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[1.15.2] Custom mob


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I did what you say, but now i get that exception:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: No renderer registered for enderslime:enderslime
    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.EntityRendererManager.<init>(EntityRendererManager.java:189) ~[forge-1.15-29.0.4_mapped_snapshot_20190719-1.14.3-recomp.jar:?] {re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}

I got it before sometimes when i registered something before render, but now i have no idea how to fix it. Commit: https://gitlab.com/Emily_Ravenhold/enderSlime/-/commit/73f0efefcddd7f1dd4a8bb7905f3dffce833a1e2


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@Emily_Ravenhold, entity renders should be registered on the Client side, and not on both: https://github.com/Cadiboo/Example-Mod/blob/1.15.2/src/main/java/io/github/cadiboo/examplemod/client/ClientModEventSubscriber.java


Make a new class and copy the code above. Try to learn how to register your things (value = Dist.Client is the same as @Dist.CLIENT)

New in Modding? == Still learning!

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@Emily_Ravenhold, i only want to say that you never created a Main class (every mod has a main class and when a person want to create a mod, normally it start with his main class. Without a Main class you can‘t use many features, like the DeferredRegister). Then show the new log, and full, not just a part of it, else we can‘t help you.

New in Modding? == Still learning!

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11 hours ago, Emily_Ravenhold said:

Does FMLClientSetupEvent call on a server side? I thought it calls only CommonSetupEvent.

No, on client side. The name say it: Client SetupEvent. Okay, i try to help you. Insert this in your (I just copied and modified Cadiboo‘s RenderRegister):

@EventBusSubscriber(modid = ExampleMod.MODID, bus = EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD, value = Dist.CLIENT)
public final class ClientModEventSubscriber {

	private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(ExampleMod.MODID + " Client Mod Event Subscriber");

	 * We need to register our renderers on the client because rendering code does not exist on the server
	 * and trying to use it on a dedicated server will crash the game.
	 * <p>
	 * This method will be called by Forge when it is time for the mod to do its client-side setup
	 * This method will always be called after the Registry events.
	 * This means that all Blocks, Items, TileEntityTypes, etc. will all have been registered already
	public static void onFMLClientSetupEvent(final FMLClientSetupEvent event) {

		// Register Entity Renderers
		RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(YourDeferredEntityType.get(), EnderSlimeRenderer::new);
		LOGGER.debug("Registered Entity Renderers");



It‘s don‘t was to hard, i linked you the Link to Cadiboo‘s Github and you just have to see and modify. Then you never created a EntityType for your EnderSlimeEntity, without this you can‘t register the Rendering and you can‘t make many things. Just see cadiboo‘s Github and you can see how you can make your EntityType (its in the intit package). Now you have all the elements you need (i said that you need to show us the full log, else we can‘t help you). It‘s my last help, now you can continue alone.

New in Modding? == Still learning!

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1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

This is not how you use DeferredRegister.

The point is that you do not create your registry objects (e.g. EntityType) in static initializers, that's why DeferredRegister#register takes a Supplier. Create your registry object in that supplier. That way Forge will ensure your object is created at the correct time.

Why it doesn’t work?


public static final RegistryObject<EntityType<EnderSlimeEntity>> ENDER_SLIME_OBJ = ENTITIES.register("enderslime", () -> ENDER_SLIME);

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5 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Did you read what I said? You are creating the EntityType object in a static initializer. You must not do that. Registry entries must be created at a very particular time, which is why DeferredRegistry asks for a Supplier, which will then automatically be ran at the appropriate time. You are bypassing this.

Oh, i understand. I should move my EntityType builder into DeferredRegistry’s lambda (Supplier) and it will call in time. Thanks.

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2 hours ago, Emily_Ravenhold said:

If you read the log, it say you: No renderer registered for enderslime:enderslime. Just read the logs

New in Modding? == Still learning!

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@Emily_Ravenhold, why you make this?

private static EntityType<EnderSlimeEntity> ENDER_SLIME = EntityType.Builder.create(EnderSlimeEntity::new, EntityClassification.MONSTER).build("enderslime");

You don‘t need to use static, if you need the EntityType then you can use the RegistryObject.get() function. It should look like this:

	    public static final DeferredRegister<EntityType<?>> ENTITIES = new DeferredRegister<>(ForgeRegistries.ENTITIES, "enderslime");
    public static final RegistryObject<EntityType<EnderSlimeEntity>> ENDER_SLIME_OBJ = ENTITIES.register("enderslime", () -> EntityType.Builder.create(EnderSlimeEntity::new, EntityClassification.MONSTER).build("enderslime"););

Then change ENTITIES from private to public, then you need to register your DeferredRegister.

New in Modding? == Still learning!

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2 minutes ago, DragonITA said:

And a better practice is to use YourModMainClass.MODID and not every time write "enderslime"

Yeah, i tried to fix that exception and didn’t give enough attention to code architecture. I’ll refactor when it will work. It is a totally different than 1.12.2 modding so there is not too much new modes or information about new versions. Thanks.

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