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is it possible to change a var in another mod's class?


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for example if in one mod there is

public void exampleMethod(){
String var5 = "foo";
drawString(mc.fontRenderer, var5, 35, 10, 0xFFFFFF);

in a class named exampleRender.class

within another mod, can I change that var5? or just empty the whole method? and if so, which is the easier route and which is the most efficient/least performance impacting

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8 minutes ago, RaptorTurkey said:

Well that was fast, thanks. Guess I'll need to see if the mod author will give me permission to modify it.

You should instead elaborate on your problem more, there might be a way to do what you want without having to do what you have stated.


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2 minutes ago, Animefan8888 said:

You should instead elaborate on your problem more, there might be a way to do what you want without having to do what you have stated.

Hmm, well that's pretty much my entire problem.

Essentially the whole method is used to render specific GUI elements when certain things happen but I wanted to make my own GUI which has turned out great however the one thing I can't hide is that drawstring, if I could change the var, it'd be great to make it just blank and I wouldn't have needed to even try overwrite the drawstring - though I know it should be possible to do it via ASM(?), however I'd need to do a lot of work to figure out where to even begin there.


There's a method where the render is called under certain actions, like when x keybind isn't pressed (so it's hidden on pressing tab) and there's actually a public var that I can change which does stop it from rendering, but it also stops everything else from working correctly.

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2 hours ago, RaptorTurkey said:

Hmm, well that's pretty much my entire problem.

Essentially the whole method is used to render specific GUI elements when certain things happen but I wanted to make my own GUI which has turned out great however the one thing I can't hide is that drawstring, if I could change the var, it'd be great to make it just blank and I wouldn't have needed to even try overwrite the drawstring - though I know it should be possible to do it via ASM(?), however I'd need to do a lot of work to figure out where to even begin there.


There's a method where the render is called under certain actions, like when x keybind isn't pressed (so it's hidden on pressing tab) and there's actually a public var that I can change which does stop it from rendering, but it also stops everything else from working correctly.

If you are making an addons for that mod and have access to the class then all you have to do is subscribe to the GuiOpenEvent and replace the Gui with your own Gui.


I will be posting 1.15.2 modding tutorials on this channel. If you want to be notified of it do the normal YouTube stuff like subscribing, ect.

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2 hours ago, Animefan8888 said:

If you are making an addons for that mod and have access to the class then all you have to do is subscribe to the GuiOpenEvent and replace the Gui with your own Gui.

It's called from a client tick handler class, I can change accepted and it'll work, but it then breaks the rest of the elements of the mod, as with Pwrtyp, so I can't even break it just here


if (((this.dbc) || (this.nc)) && (JRMCoreH.Accepted == 1) && (!this.mc.gameSettings.keyBindPlayerList.getIsKeyPressed()) && ((JRMCoreH.Pwrtyp == 1) || ((JRMCoreH.Pwrtyp == 2) && (JRMCoreH.inIll == null))))


in JRMCoreClient it's listed as

public static JRMCoreGuiBars bars;

and registered with
bars = new JRMCoreGuiBars();

Which would work great and I could just null bars, however

the tick handler class uses the above mentioned method specifically.

Though I'm not sure if there's a way to change bars into a different class and mimic everything, but remove the specific elements I wanted to remove? I guess that's the closest bet I've got

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4 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

If it's a public field you can just set it to contain something else...

yeah but the problem is if you look, it's a public static JRMCoreGuiBars...

it's hard coded as a JRMCoreGuiBars that's referenced as bars, so if I try say bars = ""; to blank it out then that's a string and it expects JRMCoreGuiBars since it's a predefined type?


Hold up brain fart, I just extended JRMCoreGuiBars in a new class and just said bars = new newclass();

Thanks for the assistance anyway

Edited by RaptorTurkey
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