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[1.10.2][SOLVED] Help with rendering entities


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Hi, I'm trying to add a custom entity. The entity is in the game and it falls if I summon it in the air (I can see the particles when it hits the ground), but it just won't render. It's invisible.


preInit in ClientProxy

class RenderEntityTest implements IRenderFactory<EntityTest> {

public Render<? super EntityTest> createRenderFor(RenderManager manager) {
	return new RenderTest(manager, new ModelBiped(1.0f), 0.5f);


RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityTest.class, new RenderEntityTest());

(This code is of course being called in my mod class. I checked with a syso just in case)


My RenderTest class


public class RenderTest extends RenderLiving<EntityTest> {

public RenderTest(RenderManager rendermanagerIn, ModelBase modelbaseIn, float shadowsizeIn) {
	super(rendermanagerIn, modelbaseIn, shadowsizeIn);

protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(EntityTest entity) {
	return new ResourceLocation(Minesat.MODID, "textures/models/test.png");



EntityTest is just extending EntityLiving.


Can you help me? Thanks


SOLVED EDIT: Tracking Range while registering doesn't mean what I thought it means. Changing from 0 to a higher value solved the problem:

EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityTest.class, "test", 1, Minesat.instance, 20, 3, true);

Thanks people!


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Please post your complete client proxy and main mod class.



public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) {

class RenderEntityTest implements IRenderFactory<EntityTest> {

	public Render<? super EntityTest> createRenderFor(RenderManager manager) {
		return new RenderTest(manager, new ModelBiped(1.0f), 0.5f);


RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityTest.class, new RenderEntityTest());


Main ModClass:

@Mod(modid = Minesat.MODID, version = Minesat.VERSION, useMetadata = true)
public class Minesat {

public static final String MODID = "minesat";
public static final String VERSION = "0.1.0";

public static Minesat instance;

@SidedProxy(clientSide = "com.laureegrd.minesat.proxy.ClientProxy", serverSide = "com.laureegrd.minesat.proxy.CommonProxy")
public static CommonProxy proxy;

public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) {

	EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityTest.class, "test", 1, Minesat.instance, 0, 3, true);



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protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(EntityTest entity) {

return new ResourceLocation("modid", "textures/models/test.png");


and it is looking in "src/main/resources/assets/modid/textures/models"

not "src/main/resources/assets/minesat/textures/models"


Oh no no no, sorry. I gave Minesat.MODID as the modid in the ResourceLocation object. I just wrote "modid" here to avoid confussion :) I'll edit it since now it is relevant!

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What exactly did you expect trackingRange=0 to do other than what you are experiencing right now (client never tracks the entity)?


MY GOD. So that value changes when the client starts rendering the entity? I thought it was the AI tracking range of a mob. I'm so stupid. I'm going to research this tomorrow. Thanks!

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I thought it was the AI tracking range of a mob. I'm so stupid. I'm going to research this tomorrow. Thanks!


No, that's handled by the AI logic.  The Entity tracking range is how close the client needs to be in order to be informed by the server about what it's doing.

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I thought it was the AI tracking range of a mob. I'm so stupid. I'm going to research this tomorrow. Thanks!


No, that's handled by the AI logic.  The Entity tracking range is how close the client needs to be in order to be informed by the server about what it's doing.


Yesss haha thanks. I don't know where did I get that idea :P I suppose because of the name "trackingRange". Thank all of you again.

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