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Own TungstenOre Recipe


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Hi there,


i have a little private Server and i want to give tungsten ore a little use: Smelting Tungsten gives 1 diamond...


Minecraft is starting but in game, when i place tungsten in a furnace nothing happens.


Here the sourcecode,


	public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event)

		int TungstenOre = OreDictionary.getOreID("oreTungsten");

		//Smelting Recipes
		GameRegistry.addSmelting(TungstenOre, new ItemStack(Item.diamond), 2.0F);


Am I doing something wrong?

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I have a similar code that works perfectly, only difference I see between yours and mine is you have:



and I have:



When I try to add yours, eclipse says that method needs to be created.

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Tanks for you reply

This function is empty in my source:



public class CommonProxy {

public static String ITEM_PNG = "/items.png";
public static String BLOCK_PNG = "/blocks.png";

public void registerRenders() {}



The two _PNG are placeholder for the future. The png's don't exists. Should i delete these lines or am i missing something in my function?

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