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[1.12.2] DimensionManager dimension registration seems insufficient for uniqueness confirmation


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I haven't looked at modding dimensions for a while so maybe I'm missing something.


But a DimensionType not only takes an ID, but also a name, a filenaming suffix, etc. When registering a new DimensionType, you can find a free id by calling the DimensionManager.isDimensionRegistered() in a loop. However, there is nothing stopping the use of a duplicate name and/or suffix.


It seems that duplicate names or suffix could cause problems, as they are used for things like world saves. Or is the modID somehow used to create uniqueness? Like if I create a dimension type with name "mars", and another mod also did so, does that create a conflict or not?

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35 minutes ago, quadraxis said:

DimensionTypes are not required to have unique IDs. The dimension itself has its own ID.

Well I don't think that is fully true as you do have to register both. The registration of DimensionType.register() method is really an extension of the enum (goes through EnumHelper). But the ordinal of the enum isn't really the ID rather it is a field. But in any case if you look at the Call Hierarchy of the DimensionType.getID() and getByID() methods you'll see they are are called all over directly (i.e. not the ID from the DimensionManager registration). Check it out but it seems pretty likely that it needs to be unique.


Since both have to be unique and since vanilla+Forge uses the same ID for both you might as well use the same (unique one) for both.


Nevertheless, my concern is whether the name and suffix fields of your custom DimensionType also need to be unique. I'm suspecting they do because they are used for world saves among other things.



Edited by jabelar

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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You can use the same DimensionType more than once.

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1 hour ago, Draco18s said:

You can use the same DimensionType more than once.


Yes, but that is also not what I'm asking. That wouldn't be a problem.


I'm saying is what if I register two different DimensionTypes with different IDs but both have the same name or same suffix. I think that would cause trouble, wouldn't it? 

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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