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Hey, I'm having a problem with registering my entities.

This is the code I'm using at the moment;


MinecraftForge.registerEntity(EntityMountableBlock.class, mod_JammyFurniture.instance, 242, 5, 160, false);


I get the error:

Could not find entity info for 0 : -14


I get the same error for this;

ModLoader.registerEntityID(EntityMountableBlock.class, "MountableBlock", 242);


and the same if I have both of them together.


I had it working on SMP without Forge but now its not working, it works perfectly in SSP.


The code I had before on for ModLoaderMP was this:

ModLoaderMp.registerNetClientHandlerEntity(EntityMountableBlock.class, 242);

That worked perfectly so I know that its the way I'm registering them. Also something else to note; this entity is supposed to allow me to sit on a chair, it bends my legs like I'm sat in the chair but I can still move around and if I press F5 I can see my legs bent as I'm walking.


Any help will be greatly appreciated. Kind regards :)




ModLoader.registerEntityID(EntityMountableBlock.class, "MountableBlock", 242);


I've done that and it still doesn't do anything and also the "Could not find entity info for 0 : -14" isn't coming up anymore. It only comes up when I use MinecraftForge.registerEntity();


no.. change 242 to 1 -.-


I love you. <3


Thank you so much :) I misunderstood what you meant, but it works perfectly now, thank you so so so much!!


no.. change 242 to 1 -.-


I love you. <3


Thank you so much :) I misunderstood what you meant, but it works perfectly now, thank you so so so much!!


I made the exact same problem there too. There should be a tutorial out there that warns you about these ID issues so in the future others won't make the same mistake.

Perhaps AtomicStryker should add it to his?  ;)


no.. change 242 to 1 -.-


I love you. <3


Thank you so much :) I misunderstood what you meant, but it works perfectly now, thank you so so so much!!


I made the exact same problem there too. There should be a tutorial out there that warns you about these ID issues so in the future others won't make the same mistake.

Perhaps AtomicStryker should add it to his?  ;)


Yes he should.  :)


Maybe it would be worth adding a wiki article for generic "common modding mistakes."

I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I certainly know that if I encountered something, and then saw a ton of people with the same problem, I'd take the extra few minutes to add it to a list of commonly occurring user errors.


Actually while I was writing this post I thought of one.

The classic:


	ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(genericItem, 1), new Object[]{ "#", '#', Block.dirt.blockID});




	ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(genericItem, 1), new Object[]{ "#", '#', Block.dirt});


Where Block.dirt represents an Object within an array of Objects, but using Block.dirt.blockID will return the integer value of the Block's ID within the block array. Using the wrong code will compile with no errors, but will crash the game when it preforms sanity checking on recipes during start-up.



Maybe I should go open a talk page on this in the wiki...

I accidentally the everything then NullPointerException.


Maybe it would be worth adding a wiki article for generic "common modding mistakes."

I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I certainly know that if I encountered something, and then saw a ton of people with the same problem, I'd take the extra few minutes to add it to a list of commonly occurring user errors.


Actually while I was writing this post I thought of one.

The classic:


	ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(genericItem, 1), new Object[]{ "#", '#', Block.dirt.blockID});




	ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(genericItem, 1), new Object[]{ "#", '#', Block.dirt});


Where Block.dirt represents an Object within an array of Objects, but using Block.dirt.blockID will return the integer value of the Block's ID within the block array. Using the wrong code will compile with no errors, but will crash the game when it preforms sanity checking on recipes during start-up.



Maybe I should go open a talk page on this in the wiki...

The wiki is editable by anyone, feel free to make such a page.  ;)


Maybe it would be worth adding a wiki article for generic "common modding mistakes."

I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I certainly know that if I encountered something, and then saw a ton of people with the same problem, I'd take the extra few minutes to add it to a list of commonly occurring user errors.


Actually while I was writing this post I thought of one.

The classic:


	ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(genericItem, 1), new Object[]{ "#", '#', Block.dirt.blockID});




	ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(genericItem, 1), new Object[]{ "#", '#', Block.dirt});


Where Block.dirt represents an Object within an array of Objects, but using Block.dirt.blockID will return the integer value of the Block's ID within the block array. Using the wrong code will compile with no errors, but will crash the game when it preforms sanity checking on recipes during start-up.



Maybe I should go open a talk page on this in the wiki...

The wiki is editable by anyone, feel free to make such a page.  ;)


Yeah, I suppose I'll make that next on my list, right after finishing my crash course on Git and figuring out how to properly modify the .patch files for the base classes so that I can get everything together the proper way and do a pull request. Having this sort of information available would certainly save a lot of grief for everyone.


Note to self: Be sure to give special attention to what happens when you accidentally create an infinite loop during world generation (-twitch-) and how to recover control of the computer

I accidentally the everything then NullPointerException.

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