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Hooking chat commands client-side on multiplayer


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Adding commands server side, either via local server or remote server is easy.  I'm trying to migrate WorldeditCUI to 1.5.1/latest forge, and the sticking point is capturing commands at the local end so it can inject them via the worldedit API channel.


What the author currently does is abuse reflection to change private fields to public using the obfuscated field names, and tries to inspect every packet added to the network queue to see if it's of type 'Packet3Chat', and if so decode it and see if it should be passed on or not.  Ugh.  Even if you ignore how hideously ugly that is, it doesn't work with forge as forge overrides some of the classes it intends to hook so bombs out with an unknown field error.


It looks like the cleanest place to hook it would be net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.handleClientCommand(string), which is a stub that currently doesn't do anything, and forge already replaces that class.


Unless I'm missing something, hooking chatHandler only handles received chat from the server, outbound commands do not show up there.


My thought was adding a registerLocalCommand(string command, ILocalCommandHandler) to something (NetworkRegistry?) and have handleClientCommand() call that.


Is there a better way to intercept some commands (at the client) before they're sent to the server and handle them locally?  If not, is there any interest in me coding this up and submitting it?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm also in need of this.  Without it i'm forced to modify core files just to have a client-side-only command. 


Is there a way to do this via the Forge api that i simply missed? If so, please let me know.  If not, is it planned?  This could be implemented easily and can be tied into the core in a couple places.  Here are the cleanest places i've found to tie in my own code:


via EntityClientPlayerMP.sendChatMessage

   public void sendChatMessage(String par1Str)
        //added the 1 line below. CommandManager is my own class, A Forge class
                //would be referenced here instead.  It could then raise a cancellable event
                //to all subscribers of client-side-only commands.  if the event isn't cancelled.
                //then the text will be sent to the server.
        if (!CommandManager.getInstance().HandleCommand(par1Str)) 
          this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new Packet3Chat(par1Str));



OR via GuiChat.keyTyped method:

                //.... near the bottom of the method:
            String var3 = this.inputField.getText().trim();
            if (var3.length() > 0)
                //added the 1 line below. CommandManager is my own class, A Forge class
                //would be referenced here instead.  It could then raise a cancellable event
                //to all subscribers of client-side-only commands.  if the event isn't cancelled.
                //then the text will be sent to the server.
                if (!CommandManager.getInstance().HandleCommand(var3))
                   if (!this.mc.handleClientCommand(var3))

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is there a reason you cannot make the server handle this instead ? else you guys will have to do a coremods

(btw handling commands client side doesnt make sens as the server must always make the change and then propagate them to clients)

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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is there a reason you cannot make the server handle this instead ? else you guys will have to do a coremods

Because i am only making a client-side mod.  Why would i want to make my mod require a specific server plugin as well?  I simply want to show a client-side gui since my mod does not affect the server whatsoever.

(btw handling commands client side doesnt make sens as the server must always make the change and then propagate them to clients)

Wow, what a strange thing to say.  Chibill has the right idea.. my command doesn't need to be sent to the server as the result of the command is client-only.  In fact, since it's client-only i do NOT want it to get sent to the server.  That's why i mentioned it should be a cancellable event.  This way, if a subscriber handles it, then forge will not send it to the server.  If it's sent to the server then i'll get a silly "unknown command" message from the server.


I have it running by utilizing a coremod but that obviously goes against the spirit of what Forge is trying to accomplish.  If another mod modifies the same file then i'm out of luck.  This has increased probability since anyone else that is trying to have a client-side command will have to do the same thing i am, and thus we'll conflict.

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This has increased probability since anyone else that is trying to have a client-side command will have to do the same thing i am, and thus we'll conflict.

Not if you do it properly. You probably want to patch EntityClientPlayerMP#sendChatMessage. Just add a call to some static method before any other code in the method, if that method returns true also return from the sendChatMessage (the command has been handled). If two mods do this, they don't conflict at all.


uh huh... and what happens if another mod replaces the entityclientPlayerMP file entirely?  Having API support is ideal.  Any other alternative is hacky.

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is there a reason you cannot make the server handle this instead ? else you guys will have to do a coremods

Because i am only making a client-side mod.  Why would i want to make my mod require a specific server plugin as well?  I simply want to show a client-side gui since my mod does not affect the server whatsoever.

Then why do you want to use chat commands ?

