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Unified Ores


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The title is pretty self-explanatory. While the Forge Ore Dictionary is all well and good, it can still be quite annoying to have all those diffenent kinds of ores. For example, you find some Redpower generated copper ore. You burn some of it in a furnace, later you get a macerator, smelt copper dust and now you have some copper from IC². In addition to that, your NEI/Craft Guide is full of recipes that are basically all the same, but with the different ores.


So my suggestion is to provide some copper, tin, bronze, etc. in Forge. It should only be generated when there is actually a mod installed that requests it. Of course it might take some time to change all the mods that use these ores not to generate them by themselves, but I think once that was done, it would be much more convenient than before.


So, I would like to hear some opinions. And please forgive me if that has been requested before.

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I like the idea but it would be easier if the mod owners tried to make the mods work together.  I think they use config files that you may disable ores and such with.  If not, you could try suggesting it to them instead of forcing all mods that uses those ores to update instead of working together.

width=320 height=64http://www.slothygaming.com/img/ota.png[/img]

If your grammar is shit and you blatantly don't know what you're doing, I will not help you.

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I like the idea but it would be easier if the mod owners tried to make the mods work together.  I think they use config files that you may disable ores and such with.  If not, you could try suggesting it to them instead of forcing all mods that uses those ores to update instead of working together.


I don't know if that would actually work, I guess it would still need some kind of API. But I'm not a modder, so I'm not sure. I have another idea though: What if you could set something like a default ore. You would just choose one kind of ore, which will then then be the only ore enabled. It would be used for all the crafting and also be the result of all crafting/other recipes that produce it. Although I guess the best way to do this would also be to integrate it in Forge. But I still think my first idea was better, for example it might be quite problematic on servers, but especially when downloading the map of another person who may have a different ore set as the default one.

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No, Forge will not provide any in-game content.

This has been suggested a few hundred times, the answer has been and always will be no.

The Ore Dictionary provides a powerful enough System that it allows for clean use of any ore registered in it. No more is needed then that.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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he also had a point about a "default ores" that i personally think is a good one


right now, its possible to get diferent versions of the same ore in your inventory, but if mods are told "use this version" instead of "these versions also exist" then it would lower inventory space usage and make the the seams between mods less

Being noobish since 96, being dumb since birth!

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Define "default ores".  Just because we currently have a flood of tin, copper, and bronze doesn't mean that further down the line we won't have a billion mods with platinum, lead, and thorium ores in the dictionary instead.  This is far too subjective to justify altering vanilla Minecraft in the default API.

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Forge will not add any in-game content. Forge already has great things in place for ore use. It is up to the modders to not be stupid with there ores. End of discussion.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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I just took a look at the part that registers the ore.  If the proper if statements and ID checks are used, you could check for ores with the same name or with duplicate entries.  Could also stop ores using the same ID.  Would be easier if the mod maker did it but this would make less work for the mod maker.

width=320 height=64http://www.slothygaming.com/img/ota.png[/img]

If your grammar is shit and you blatantly don't know what you're doing, I will not help you.

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You're a moron right....

Its up to the MODDERS to do things properly, NOT us.

We can't FORCE modders to do things properly.

You have no understanding of how things work.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Banned for 7 days cuz im really getting tired of you.

And as I said you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

So you should not be talking about it.

At least do some basic research on the subject before you speak.

The registration has nothing to do with ore generation, nore does it have anything to do with block id conflicts.

Nore does it have anything to do with how any part of MC works at all.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Okay, looks like further continuation of this discussion would only lead to more negative Karma spread, so I'll lock this topic now. And I apologize for suggesting that another time. As I said, I have no clue about modding  :).

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