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[1.14+] Creating moveable & resizeable HUD elements


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I'm currently working on a mod that adds various different onscreen elements that display player information such as coordinates, health, FPS, tool durabilities, etc etc.


I have some basic .drawCenteredString elements based off the Screen class that each displays some information. My main goal right now is to make each element moveable, resizeable, recoler-able, etc however I'm kind of at a loss of how to actually do something like that.


Here's an example of what I have so far & the strings displayed on screen: https://imgur.com/a/3uipLnB


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I think that this will be hard part. Vanilla minecraft does not have implemented this behavior. You have to do it all by yourself.


Easiest approach will be to have configuration where you set alignment, size etc..

Harder approach is to do it responsible by implementing drag&drop features and moving widgets by mouse like in Draconic Evolution mod. But this require A LOT of coding.


If you are beginner in modding and coding, just stay with plain config file, or simple configuration page with edit boxes.

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Forge's Slider has a drag & drop-ish feature, maybe look at that? You can also set Widget's positions with the forge-added setters.

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22 hours ago, Cadiboo said:

Forge's Slider has a drag & drop-ish feature, maybe look at that? You can also set Widget's positions with the forge-added setters.

I'll have to check that out and see what the class has, thanks for leading me to where I need to go! :)

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23 hours ago, Yanny7 said:

I think that this will be hard part. Vanilla minecraft does not have implemented this behavior. You have to do it all by yourself.


Easiest approach will be to have configuration where you set alignment, size etc..

Harder approach is to do it responsible by implementing drag&drop features and moving widgets by mouse like in Draconic Evolution mod. But this require A LOT of coding.


If you are beginner in modding and coding, just stay with plain config file, or simple configuration page with edit boxes.


I am a beginner in modding, however not coding in general. I know very basic OpenGL and have experience with other languages (C++, java, python, etc) however I haven't created something like this before.


Is it possible to use OpenGL to create a feature like what I want, without causing issues with the actual Minecraft game engine?


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15 minutes ago, Doodle173 said:

Is it possible to use OpenGL to create a feature like what I want, without causing issues with the actual Minecraft game engine?

OpenGL is a rendering engine. If you want to have buttons like Minecraft's ones you should be using Minecraft's system.


In your Screen, you’re going to want to have a Widget. This widget should be one of the children of your Screen. The widget can then set its position to the position of the mouse after it’s clicked and then stop setting its position when it’s clicked again.

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