By staying on client side, you can handle any client input, why use  something that make client interact with server ?

Just build your own chat GUI, if you want it to look like the chat command. You can open it with your own key, and then handle any input message locally.

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is there a reason you cannot make the server handle this instead ? else you guys will have to do a coremods

Because i am only making a client-side mod.  Why would i want to make my mod require a specific server plugin as well?  I simply want to show a client-side gui since my mod does not affect the server whatsoever.

Then why do you want to use chat commands ?

By staying on client side, you can handle any client input, why use  something that make client interact with server ?

Just build your own chat GUI, if you want it to look like the chat command. You can open it with your own key, and then handle any input message locally.


This makes absolutely no sense. I already explicitly said that i do not want to contact the server and that the commands are client-side only.


I'm not sure why this is necessary to explain, but the idea of the mod is that as the user walks around the map i read all the signs in the rendered area. If a sign is in the Chest Shop format then i parse it and add it to memory.  I then allow the user to do commands to interact with the data.. such as /shop list diamond to see all diamond prices.  Or /shop best bread to see the best bread buy and sell prices.  This is most efficiently done via chat commands rather than fumbling around in a GUI.  Also, why would i make my own chat gui? Where's the sense in that when there's already a chat gui present by default? 


Look, i laid out a simple request in the initial post followed by a couple suggested locations to hook into the core.  I have already coded my own workaround for the shortcoming of the API, i dont really need more suggestive alternatives.  They simply clutter the thread and take it off track.  If there's a suggestion that allows the implement to take advantage of an api-centric approach, then by all means, please share it.  Otherwise you're just adding onto the list of possible hack approaches, which is moot to the point at hand.

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This makes absolutely no sense. I already explicitly said that i do not want to contact the server and that the commands are client-side only.


I'm not sure why this is necessary to explain, but the idea of the mod is that as the user walks around the map i read all the signs in the rendered area. If a sign is in the Chest Shop format then i parse it and add it to memory.  I then allow the user to do commands to interact with the data.. such as /shop list diamond to see all diamond prices.  Or /shop best bread to see the best bread buy and sell prices.  This is most efficiently done via chat commands rather than fumbling around in a GUI.  Also, why would i make my own chat gui? Where's the sense in that when there's already a chat gui present by default? 


Look, i laid out a simple request in the initial post followed by a couple suggested locations to hook into the core.  I have already coded my own workaround for the shortcoming of the API, i dont really need more suggestive alternatives.  They simply clutter the thread and take it off track.  If there's a suggestion that allows the implement to take advantage of an api-centric approach, then by all means, please share it.  Otherwise you're just adding onto the list of possible hack approaches, which is moot to the point at hand.

Look, if you accurately describe a problem, people can then suggest better solutions.

If you can't handle any other ideas than your own, don't ask.

By the way, if you meant this thread as a suggestion, this isn't the right section of these forums.


It is sad that you insist into using chat commands when a simple gui can do what you want.

You are only making this harder on yourself.

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its sad that we are STILL using commands at all


I agree. A well-built GUI is SO much easier to use, also, it makes it easier for ANYONE to use it. Even a simple GUI is better than a command.


For example, with a GUI I could have some buttons. I choose the button "Best" and type the item name I want in a text box next to it.


It would then show a list underneath the search containing all the breads (I am searching for bread).



But I can take that one step further. I do the same search, but I say, "Show me all items that have a price between (lets say) 0 - 50". This would show a list of the items in that price range and then display something like this:




Then off you go! I would much prefer to use that then a command that would go:

"The best bread is $1 from Such A Shop".

I am Mew. The Legendary Psychic. I behave oddly and am always playing practical jokes.


I have also found that I really love making extremely long and extremely but sometimes not so descriptive variables. Sort of like what I just did there xD

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Look, if you accurately describe a problem, people can then suggest better solutions.

If you can't handle any other ideas than your own, don't ask.

By the way, if you meant this thread as a suggestion, this isn't the right section of these forums.


It is sad that you insist into using chat commands when a simple gui can do what you want.

You are only making this harder on yourself.


In what way did i inaccurately describe the problem? 


The title clearly states client-side only and that the intention is to use them on a mp server.  I fail to see why you'd suggest that i was trying to communicate with the server.  Your post truly made no sense and I can't help that your oversights began before you even entered the thread.


