv.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/PopulateChunkEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/PopulateChunkEvent.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedServer to reobf\minecraft as ho.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandXP    to reobf\minecraft as ae.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandTime  to reobf\minecraft as an.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted ibxm/FastTracker2                  to reobf\minecraft as ibxm/FastTracker2.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/profiler/PlayerUsageSnooperThread to reobf\minecraft as lf.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/projectile/EntityFireball to reobf\minecraft as rb.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntityRenderer to reobf\minecraft as bdl.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockGlass      to reobf\minecraft as akb.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockGrass      to reobf\minecraft as akc.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/nbt/NBTBase          to reobf\minecraft as cd.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet103SetSlot to reobf\minecraft as di.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/potion/PotionHelper  to reobf\minecraft as vs.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiSlot    to reobf\minecraft as aug.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageTorch to reobf\minecraft as afb.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiFlatPresets to reobf\minecraft as atz.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockSnowBlock  to reobf\minecraft as alx.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/GuiAchievement to reobf\minecraft as aup.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/model/ModelRenderer to reobf\minecraft as axx.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$BlockReplacement to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/terraingen/BiomeEvent$BlockReplacement.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenFire to reobf\minecraft as abi.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandServerSay to reobf\minecraft as gs.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/model/TexturedQuad to reobf\minecraft as aww.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStronghold to reobf\minecraft as aem.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/storage/MapInfo to reobf\minecraft as ahh.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkEvent$Load to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkEvent$Load.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandServerWhitelist to reobf\minecraft as hm.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockLockedChest to reobf\minecraft as akt.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/src/ModLoader        to reobf\minecraft as ModLoader.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/toposort/ModSorter to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/toposort/ModSorter.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/client/MinecraftForgeClient to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/client/MinecraftForgeClient.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockCake      to reobf\minecraft as aja.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiMainMenu to reobf\minecraft as bem.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/boss/EntityWither to reobf\minecraft as pr.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/WorldManager    to reobf\minecraft as ij.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/FMLRelaunchLog$ConsoleLogWrapper to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/FMLRelaunchLog$ConsoleLogWrapper.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer to reobf\minecraft as qx.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenBigTree to reobf\minecraft as aax.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockSilverfish to reobf\minecraft as amc.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/InventoryEffectRenderer to reobf\minecraft as avo.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentScatteredFeatureSwampHut to reobf\minecraft as adq.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiCreateFlatWorldListSlot to reobf\minecraft as atb.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet12PlayerLook to reobf\minecraft as ef.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemInWorldManager to reobf\minecraft as ir.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/crafting/CraftingManager to reobf\minecraft as wh.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/item/ItemCoal        to reobf\minecraft as te.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/audio/MusInputStream to reobf\minecraft as beh.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/Loader$2        to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/Loader$2.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/Loader$3        to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/Loader$3.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/Loader$1        to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/Loader$1.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/MissingModsException to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/MissingModsException.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/util/StringUtils      to reobf\minecraft as km.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentVillageStartPiece to reobf\minecraft as afi.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentStrongholdStairsStraight to reobf\minecraft as ael.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet23VehicleSpawn to reobf\minecraft as cl.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted ibxm/ScreamTracker3                to reobf\minecraft as ibxm/ScreamTracker3.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiBrewingStand to reobf\minecraft as avg.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockSign      to reobf\minecraft as alu.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockAnvil      to reobf\minecraft as ais.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockHalfSlab  to reobf\minecraft as ake.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderSkeleton to reobf\minecraft as bcg.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/world/ChunkEvent.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/event/entity/item/ItemExpireEvent to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/event/entity/item/ItemExpireEvent.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StructureScatteredFeatureStones to reobf\minecraft as ado.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockIce        to reobf\minecraft as akk.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/network/packet/Packet40EntityMetadata to reobf\minecraft as eu.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/util/ThreadDownloadResources to reobf\minecraft as arf.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderPlayer to reobf\minecraft as bcd.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/ChunkProviderHell to reobf\minecraft as aaq.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandGive  to reobf\minecraft as ai.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/common/DuplicateModsFoundException to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/common/DuplicateModsFoundException.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiScreenDemo to reobf\minecraft as ate.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/block/BlockDeadBush  to reobf\minecraft as ajk.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/command/CommandSetSpawnpoint to reobf\minecraft as hj.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiBeacon to reobf\minecraft as auz.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenPumpkin to reobf\minecraft as abt.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerPositionComparator to reobf\minecraft as gl.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeHooks$SeedEntry to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeHooks$SeedEntry.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/texturepacks/TexturePackCustom to reobf\minecraft as bdz.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted cpw/mods/fml/client/FMLClientHandler to reobf\minecraft as cpw/mods/fml/client/FMLClientHandler.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/GuiStats to reobf\minecraft as aur.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraftforge/common/Configuration to reobf\minecraft as net/minecraftforge/common/Configuration.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/util/IntHashMap      to reobf\minecraft as jz.class

18:41:09 - > Outputted net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/ComponentNetherBridgeThrone to reobf\minecraft as adc.class

18:41:09 - - Done in 19.51 seconds

18:41:09 - !! Can not find server md5s !!



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