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[Solved] Item break handler


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Is there a recommended/possible way to execute a function every time an item with durability breaks? I haven't been able to find an event that does this specifically, and it seems like checking item durability every tick would have a prohibitive runtime cost. To be clear, the Item itself won't be from my mod, so I can't override functions to accomplish this.

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Now I feel dumb. A week of searching Google, and I still couldn't find it.


Followup question, It seems that the event fires immediately before the ItemStack is deleted. What this means for me is that I can't replace the destroyed item with another because the replacement is deleted immediately after. Is there a way around this beyond adding the new item to another inventory slot? I want the player to be left holding the replacement item after the break occurs.

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Try searching your workspace.

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I looked at all appearances of PlayerDestroyItemEvent, and nothing was relevant to my problem. According to a forum post and issue on Github, I'm not the only one struggling with this. I'll just use addItemStackToInventory instead. The only reason I'm doing this in the first place is to protect users from making a stupid mistake.

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