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[Solved]1.15 Hook into world generation


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Looking for a good place to start to generate my custom ores and entities for 1.15. I previously tried a way that was written for 1.12 and no luck. I found a way for 1.14 on here, and will try that when I get home, but wondering if anyone has recommendations for best practices and methods for 1.15. I currently have my custom ore, ingot, and block. I want to generate that ore in levels 5-25 for example so players can find it.

Edited by devguydan

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1 hour ago, devguydan said:

I found a way for 1.14 on here, and will try that when I get home

Do that.

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5 minutes ago, Draco18s said:

Do that.

haha Thanks will do


1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

Did you look at how vanilla ores are generated?

I have been digging through forge, and have not seen how vanilla generates ores yet. I did see the ChunkEvent, which looks promising. Mind pointing me what directories to look in for vanilla world generation? Not too familiar with the code base yet.

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20 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

Find a vanilla ore in the Blocks class. Find references.

biomeIn.addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES, Biome.createDecoratedFeature(Feature.ORE, new OreFeatureConfig(OreFeatureConfig.FillerBlockType.NATURAL_STONE, Blocks.DIAMOND_ORE.getDefaultState(), 8), Placement.COUNT_RANGE, new CountRangeConfig(1, 0, 0, 16)));


This is how vanilla registers underground ores. Unfortunately there is no `createDecoratedFeature` function in `Biome` use in `ForgeRegistries.BIOMES`. Vanilla MC has this function in it's Biome class, but Forge's Biome class does not have anything matching this signature. Instead what works is to addFeature with a Underground Ores Decoration, and pass it your ore with a config, giving the config a filler block, your own ore, and the max size to generate the ores in. Then pass a placement config with min and max height, max generation per chunk, etc: 


public static void FMLLoadCompleteEvent(FMLLoadCompleteEvent event) {
    for (Biome biome : ForgeRegistries.BIOMES) {
        biome.addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES, Feature.ORE.withConfiguration(new OreFeatureConfig(
                OreFeatureConfig.FillerBlockType.NATURAL_STONE, ModBlocks.LOAD_STONE_ORE.getDefaultState(), 8))
                .withPlacement(Placement.COUNT_RANGE.configure(new CountRangeConfig(4, 0, 0, 32))));

This is in my ModEventSubscriber class obviously. Now I want to make sure I am reading it correctly. Is this saying, that once per chuck (ie, once per 65,536 blocks), it will generate up to 9 ores in a group, and that group may be generated anywhere between levels 0 and 16? If so then the above vanilla example means diamond groups only generate once per 65k blocks? I find that hard to believe. 


Also for a side note, would updating my snapshot in `build.gradle` give me better names for functions? I am currently using the default 1.15.2 mdk build file with 

mappings channel: 'snapshot', version: '20190719-1.14.3'

Edit: updating this DID resolve some more obsfucated function names.

Edited by devguydan
updated mappings

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2 hours ago, devguydan said:
4 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

Did you look at how vanilla ores are generated?

I have been digging through forge, and have not seen how vanilla generates ores yet. I did see the ChunkEvent, which looks promising. Mind pointing me what directories to look in for vanilla world generation? Not too familiar with the code base yet.

For anyone in the future, check `DefaultBiomeFeatures` for implementation for structure, entities, ores, blocks, etc

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