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Sound Not Working


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So all I want to do is add a sound to the registry but for some reason it's not working. This is what I did:

public class SoundRegistrator 
	public static final SoundEvent BOND;
	static {
		BOND = addSoundsToRegistry("bond");
	private static SoundEvent addSoundsToRegistry(String soundId) {
		ResourceLocation shotSoundLocation = new ResourceLocation("pokalert", soundId);
		SoundEvent soundEvent = new SoundEvent(shotSoundLocation);
		return soundEvent;
public class SoundRegisterListener 
  @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, receiveCanceled = true)
  public void registerSOundEvents(RegistryEvent.Register<SoundEvent> event) {
EntityPlayer player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player;
EntityPlayerSP sp = (EntityPlayerSP)player;
ResourceLocation location = new ResourceLocation("pokalert", "bond");
SoundEvent sevent = new SoundEvent(location);
sp.playSound(sevent, 5.0f, 5.0f);
  "bond": {
    "category": "player",
    "sounds": [{ "name": "pokalert:bond.ogg", "stream": true }]


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24 minutes ago, CrashDbo said:

I think you want registerSoundEvent, not registerSOundEvent.

The method name does not matter in this case.


1 hour ago, outflows said:

static { BOND = addSoundsToRegistry("bond"); }

Do not statically instantiate your sounds. Instantiate and register them in the appropriate event.

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1 hour ago, DavidM said:

The method name does not matter in this case.


Do not statically instantiate your sounds. Instantiate and register them in the appropriate event.

what would the appropriate event be? Also, would I put the eventbus for this in the init or preinit? One last thing, the sound file I'm using is like 3 minutes long so would that affect anything?

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2 hours ago, outflows said:

what would the appropriate event be?


5 hours ago, outflows said:

public void registerSOundEvents(RegistryEvent.Register<SoundEvent> event) { event.getRegistry().registerAll(SoundRegistrator.BOND); }

In this event subscriber, instead of doing:


, create the SoundEvents instead. Something similar to:

event.getRegistry().registerAll(new SoundEvent(...).setRegistryName(...), new SoundEvent(...)...);



2 hours ago, outflows said:

would I put the eventbus for this in the init or preinit

If I'm understanding what you are doing correctly, you should not need init or preinit.

All your sound registration goes in the RegistryEvent.Register<SoundEvent> event subscriber.

Edited by DavidM

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2. Versions below 1.11 are no longer supported due to their age. Update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.



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2 minutes ago, DavidM said:



In this event subscriber, instead of doing:


, create the SoundEvents instead. Something similar to:

event.getRegistry().registerAll(new SoundEvent(...).setRegistryName(...), new SoundEvent(...)...);

Thanks for the help with that but I have one more question if you don't mind helping. Although this is somewhat unrelated, I've been searching through forum posts for hours now and can't figure out how to make the sound follow the player. If you could help that would be awesome

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Just now, diesieben07 said:

Check out MovingSoundMinecart.

Yes, I have seen you on like 3 other posts saying that. I looked at the class and I didn't really understand how on earth I was supposed to implement that into my code. Granted I only started modding like a week ago. I actually figured it out though for anyone who wants to know. It's incredibly simple:



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4 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Minecraft#getSoundHandler()#sndManager#playingSounds. Note that both sndManager and playingSounds are private fields, so you'll have to use reflection to access them.

For some reason I'm getting an error while trying to call this. I don't know if you meant to put the pound signs there but maybe that's some syntax I'm unfamiliar with. I am also unfamiliar with reflection if you could help me out there too.

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The "#" is the same as a ".", it just means "instance method" "instance" rather than "static method" "static"

Read https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37628/what-is-reflection-and-why-is-it-useful

Then use the ObfuscationReflectionHelper (only in Forge versions above 2782)

Edited by Cadiboo
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My bad, It doesn't have to be a method, it can also be a field.

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Just now, Cadiboo said:

My bad, It doesn't have to be a method, it can also be a field.

So how would I format it so that I don't get the error. Sorry btw I'm really new to modding and I didn't learn any of this in my java class for whatever reason

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As diesieben07 said, sndManager and playingSounds are private, so you will need to use Reflection or an Access Transformer to access them.

