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[Solved]Dimension Teleportation refuses to stop.


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I now what is wrong, and how I would go about fixing it, but I don't know exactly HOW to fix it. When I jump through the portal to my new dimension it just drops the player straight into the return portal, and repeats the process, with the end result being constant teleportation between dimensions, making it impossible to move. I need to have the player spawn just in front of or behind the portal like the vanilla nether portal, any ideas on how to do this?

I am the current head modder for the Metroid Prime Suits mod. I have no other staff members, so I'm hiring! I also co-own the SkyTekkit server.

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Well assuming your code knows where it will place the player (which is have to know ofcourse) you should be able to tell it to set it where it's setting him now +1 inn the x direction (or z direction depending on the orientation of the portal)?

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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Or putting a delay on the teleport, like the vanilla nether portal.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


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DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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That's also a good idea. Regarding you both, a) where would I find the posX and posZ that spawns that player? In the teleported class there is a LOT of those floating around. Regarding the timer, how would I do that? I'll check some vanilla source and tell you guys if I come up with anything. I did manage to get it to play a sound upon teleportation.

I am the current head modder for the Metroid Prime Suits mod. I have no other staff members, so I'm hiring! I also co-own the SkyTekkit server.

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I have no idea since I haven't ever done this, even tough I planned to for a long time, my afk life gets inn the way ;)


But I understand logic, so post the code (pastebin w/ java syntax highlights, please) :)

And I (as well as others) can read it and try to aid you inn pointing out what is what.. I just hope not half your variables has funny names :P

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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Alright, here's the teleporter code: http://pastebin.com/HsZfF0Ta

Note I'm still trying to figure this out, so it may change.

I am the current head modder for the Metroid Prime Suits mod. I have no other staff members, so I'm hiring! I also co-own the SkyTekkit server.

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Thanks! I actually saw that post before I even looked here, but it works non the less. By the way, I'm locking this topic due to the fact it's been solved.

I am the current head modder for the Metroid Prime Suits mod. I have no other staff members, so I'm hiring! I also co-own the SkyTekkit server.

width=600 height=126http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y480/Sypher40/MPSbanner_zps9d50d86a.png[/img]

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