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1.11 Overidding MC villages


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Yep, I found that file, but the only torch and door code I could find was


 protected void createVillageDoor(World p_189927_1_, StructureBoundingBox p_189927_2_, Random p_189927_3_, int p_189927_4_, int p_189927_5_, int p_189927_6_, EnumFacing p_189927_7_)
                if (!this.isZombieInfested)
                    this.generateDoor(p_189927_1_, p_189927_2_, p_189927_3_, p_189927_4_, p_189927_5_, p_189927_6_, EnumFacing.NORTH, this.biomeDoor());

            protected void placeTorch(World p_189926_1_, EnumFacing p_189926_2_, int p_189926_3_, int p_189926_4_, int p_189926_5_, StructureBoundingBox p_189926_6_)
                if (!this.isZombieInfested)
                    this.setBlockState(p_189926_1_, Blocks.TORCH.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTorch.FACING, p_189926_2_), p_189926_3_, p_189926_4_, p_189926_5_, p_189926_6_);

Along with the code that defines most of the functions and variables in there. I could not find anything that makes the small houses not generate doors or the library not generating torches.

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Alright, so how to replace the village buildings? I've made an attempt on putting my code in the event but I'm not sure if this will work...


public class ChangeVillageGeneration {

public void changeVillageGen (InitMapGenEvent event) {
	if (event.getType() != null && event.getType() == EventType.VILLAGE){
		IvMapGenVillage newGen = (IvMapGenVillage) event.getNewGen();



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> get current generation class

> set replacement to it


a = a


Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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> get current generation class

> set replacement to it


a = a



So this? I don't really understand the event.


if (event.getType() != null && event.getType() == EventType.VILLAGE){
		MapGenVillage oldGen = (MapGenVillage) event.getOriginalGen();
		IvMapGenVillage newGen = (IvMapGenVillage) event.getNewGen();

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Hint: you need to use the



Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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So now you did exactly what you did before, except you added one step: "Hey event, please give me the original generator. Oh, whoops I don't need it after all."


The event is very simple. It passes in the original (vanilla) map generator and allows mods to substitute their own.


is the vanilla generator,


is the generator that was substituted by previous event handlers (or vanilla still, if there were no previous handlers). You substitute your own implementation using




Ah, okay that makes sense, but I'd like to clear the original generation since I made a different version of the vanilla generation.

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That means I don't know what the optimal way is.


Ah, so if I wanted to one building, then I would have to paste in the entire structure pieces file?


Also, I've been getting this error as stated in an earlier post. "The method addExtraVillageComponents(List<StructureVillagePieces.PieceWeight>, Random, int) in the type VillagerRegistry is not applicable for the arguments (List<VillageStructures.PieceWeight>, Random, int)"

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Type VillagerRegistry? What? Why are you getting compilation errors in forge code? What on earth are you doing?

I just copy pasted the vanilla structure pieces file and then made edits in a different section than the bugged code.


public class VillageStructures
    public static List<VillageStructures.PieceWeight> getStructureVillageWeightedPieceList(Random random, int size)
        List<VillageStructures.PieceWeight> list = Lists.<VillageStructures.PieceWeight>newArrayList();
        list.add(new VillageStructures.PieceWeight(VillageStructures.House4Garden.class, 4, MathHelper.getInt(random, 2 + size, 4 + size * 2)));
        list.add(new VillageStructures.PieceWeight(VillageStructures.Church.class, 20, MathHelper.getInt(random, 0 + size, 1 + size)));
        list.add(new VillageStructures.PieceWeight(VillageStructures.House1.class, 20, MathHelper.getInt(random, 0 + size, 2 + size)));
        list.add(new VillageStructures.PieceWeight(VillageStructures.WoodHut.class, 3, MathHelper.getInt(random, 2 + size, 5 + size * 3)));
        list.add(new VillageStructures.PieceWeight(VillageStructures.Hall.class, 15, MathHelper.getInt(random, 0 + size, 2 + size)));
        list.add(new VillageStructures.PieceWeight(VillageStructures.Field1.class, 3, MathHelper.getInt(random, 1 + size, 4 + size)));
        list.add(new VillageStructures.PieceWeight(VillageStructures.Field2.class, 3, MathHelper.getInt(random, 2 + size, 4 + size * 2)));
        list.add(new VillageStructures.PieceWeight(VillageStructures.House2.class, 15, MathHelper.getInt(random, 0, 1 + size)));
        list.add(new VillageStructures.PieceWeight(VillageStructures.House3.class, 8, MathHelper.getInt(random, 0 + size, 3 + size * 2)));
        [u]net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.VillagerRegistry.addExtraVillageComponents(list, random, size);[/u] Erroring code.
        Iterator<VillageStructures.PieceWeight> iterator = list.iterator();

        while (iterator.hasNext())
            if (((VillageStructures.PieceWeight)iterator.next()).villagePiecesLimit == 0)