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1 minute ago, Cadiboo said:


As diesieben07 said, sndManager and playingSounds are private, so you will need to use Reflection or an Access Transformer to access them.

Oh I see, that makes more sense now. Thanks for all the help.

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7 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:


As diesieben07 said, sndManager and playingSounds are private, so you will need to use Reflection or an Access Transformer to access them.

I'm sorry to keep asking questions but I am thoroughly confused as to how I can use reflection to get these methods. Right now I have:


Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
Method method = mc.getClass().getMethod("sndManager", null);

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26 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:

Then use the ObfuscationReflectionHelper (only in Forge versions above 2782)

Example of something similar (getting and then setting Minecraft#blockRendererDispatcher#fluidRenderer) https://github.com/Cadiboo/NoCubes/blob/ef2968d83544597fd5d267e476742beb2ec9a177/src/main/java/io/github/cadiboo/nocubes/client/ClientProxy.java#L89 

  • Thanks 1

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2 hours ago, Cadiboo said:

Example of something similar (getting and then setting Minecraft#blockRendererDispatcher#fluidRenderer) https://github.com/Cadiboo/NoCubes/blob/ef2968d83544597fd5d267e476742beb2ec9a177/src/main/java/io/github/cadiboo/nocubes/client/ClientProxy.java#L89 

Hey so I tried using reflection to get the necessary fields and it works the first time to obtain the sndManager object but when I try to use that in order to obtain the playingSounds variable, I end up getting an error because it apparently doesn't exist as an instance variable of the sndManager object. I tried checking to see what fields I get from the sndManager object but none of them were the same as in the SoundManager class. All I remember was that one of the fields was clazz and another was fieldAccessor. I really hope you can help me because I've been stuck on this problem for hours now. Here is my code: 


        SoundHandler sh = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSoundHandler();
        Class cls = sh.getClass();
        Class snd = cls.getDeclaredField("sndManager").getClass();
        Field ps = snd.getDeclaredField("playingSounds");

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1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:
  • Do not use getClass to get class object. Use class literals (Foo.class).
  • You need to use the methods in ObfuscationReflectionHelper and you need to use SRG names.  Otherwise your code will not work outside the development environment.

It would really help if you could show me how to do it because I am very lost at the moment

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3 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Which part do you have problems with exactly...?

Well I have no idea how to format this tbh. Also, I don't know what SRG means and how to use the helper thing. If you could just at least give me a template for how I could access the playingSounds method that would be awesome

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1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

Minecraft code is obfuscated when it is distributed by Mojang. Forge uses MCP mappings to translate the obfuscated names to readable names. The SRG names are an intermediary step in this process. You can use the MCPBot (see linked page) to look up the SRG name for any method or field.

This is what I was able to get but it definitely does not work


        Class mc = Minecraft.class;
        java.lang.reflect.Method sh = mc.getMethod("getSoundHandler", null);
        SoundHandler soundH = (SoundHandler)sh.invoke(mc, null);
        ObfuscationReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(soundH.class, new Object(), "playingSounds");

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3 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:
  • Do not use getPrivateValue. Use findField, etc. to get the Field / Method instance.
  • Please learn the basics of reflection.

I'm sorry, I've been trying to learn it but it's not very intuitive for me. Should I be using the ObfuscationReflectionHelper to get the soundhandler as well?

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37 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:
  • Do not use getPrivateValue. Use findField, etc. to get the Field / Method instance.
  • Please learn the basics of reflection.

I can't find any info online about SRG names and the website that they use is down for some reason. I am just really confused right now

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You need

- the SoundHandler instance from getSoundHandler

- Field Objects for sndManager and playingSounds

Then get the value of each field using Field#get on the appropriate instance.



9 hours ago, outflows said:

Class mc = Minecraft.class;

Why do you store this in a variable? You only use it once

9 hours ago, outflows said:


Why is this fully qualified?

9 hours ago, outflows said:

Method sh = mc.getMethod("getSoundHandler", null);

Isn’t this method public?

9 hours ago, outflows said:

ObfuscationReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(soundH.class, new Object(), "playingSounds");

What is soundH? The SoundHandler doesn’t have this value, the SoundManager does. The SoundHandler  has an instance of the SoundManager which you need to get though (sndManager). You also need to use the SRG name of the field which you can look up at many places.

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