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Remove reflection


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Keep it short, I suggest adding a different way of handling the events as it now uses reflection. I think this would reduce the call time by the half. The javadoc about reflection suggests not to use it on runtime.

No 5 row long documentation = account on the help forums

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Keep it short, I suggest adding a different way of handling the events as it now uses reflection. I think this would reduce the call time by the half. The javadoc about reflection suggests not to use it on runtime.

They say that to prevent people whom learn java from YouTube videos instead of textbooks from making really sloppy and slow programs. Not really though, its specific to dynamic reflection. Byte code is generated after about 15 reflective calls dependant on your runtimes threshhold. I suggest you read Bloch's efficient java before labeling poor programming form in methods you don't understand.

I think its my java of the variables.

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Just for note,forges eventbus does not use reflecrion, rmls does but its rarely used. However i did extensive tests when developing forges eventbus. And in 13 out of 15 setups i tried java DID NOT generate the accessors as many claim. Also my benchmarks show that forges eventbus system is 60 times faster then standard reflection. It has been debate to  move forges system to fml however it has been shown that the amount of tine that fml spends on refllection is trivial.. the workhouse ias forge and we are the pinical of effiancy in our eventbusj

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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