        return list;
private static VillageStructures.Village findAndCreateComponentFactory(VillageStructures.Start start, VillageStructures.PieceWeight weight, List<StructureComponent> structureComponents, Random rand, int structureMinX, int structureMinY, int structureMinZ, EnumFacing facing, int componentType)
        Class <? extends VillageStructures.Village > oclass = weight.villagePieceClass;
        VillageStructures.Village structurevillagepieces$village = null;

        if (oclass == VillageStructures.House4Garden.class)
            structurevillagepieces$village = VillageStructures.House4Garden.createPiece(start, structureComponents, rand, structureMinX, structureMinY, structureMinZ, facing, componentType);
        else if (oclass == VillageStructures.Church.class)
            structurevillagepieces$village = VillageStructures.Church.createPiece(start, structureComponents, rand, structureMinX, structureMinY, structureMinZ, facing, componentType);
        else if (oclass == VillageStructures.House1.class)
            structurevillagepieces$village = VillageStructures.House1.createPiece(start, structureComponents, rand, structureMinX, structureMinY, structureMinZ, facing, componentType);
        else if (oclass == VillageStructures.WoodHut.class)
            structurevillagepieces$village = VillageStructures.WoodHut.createPiece(start, structureComponents, rand, structureMinX, structureMinY, structureMinZ, facing, componentType);
        else if (oclass == VillageStructures.Hall.class)
            structurevillagepieces$village = VillageStructures.Hall.createPiece(start, structureComponents, rand, structureMinX, structureMinY, structureMinZ, facing, componentType);
        else if (oclass == VillageStructures.Field1.class)
            structurevillagepieces$village = VillageStructures.Field1.createPiece(start, structureComponents, rand, structureMinX, structureMinY, structureMinZ, facing, componentType);
        else if (oclass == VillageStructures.Field2.class)
            structurevillagepieces$village = VillageStructures.Field2.createPiece(start, structureComponents, rand, structureMinX, structureMinY, structureMinZ, facing, componentType);
        else if (oclass == VillageStructures.House2.class)
            structurevillagepieces$village = VillageStructures.House2.createPiece(start, structureComponents, rand, structureMinX, structureMinY, structureMinZ, facing, componentType);
        else if (oclass == VillageStructures.House3.class)
            structurevillagepieces$village = VillageStructures.House3.createPiece(start, structureComponents, rand, structureMinX, structureMinY, structureMinZ, facing, componentType);
            [u]structurevillagepieces$village = net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.VillagerRegistry.getVillageComponent(weight, start , structureComponents, rand, structureMinX, structureMinY, structureMinZ, facing, componentType);[/u] Erroring code

        return structurevillagepieces$village;

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Look in class VillagerRegistry to see what the addExtraVillageComponents method's arguments really are. Also look at the method's visibility to see if you're even allowed to call it.


If you find yourself in a "close but no cigar" position, then you might be able cheat your way to victory using reflection (qv).


BTW, If you solve this and are still ambitious, please consider expanding your mod to build a fence around each village (adding at least one gate for each compass point, perhaps where a road goes through). If you published such a mod, I would use it

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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Look in class VillagerRegistry to see what the addExtraVillageComponents method's arguments really are. Also look at the method's visibility to see if you're even allowed to call it.


If you find yourself in a "close but no cigar" position, then you might be able cheat your way to victory using reflection (qv).


BTW, If you solve this and are still ambitious, please consider expanding your mod to build a fence around each village (adding at least one gate for each compass point, perhaps where a road goes through). If you published such a mod, I would use it


It is visible, it wants a list to be from the class I'm copying from not the class I'm using. I'll try a reflection, since the augment  name types are different but are pretty much identical.

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Alright, so my code isn't being run at all, even the class the swaps the village gen.


public class CommonProxy {

    public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) {

	MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ChangeVillageGeneration());
    public void init(FMLInitializationEvent e) {

    public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent e) {

public class ChangeVillageGeneration {

public void changeVillageGen (InitMapGenEvent event) {
	if (event.getType() != null && event.getType() == EventType.VILLAGE){
		IvMapGenVillage newGen = (IvMapGenVillage) event.getNewGen();
		System.out.print("Genning 2"); - I'm not getting this print



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Alright, I've changed that but the event is still not firing.


public class CommonProxy {

    public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) {

	MinecraftForge.TERRAIN_BUS.register(new ChangeVillageGeneration());
    public void init(FMLInitializationEvent e) {

    public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent e) {


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Show your ClientProxy.


Uh, okay. Am I supposed to have anything there?


- Not edited (usually I remove stuff that don't have anything to do with the problem.

public class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy{

    public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) {

    public void init(FMLInitializationEvent e) {


    public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent e) {

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Firstly, I see no evidence that my code was running, so I put a series of System.out.printlns throughout my code and then used a superflat seed and generated a village. I got no printlns.


The code that doesn't show any printlns and is the event_bus.


public class ChangeVillageGeneration {

public void changeVillageGen (InitMapGenEvent event) {
	if (event.getType() != null && event.getType() == EventType.VILLAGE){
		IvMapGenVillage newGen = (IvMapGenVillage) event.getNewGen();
		System.out.println("Genning 2");



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