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Problems logging into lan game


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I do not know if this is the right place to be for this, if it isn't then my apologies.


HP dual core W/ 8gb ram

Win 10 64 bit, latest Minecraft.

any version of forge even if it is a new install

*On my system everything is fine.*

On my kid's system, it won't connect to the LAN game.


Here is what I know:

( I have not tried a non-forge session but will do that here in a bit)


In the launcher log I get like 20 or more of these errors:

12:06:45 launcher main warn Couldn't get hash for jline/jline/2.13/jline-2.13.jar from http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/jline/jline/2.13/jline-2.13.jar.sha1: HTTP 404: Not Found.

As far as I can tell, each one is different in the file it wants but not in the locations.

I also get quite a few of these:

12:06:45 launcher main warn Have local file C:/Users\browe906\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net/minecraftforge/forge/1.11.2- but don't know what size or hash it should be. Have to assume it's good.

So I have done a lot of troubleshooting including uninstalling Minecraft, getting the latest install, reinstalling forge versions. I always get the game to come up, and I can create worlds, I just can't get logged into a LAN game. While these errors may not be preventing me from doing so, and it could be something else, (no software or hardware changes since the issue began) I am hoping to solve these issues and eliminate them from the troubleshooting.


I'll be checking frequently, and can provide any info requested.


Things you should also know-

Every electronic device- computers, cell phones, gaming consoles- all have access to the internet and can be seen on the router.

All networkable devices can see each other and share files and folders.

I get the same results if I run as administrator (didn't think it would help but tried anyway)

When I choose multiplayer, I can see the server. When I go to log on, it never gets past pinging the server.

Sometimes I get a GL error, sometimes I get timeouts. Other times I show up in the server but lock up and time out.

I never get the same error twice in a row.


I have dummied down the game to the most basic graphics settings, removed all mods so that it is just a forge only game. I have enabled and disabled the java settings.

I have the latest greatest java available on both systems.


At this point, I am thinking there may be some kind of firewall/av issue that just hasn't shown itself this far, and that while the Minecraft launcher is listed in the exceptions, something is blocking access to the internet, but allowing me to share files on LAN. So, I disabled the firewall and AV but got the same results.


I am pretty handy with computers and even some hardware programming, but I am scratching my head over this one.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and if this is the wrong area to post, please let me know where it should be and I will go there and post all this.




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2 minutes ago, bardkin said:

I have the latest greatest java available

Does that mean you're using Java 9? FML doesn't support Java 9 yet, so you should use Java 8 in the meantime.


Post the FML log (logs/fml-client-latest.log in your game directory) if that doesn't help.

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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6 minutes ago, larsgerrits said:

Does that mean you're using Java 9? FML doesn't support Java 9 yet, so you should use Java 8 in the meantime.

Ignore that, I misread. If you were using Java 9 you wouldn't be able to start the game at all.


The log you posted isn't the FML log. The FML log is located in 

8 minutes ago, larsgerrits said:

logs/fml-client-latest.log in your game directory


Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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By chance are these launcher errors indicative of a faulty install? Seems like there is a hash table that hasn't been or is improperly defined and that it feels it needs to download some kind of patch or backup file that no longer exists in its specified location.


Again, I dont see how this effects connecting to a LAN game unless one of the errors is preventing a library from opening and the game window is timing out.


I wonder if I should uninstall the launcher, reinstall an older version and make that work and then try to update the launcher again? I believe I downloaded a launcher install about a year ago..


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The 404 errors are perfectly fine and inteded, if you can launch the game then we need the FML logs.

And reading the ones you provided:
[11:45:22] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.11.2 loading

You should update to 1.12.2


The rest of your log isn't useful. It doesn't show anyone trying to connect, or the 'opening to lan' message.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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8 minutes ago, LexManos said:

The 404 errors are perfectly fine and inteded, if you can launch the game then we need the FML logs.

And reading the ones you provided:
[11:45:22] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.11.2 loading

You should update to 1.12.2


The rest of your log isn't useful. It doesn't show anyone trying to connect, or the 'opening to lan' message.


So this world is one that my son and I have been working on now for over a year. We are both extremely disappointed that we can not get back into it after the Minecraft update. I'm going to try getting rid of and then reinstalling an older launcher, I dont know what they did to the new one but it certainly doesnt like 1.11.2. (I dont get any issues with other versions of forge)


While I certainly have no issues with updating, some of the mods dont have compatible updated versions for them. I will look into it and see if maybe I can get rid of one of the deco mods or something but I'll have to spend an enormous amount of time going through every location in game and trying to find what I have to have and what I dont.


And yes, the only thing it shows for connecting is that it is connected, but then it times out. The forge log wouldn't show those errors necessarily.

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1 minute ago, bardkin said:

And yes, the only thing it shows for connecting is that it is connected, but then it times out. The forge log wouldn't show those errors necessarily.

The Forge log WOULD show those errors are networking errors such as that are logged.

But if thats the case then you seem to of given us the wrong computer's log files.

But if as you say that you have been using this setup fine for over a year, and haven't changed anything Forge or Mod wise. Then its something else thats the issue.

New version of your firewall, or AV blocking things possibly. The launcher shouldn't have anything to do with it as at the end of the day you're just launching the same game.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Well, I don't know. but it sure is a huge loss of time and work. I've tried just about everything I can think of, and the only conclusion I can come up with is that they are trying to prevent forge from working. As it turns out, I now have the issue on my system as well. (I was trying to do it the other way where my kid's computer became the server)

It's a real shame that I have to tell him that the world is unusable now.

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There is no "they". As stated, if nothing has changed in your MC setup then most likely its some other software you have installed like a Firewall or Anti-Virus.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Well, thats just it. There haven't been any changes. Same AV and router for over a year now. There have been updates, and I use Mcaffee paid version. Of course crappy windows updates every time I turn around ( I really gotta get this on my Linux box..)  and its possible there is some network setting that changed in updates, but I've gone all through that.


All I know is that for some unknown reason, Forge 1.11.2 completely stopped working over LAN.  I've given a whole lot of time to fixing it, because my son and I spent about a year working on a world together that we enjoy playing. Since the log files wont tell me why the time out is happening, my hands are tied.


Gonna have to abandon it.

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