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[1.12.2-1.15.2] How Do I Register Items and Mod Recipes?

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Posted (edited)

There is no exemplification or examples that I know of that show how the .json crafting recipes are implemented or how the items are registered.


I can not update to a later version as the mod src range is not the same from 1.9 - 1.11.2.

Forge builds from 1.9 can be changed version to apply build by using its code for 1.11.2.


I do not know what the format is or is there information that I know of or a mod example to show how to register items properly from 1.11.2 format to the building range that 1.12.2 offers.


Being 1.12.2 -1.15.2. Then after that I will have to update my mod from that range to be consistent with 1.16.


The information I am looking for is how to register items and recipes for 1.15.2.


This being the same way consistent through the 1.12.2 - 1.15.2 versions of forge so I listed the Issue for 1.12.2 because my code is 1.11.2 and that's the workspace I have to update to the newer version of Minecraft.



I could update to 1.15.2 if I knew the format to update how items and recipes are registered for the 1.12.2 version.




That way I can code my mod on version 1.12.2 through 1.15.2 to compare or see the differences of code and know what's different from 1.11.2.


I have a previous thread that has been locked, which can be found here providing pictures of what I am having an issue with as well as an open mod src but the items and recipes aren't registered the right way for 1.12.2:


Edited by Guru
Posted (edited)

Registering an Item

Items must be registered to function.


There is also a convenience overload that takes an IForgeRegistryEntry and a ResourceLocation, which is equivalent to calling IForgeRegistryEntry::setRegistryName, followed by a GameRegistry.register call.


In main class preInit:



In the init located Moditems:

GameRegistry.register(FIRE_ORB.setRegistryName ("fireOrb"));




GameRegistry.register call.


This is broken in the 1.12.2 version and the information is invalid or incorrect logically. If gameRegistry.register does not work for 1.12.2 then it does not work for 1.15.2 because there is only squrt and there is no such thing as square root doubles and you can not create a steel cube.

Edited by Guru

I can guarantee that registering of items is working just fine in 1.15.2.

The problem you're facing is that a major rework was done on the forge api after 1.12.2. The latest documentation won't hold your hand explaining all changes, but it does a good job revealing what the latest way is.


I wouldn't recommend looking up old tutorials and porting your existing code base step by step, apart from a lot of overhead work, you will face countless other problems.


Take a look how items are registered in this github: https://github.com/Cadiboo/Example-Mod, start from there.

Posted (edited)

The egg item returns to null using an override in what would be in conjunction with an nbt compound which causes a conflict with firework item.


public static final RegistryObject<Item>

This method is deprecated, please use the following:



It does not reference to the right side of an A which is how come it's deferred.


public static final DeferredRegister<Item> ITEMS = new DeferredRegister<>(ForgeRegistries.ITEMS, ExampleMod.MODID);

// This is a very simple Item. It has no special properties except for being on our creative tab.

public static final RegistryObject<Item>




Items are being listed as deferred when the default Minecraft invisible texture is that which isn't guilded.


Therefor the end result is item firework 3 does not function as an item and I have returned that I have an item that is not my actual item or block by it not being able to reference to a steel cube or black lines individually if worldObj does not exist and the relativity of all entities is referenced to world.


The example also has no crafting recipes from the main text file or the modItems.


Which logically explains .json is not compatible with crafting recipes based on reference. The reason you need the .json for crafting recipes is because there is no other reference than world.


Without a steel cube or worldObj therefor renders the objects as deferred, which then is not able to reference to world.


Which logically explains that square root doubles can not be re-added to the Minecraft code itself. So everything functions on the incorrect recognition of four letters being sqrt.



Which logically by the same reference I am able to read squrt and figure it was actually the occurrence of an angle that way perhaps.



Ghast being spelled five letters which would then reference to Blaze.

Edited by Guru
Posted (edited)

Which still doesn't change that the examplification and information to register an item and a recipe is logically deprecated therefor not supported resulting in the first occurrence of my question resulting in a locked thread.


The website explains how to register items for 1.11.2 not 1.12.2-1.15.2 and so on and so forth.



Which logically should really have two examples as to register items and recipes for items that way there is universality of some kind update from one version to another.


Logically if the workspace does not provide the answer then look it up.

Edited by Guru
Posted (edited)

It is completely unclear what you are even asking.


I feel like you're trying to disguise asking for support for an old version just by throwing 1.15.2 in the title of your thread. Versions older than 1.14 are not supported on these forums, and as you've mentioned, thread will get locked with support requests for these old versions.



Items are registered either using registry events (old way) or using DeferredRegister. The Javadocs and Cadiboo's example mod, or even searching these forums for "DeferredRegister" will find you examples.


Recipes are added via json (except potion recipes, which is a whole other thing).

There are a million examples of json recipes in the vanilla files, and the minecraft wiki has a good breakdown of the syntax and available elements.


Please attempt what you are wishing to achieve, and if it does not work, post code (or a link to a github, which is better), logs, and exactly what you are trying to achieve from the end-user standpoint.

Edited by Ugdhar
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