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Observers bugged after using forge on a 1.11.2 World


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Well, I resume the history. 
I was playing in a normal 1.11.2 world, completely vanilla.
Then I decided to install forge, with Lunatrius core and Schematica mod to build a great big thing.
Then, when I built It and I wanted to go back to the vanilla 1.11.2 and I enter the world, all the observers are broken. They are stuck in the *Gives signal* Mode. You have to break them or move them with a piston in order for them to update. 

I tested if updating to mc vanilla 1.12 it would update, but nothing. I tried with only forge, without any mods, and definitely it's Forge's fault, cause without any mods, the issue keeps happening.
Its important that it only happens when you try to go back from the Forge version, to the Vanilla minecraft. 

I even tried to place new observers in the vanilla, after going back from the forge. And surprise, went out of the world, entered again, and there was no trouble with those new observers, only with the old ones, that were placed with the forge version running.
I checked in the internet, but theres 0 information about this, so I hope here we find something.

*Edit* The forge version is: 1.11.2-




Edited by Diessel
Adding Forge version
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Just a little note.
The new observers placed with forge 1.12.1 with the fix, changing to vanilla are alright! They work properly

But the old ones placed since the forge in 1.11.2, changing to forge 1.12.1, and then to vanilla 1.12.1, just doesnt update O.o
They keep being frozen (The same problem). I dont know if you can update the forge of older versions, but it would be great if you can fix it!
I just think its cause in forge 1.11.2 the fix isnt done, its only in 1.12.1, so , it seems that only the observers placed in forge 1.12.1, will be alright, but the old ones wont.

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Now, its because vanilla is dumb and doesn't convert down like it should. Go find a tool called midas {if its still around} to mass convert your save.

You can talk to mezz if you want the fix backported.

TLDR of this issue is that Observers break from one of our fixes to the vanilla bug of doors/other blocks breaking. Because Mojang wrote the block special.

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6 hours ago, Diessel said:

Just a little note.
The new observers placed with forge 1.12.1 with the fix, changing to vanilla are alright! They work properly

But the old ones placed since the forge in 1.11.2, changing to forge 1.12.1, and then to vanilla 1.12.1, just doesnt update O.o
They keep being frozen (The same problem). I dont know if you can update the forge of older versions, but it would be great if you can fix it!
I just think its cause in forge 1.11.2 the fix isnt done, its only in 1.12.1, so , it seems that only the observers placed in forge 1.12.1, will be alright, but the old ones wont.

have you a lot of them? i only have change 4 stacks :V

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I have been looking for the mIdas tool you said, the problem its that's really old (1.2.5) from when I started playing, so all the links are broken xD

I also tried with the mc-edit replace tool, but the problem comes when each observer has a direction, lol
Sooo, about changing them in "survival" Obviously I would use creative. The problem isnt really the number, its the position. For example, those photos were from an Universal tree farm that I build from IlMango, and all the observers are messed in there, there would be like 250 or so. And I have got a lot more in the world xDD, I will still search for more solutions, If I find anything, for sure I will post it here to anybody else that has that problem.

Its a pity that mojang still hasnt done nothing to implement the mod-api, so those problems will always exist.

I dont know if maybe backporting the fix, it would work? I think we should give it a try I think, cause there will be people with the same issue. Do you know how can I ask Mezz? 
As I said, I keep searching

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Its really strange, as the observers, once you do the problem (1.11.2 forge -> then vanilla 1.11.2) In the world, with you character, they look powered, and as I said, you can only fix them breaking them or moving them with a piston. Okay, so with mcEdit2, they seem alright, you scan them with "Inspect Block" and they appear correctly, For Example: "Facing: Down, Powered: False"
And in reality they are facing down, but powered, sooo.... xD (218:8)

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For anyone who needs to have these observers replaced. You can download MCedit2 and have them all replaced at once. It'll take quite some time, but it will be fixed.


Replace 218:8 with 218:0
Replace 218:9 with 218:1
Replace 218:10 with 218:2
Replace 218:11 with 218:3
Replace 218:12 with 218:4
Replace 218:13 with 218:5


Everything should now work as it should again.


PS: Don't forget to press the save button after doing the replace.

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