I don't even know the categories of the forum. I used the search button and came up with a thread that exactly requested what i was trying to do.  It had no constructive replies on it so i elaborated and gave implementation locations.  This seems like the right approach to me.  Why would i create a new thread that would have the same title?  If the original post was in the wrong location then a mod should have moved it long ago.


I specifically said that i was looking for a way to implement the feature via the forge API.  How is suggesting other non-api solutions helpful whatsoever?  If i gave implementation suggestions then obviously I figured out how to implement it and i'm just looking for an api-centric alternative.  And seriously... why would you think that suggesting that i implement a redundant chat interface is anywhere remotely near being a good idea?  Did you think this through whatsoever? Would both be visible all the time? would i have a hotkey to open client-only chat?  This is flat out a bad suggestion and it came immediately after i stated that non-api alternatives are hacky.  I can only assume that you completely failed to read the abundance of relevant context prior to posting or else there'd simply be no reason you'd post what you did.


I agree. A well-built GUI is SO much easier to use, also, it makes it easier for ANYONE to use it. Even a simple GUI is better than a command.


For example, with a GUI I could have some buttons. I choose the button "Best" and type the item name I want in a text box next to it.


It would then show a list underneath the search containing all the breads (I am searching for bread).



But I can take that one step further. I do the same search, but I say, "Show me all items that have a price between (lets say) 0 - 50". This would show a list of the items in that price range and then display something like this:




Then off you go! I would much prefer to use that then a command that would go:

"The best bread is $1 from Such A Shop".


I appreciate the gui suggestion and the well-thought-out reasoning you said to back it up.  I just have a preference towards command driven interfaces since they're most efficient.  But again, that's more of a personal preference of mine and i'm sure some others would go the gui route. 


My specific mod aside, there's still no way to do client-only commands via forge and it's a simple implementation to add it.  That's all i was trying to relay across .. and it was likely the goal of the two people that posted prior to me as well. 

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I just have a preference towards command driven interfaces since they're most efficient.

you must be kidding me... yes ok it works well on linux because you have auto complete and drawing all the icons take a butload of time, but for a game ????!?!


sign-shop is the worst system in the world


and really ? efficient?


please tell me how typing "/gold" is faster then opening your eyes:


how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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My specific mod aside, there's still no way to do client-only commands via forge and it's a simple implementation to add it.  That's all i was trying to relay across .. and it was likely the goal of the two people that posted prior to me as well. 

You know, till we found an actual use for those "client-only commands" that can't be handled by a GUI, there is no need for them.

The fact that you like chat command more than GUI is not really a valid argument by the way.

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I just have a preference towards command driven interfaces since they're most efficient.

you must be kidding me... yes ok it works well on linux because you have auto complete and drawing all the icons take a butload of time, but for a game ????!?!


sign-shop is the worst system in the world


and really ? efficient?


please tell me how typing "/gold" is faster then opening your eyes:


Wow, could you possibly be more short-sighted and close-minded?  Sure, in your gold scenario a gui display is more efficient.  Though that's not the case for everything.  My mod is an example of this. 

/list <item name> 

is way the hell faster to execute than hitting a hot key, clicking in the textbox, typing what you want, then hitting enter.  Why would i want to go from mouse to keyboard more times than i need to?  I could also just show a list of all items in the gui and have the user click one but that is obviously horrendously slow and requires more eye movement than simply typing in a chat window.


FYI.. you know you can do auto-complete in the minecraft chat window, right?  sigh.


I'm done here. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I need Cleint side commands to make it work because it needs to work on BOTH forge villnail and Bukkit.


Fair enough. But why not make it a GUI? Have your own chat GUI that handles only IRC stuff. ( You also might want to make it pause the game ). The GUI would be a lot simpler and much more efficient ( Well, to my reasoning anyway. ) It also means that you do not need to worry about having to make that command turn on/off the IRC stuff. It keeps things SO much cleaner. Once forge created API support for client side commands though, feel free to switch to the chat commands. But since there is no support, do what you can that WILL work.


Sorry if this seems a little over the top, I do do that sometimes.. I don't want to seem extremely biast towards GUI's... But I probably am.

I am Mew. The Legendary Psychic. I behave oddly and am always playing practical jokes.


I have also found that I really love making extremely long and extremely but sometimes not so descriptive variables. Sort of like what I just did there xD

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