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1.11 Implementing an inventory for entities/tileentities.

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Hello, in 1.10, I made use of IInventory to handle my inventory needs, but with 1.11, some of the ItemStackHelper methods I was using seems to not like my approach of implementing my inventory.  I have seen the minecraft chest make use of :

NonNullList<ItemStack> = NonNullList.<ItemStack>func_191197_a(27, ItemStack.field_190927_a)


(different than what I have been using:

ItemStack[] inventory = new ItemStack[27])


so I decided to search around of the forums.  That only lead to more confusion, as I saw some posts stating IInventory is not supposed to be used anymore, and a capabilities system should be used now (I think it was IStorage??)? 


So all of that being said, I am wondering if anyone has a link, guide, video, or example of how to properly implement and inventory to entities/tileentities?  Any information would be greatly appreciated. I have been stewing on this for over a week now, and nothing seems to really make sense.  Thanks!


Use IItemHandler fields and getCapabilities

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I think I may have a basic inventory working now, but how would I get a particular item in a particular slot?  I use to be able to do the getItemInSlot(X) when I could use IInventory. Any help would be great.  Thank you again. :)

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